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Posts posted by BeardlessBard

  1. Beardlessbard:


    Im delighted that my historical musings piqued your interest. It would be lovely to talk about in depth in person, especially about postmodernism as there are so may interesting concepts that have come out of that era. We are still somewhat in that time...aren't we? Thank you for the compliment on my writing, may I ask what grade your students are in? Many professors notice that students are no good at writing- I don't know how that happened when communication is one of the most important skills you can have. 


    I would love to know how Amish deal with their repressed sexuality. As far as I know, none have ever made it to the Fortress. Ha. I guess they would have to have permanently left the community for that. Anyway, sexuality is such a strong part of human nature, no matter how conservative a society may be, from Medieval period, Victorian or Amish country, it finds it's way of expressing itself. 


     We are more sexually open but we most certainly are not liberated, not at all. But once we've reached the height of sexual progression, I imagine a world that is more respectful and open to different sexual preferences, accepting of the gender spectrum, fetishes are seen as normal. A world without shame and judgement.

    I suppose postmodernism never truly ended, but as many of the primary themes of the movement are still prevalent within our society. Some might argue that postmodernism is dead (Really the whole thing is absurd in general, how can something come after modern, if modern is the current time? Why not call it futurism? Then again, the play of words here is something they probably intentionally toyed with). I've heard terms like "metamodernism" and "pseudorealism," given our society's love for fake reality and bubble gum pop culture. George Saunders work comes to mind as far as literature, but given his affinity for Vonnegut, it is difficult not to simply label him as another postmodernist. David Foster Wallace is probably a better example, but I haven't had the chance, and frankly the desire, to read Infinite Jest. Despite that, I've always wondered if people living during a specific "era" or "movement" realize they are in fact a part of a cultural shift, or is it more of a retrospective thing? Did the Victorians call themselves Victorians or was that a term ascribed to them later? Are we currently in a movement that has yet to be labeled?


    I'll say that I teach middle school and leave it at that. It should explain why the essays that I critique aren't exactly filled with academic rigor. It is depressing to say that I don't generally get to explore my literary period of choice very often, if at all. I believe that I have had a single student even recognize the term.


    I am shocked that no Amish have ever visited the Fortress! Maybe we should make fund a research project on the topic. Maybe write a peer-reviewed journal entry on the sexuality of their society. I'm not exactly sure who would want to review it to be fair. I didn't mean to suggest that our society is tolerant of all sexuality, but rather far more open than it once stood. This past weekend is a stark reminder that we have a long way to go. The society you described seems like a natural progression, but it is a journey that will be arduous. There is still much that bars us from living in a world without judgement, and without getting too political or philosophical, it mostly revolves around ideologies and ignorance from both sides.

  2. Mistress Rey,


    I must say, it is a simply enlightening experience whenever I read once of your posts. I spend much of my time grading essays, and your writing is a refreshing break from it all. You certainly compose better paragraphs than my students (but frankly, that isn't surprising). I scheduled an appointment on the second weekend of July, and I'm tempted to switch one of the mistresses out for you, simply because I feel like the discourse would be elating.


    Regardless, this is a lovely analysis of the links between fashion and taboo. I actually just finished teaching a unit on the Middle Ages, and clothing and religion were two elements that we frequently discussed in class. Don't let the garb of the time fool you, text certainly suggest that even such sheltered and conservative cultures had their raunchy sides. Chaucer does a lovely job of giving some subtler views of society at the time. I wish I could comment more on the Victorian era but my specialty is Postmodernism in American Culture, and our society had already begun its downward descent into the debauchery that we all enjoy today.


    It is clear that you know quite a bit about this topic. While it seems expected, I had no idea that their idea of being risque was so subtle. It is amusing to think that they displayed their more primal urges via undergarments or piercing, things that couldn't be seen. They were clearly more symbolic in their rebellion their contemporary counterparts. The very concept of the meekest flash of flesh, such as a wrist or ankle being considered sultry is nearly unimaginable. They are just nonsexual objects at this point, but years ago, it could stir any man I suppose. Of course, we can still find examples of this behavior all over the world. Indeed, even communities in our own country (though they may not be mainstream) still hold this moral view point. Maybe we can pay a visit to an Amish community and see what their idea of being indecent might be. Maybe they flirt by coloring coding their socks.


