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hamsup gweilo

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Posts posted by hamsup gweilo

  1. Not that I'd ever watch porn of course - horrid unwholesome exploitative stuff that it is - but I have been made aware of some quite amusing titles over the years and so I was wondering if anybody here had any of their own favourites?


    Some of the ones I liked were:


    'Black Cock Down'

    'Romancing the Bone'

    'In and Out of Africa'

    'Driving Miss Daisy Crazy'

    'Glad-he-ate-her' (No Russell Crowe in this one)

    and the not terribly politically correct - 'Slant Eye for the Straight Guy'

  2. Incidentally, talking about Honkers do you have any plans to come out here at some stage Jessie? I think you were in Shenzhen last year right and then saw you were in Thailand too not so long ago so seems you do the Asia holiday thing fairly regularly.


    I'd love to get Kang-banged and I've no doubt there would be plenty of other subbies out here up for a bit of mistreatment by your ho leng self if you wanted to combine a bit of business with leisure. Here's hoping anyway. Those photos of you at the rubber ball you look so damn hot!

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