    I personally still find the idea of being nude with someone to be an embarrassing, and intimate experience, whether it is the first time or millionth time. It has nothing to do with shame, but something about the inherit nature of being so exposed.


    That begs the question though, considering that counter culture is always finding a way to rebel against the status quo, what is the next step? The beatnick era started us on a path to the modern era, and now sexuality is something so blatant and boisterous that it is hard to avoid. How does it keep pushing the envelope? Entire styles of life that were once considered taboo are now quite common place and easily accepted in our society. Do we somehow continue to one up it? If so how? Or do we take a step back and reevaluate? Counter the extreme with regression and fight back by returning to a simpler time?


    Your game does have some lovely creative and historical aspects to it! Perhaps it is something to test out. Does the slow teasing and taunting amplify the desire or simply frustrate? Either result can be desirable depending on the mood. 



    Maybe you can be one of her masked back up singers --- complete with dress, a wig, and your face covered.


    Hah, I think I would need to learn how to dance first. Despite all of the EDM I listen to, my dancing is reminiscent of a wet fish suffering from seizures.


    I've been wondering if some of her backup dancers are guys. Sometimes (not every video) they just seem like formless bodies without faces.

  4. The link sent me to watch it on Youtube. Very cute indeed :D I'd like to see that "pitch" for delivering a toy to first-time-sissy!


    Do we all know the dangers of being on Youtube? Look what I found. They are practically KISSING!! Watch 1:47 to 2:15 ("my wife don't get jealous") LOL






    Fast forward to fight day. Silva's showboating got him knocked out.


    I am so happy he got knocked out. I hate when Silva pulls shit like that. He is boring to watch when he doesn't want to fight. He deserved it.

  5. So I may be double posting here but... What have you done to me!? I downloaded a bunch of Kyary's songs on my phone. I am driving around town blasting jpop, getting the oddest looks. I think my friends are getting ready to disown me. This is the catchiest happiest most disgusting music ever. How can you not smile when listening to this?

  6. Do you have a problem wearing spandex? I think spandex is the next best thing to wearing your birthday suit.


    I have an idea for how you can wear a tail...but I don't think it would be suitable for the public!


    Hey! If you do it right, they might not even be able to tell... outside of the strange way I would be walking. I've actually never tried spandex, so... I can't comment.


    I have no idea what to go as. My older brother wants to be a gladiator or a spartan. However, that is only because he wants to manwhore his body since he is all ripped and muscly and stuff. I keep telling him those aren't even relevant now days but he doesn't seem to care. My inner hipster wants me to do something weird (is there anything even considered weird at these things?) but my lack of talent wants me to find an easy way out. Hah.

  7. Cakefarter...for a second there, it sounded a lot like Kickstarter, the website.



    Thanks for sharing your personal stories about how you learned about your own interests in the fetish community. I was kind of the same way. I was always very nerdy in High School. I played a lot of video games. I gravitated towards video games with female protagonists because I felt like I was somehow more represented in that way. One of my favorite series of video games is the Tomb Raider series. I'm wondering if you've ever played any of those?


    Of course I've played Tomb Raider! When the original came out though, it was 1996, so considering my age at the time... I wasn't very good at it. Sadly the series slowly declined. A new reimaging of Tomb Raider was released just this year. I hear it was pretty good actually.


    I did actually end up buying Comic Con tickets a week or so ago. I've been debating what to go as ever since. I was thinking Nightcrawler but then I'd have to wear spandex, and a tail! Not even sure how I would wear a tail...

  8. Oh snap, the guest forum finally updated?


    Hi BeardlessBard,


    So nice of you to write a review for our session. Both me and Koi are really glad we finally got to meet you.

    And Yes, I do want the link to the cake fart video. You know, that fetish video you *accidentally* stumbled upon while online and *accidentally* bookmarked.


    Hope you had fun with your Game of Thrones game.. :)


    The game went well! Nerded out and loved it. The cake fart video is not in my bookmarks! >Implying I would bookmark porn!


    I mean, a basic google search would of probably solved this problem too =p. And no, I would not eat the cake!


    Thanks for the kind words, BeardlesBard! We had a great time as well. Not bad considering it was your first time. Though, I'll spare you the multiple losses you're bound to experience if we ever leagued. Wouldn't want to whoop your butt twice! ;)


    Oh man, someone is confident in their abilities! I however, like getting my butt "whooped". I was totally wrong though. I was definitely able to sit the next day. I think I underestimated myself. That was pretty much the reply I was expecting though =p, privacy and clients and all that jazz. Totally understand. If you change your mind I play it all the time. Considering the money I sank into that dumb game... why do I even own surprise party fiddlesticks? I hate fiddlesticks!


    I'm glad to hear you came in! Isn't it nice to take chances?

    I'm always curious to hear about people's expectations before they come in. There's definitely a strong bdsm presence in nerd culture, did any of that impact you?


    It is great to take chances! I'm certainly happy that I did. Did my nerd culture impact me? I'd have to say that it certainly introduced me to a lot of the stuff I am interested in. When I was a young tech savvy boy, (not too long ago actually) I stumbled upon a website that we shall just describe as an anonymous imageboard based on a similar Japanese website. I still spend way too much time on that website. Anyway that website definitely introduced me to a bunch of fetishes and made me realize that I was not alone. Back when I was fourteen (holy fuck, almost a decade ago) I thought I was the only person in the world that like such weird things.


    Thanks to that website I was introduced to new fetishes that I had never considered, both real (feet, corporal punishment) and impossible (giantess, vore). Now days when I enjoy my fiction I always take a liking to those dominate female characters. I saw The Man Of Steel last week and I was all about Faoro Ul. Hnghhh, such a badass. Forget Lois Lane. I don't want a girl I need to rescue. I want a girl that can kick my ass.

  9. Let me start by saying that I am at loss of words for what to type here. I figure that might have something to do with trying to make this review a little different than everything else we see on this board. Alas, I am not sure how well I will accomplish that.


    I'll keep the nitty gritty to myself (you gits have to go yourself if you want the experience), but I will say that if you care about privacy, this place is for you. Everything is super sleek, and there is no chance of seeing other clients while you are there. I had the great pleasure of seeing the pink room. It has a goddamn asteroid (atari game) wall. As a nerd, I absolutely loved this. Mistress Sunya and Mistress Koi had me guess the meaning of the number on the top right (or was it left?), and I nailed it. Hah, take that riddle, you have been thoroughly bested!


    Regardless, they made me feel very comfortable. For what it is worth, I am pretty much a newby at this stuff. I had a single ex who was into femdom so my experiences were limited. However, Mistress Koi and Mistress Sunya made me feel very comfortable. I'm not the kind of guy who is all about servitude and feeling subhuman (no matter how true that might be, and how much of a nasty nasty perv I am), and I feel like they picked up on that right away. It was interesting getting tied up and flogged while discussing the finer points of game of thrones or videogames. I felt like I could be friends with these two after I was done and I was upset I had to leave no matter how much I wanted to continue being an awkward nerd. Oh god, depressing myself. Moving on. The procedure is simple, safe, and the mistresses are professionals at the trade. A quick talk when they get in, and then you are set to go! At one point my hand went numb from the ropes being a little tight and they picked up on that right away when I gave my hand a wayward glance (don't fail me now you dumb limb!). They were quick to respond and make sure I was alright.


    Anyway, the two hours flew by. We did everything that I mentioned I enjoyed and then some of their suggestions since I commented on being open minded and wanting to try new things. All in all it was a great experience. I have been eyeing the facility for ages (live nearby), and I am glad I finally bit the bullet and did it. I'll certainly be back in the future.




    Oh! P.S. Mistress Sunya, did you actually want that link to the cake fart video? It is pretty funny.

    P.S.S. Mistress Koi! You kept mentioning league of legends. Do you play? I could always use more friends to game with.

  10. Through some cosmic power (damn the gods) I fell I'll before the session. Thankfully, it is rescheduled for the 11th!


    I must really dig anxiety. My body has odd ways of prolonging it.




    You're excited? That makes me and Koi glad.. We've been scheming...


    Mistress Sunya! Plots scare me. They make me think of politics or assassins or something sinister. Are these plots sinister!?

  11. I'm sure you've ladies (and fellows) have seen this topic a thousand times before. Well, here is another one!


    I have a day set with the lovely Mistress Sunya, and the dazzling Mistress Koi next week. I'm sweating puddles. My heart feels like I sniffed a line of coke... and it won't come down. I'm so nervous. I've obviously talked to Mistress Ree through emails, so they know what I'm looking for but yet, I still don't know what to expect?


    How do I calm the hell down? Also, generally speaking what is the first thing you do when you get there? (Looking at you vets) I haven't a clue how to behave! I'm so hopeless.


    The following song explains my internal environment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RifgRnIMJfA



  12. Sandal weather is the worst. Ignoring allergies, all the girls start walking around in flip flops and it is the most distracting thing ever. How am I supposed to focus on anything!? Plus anyone with a keen eye will instantly spot me as a perv (thankfully no one has yet) as I keep sneaking glances at some woman's feet. Terrible, truly terrible.

  13. I believe the Ladies at the Fortress happen to love a good limerick. ;)


    Mistress Koi,


    You ladies would like limericks. Gotta pick one of the few forms of poetry I haven't studied! Time to embarrass myself!



    Once there was a lowly bard

    Who found out that rhyming is hard,


    But to prove his dedication

    he took his mistress’ temptation


    but now his confidence in it is jarred





    I have no idea if that even works...

  14. I am so necroing this thread. Season 3 has started! Anyone else excited? We are getting some strong players added to the cast. Olenna Redwyne is going to be awesome. Dat matriarchy! The house of flowers has it right.


    I'm still sad we won't be seeing any Dornish men this season. Ugh, I fucking love the Dornes. The red viper gets me all flustered, and don't even get me started on Dark Star.

  15. Beardlessbard,

    If you are feeling angst over "male privilege", or better yet "white male privilege", there is only one true path to enlightenment and assuaging that guilt. [email protected]

    I happen to be working my way through "Sex at Dawn" recommended by Mistress Zhao at present.



    Implying I haven't already sent an email! I have to wait a bit though. I wasn't aware they only book a month ahead of time. It seems like an interesting book. I'd love to see what the other Mistresses recommend.

  16. I'm going to play devil's advocate here. After all, where is the fun without a debate? (Keep in mind, this may not be my actual position)


    First off, this is an internet forum. Most of the time, people end up quoting each other without saying the person's name or screen name. You don't need to when the quote block does it for you! Even then, I am not seeing all that many subs calling the Mistresses by their names with no prefix. If anything I see a lot of Ms. K or Ms. J, which still has a prefix. I think that is sufficient.


    Maybe I am just a bad sub? When I am in a scene, I am just like the rest of the guys here. They are the mistress, I am the slave, and I'll do whatever it is they ask. Outside of that though, I tend to treat everyone like they are you know... normal humans. If I thought of myself as some subhuman, constantly servile, true to the word slave, I think I would quite seriously be depressed. I have enough self-esteem issues as is! Hell, I don't even know how I would manage my students if I couldn't even manage myself. I've had a single femdom relationship. It was a lot of fun, and a lot of work. However, despite the relationship being clearly skewed so that I did the vast majority of the work (after all, it was my job to keep her happy), I still didn't call her mistress all the time. I don't know. To me, it is more of a play thing and less of a 24/7 thing.


    Regardless, I still call the ladies - "Mistress" on the forums.

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