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Posts posted by theotherone

  1. theotherone and wayne,

    I think that the Fortress is very much like a Love Hotel in some ways. We provide a safe place for you to let your freak flag fly!

    And what a relief it is to not have to hide it, even if it's only for a few hours at a time.


    Freak flag? Hehehe


    The Mistress Zhao Experience


    If only 6 was 9.


    Hours become days in the sense of enternally altered thoughts and perceptions that last a lifetime. I'll take those hours any time.


    Thanks for your kind words as always.

  2. You said it ('cause you know it) like a poet ;-)

    Thank you for the KKind words ;-)  It was beautifully written and even more intimately honest.


    PS I like your user-pic!  New?  Very cool..


    Mistress Kang -The words had to be written because they were buring the inside of my head and my hand was still twitching.


    Had this profile pic for a while, just bizarre enough ;)

    Was actually thinking of changing it to another of her works.

    Glad you like it.

  3. Unsurprisingly, given the pain, cortisol levels went up during the ritual. But something odd happened: Participants reported feeling less stressed.

    "We see this interesting disconnect," Sagarin said. "We think this may be indicative of the types of altered states of consciousness people might be seeking."


    I think this passage is most interesting.


    Major kudos to Mistress Zhao for posting -> of course -who else?


    Is it a seeking an expectation? A desired destination?

    Is your Domme, Mistress, Queen .....the engineer on the ride driving that train?


    The destination is always a place not of the physical, how rudimentary and pedestrian, but rather a place no one knows but you, and your one you are devoted to?

  4. that moment sounds terrifying- mind sharing more about what happened in that instance?

    i can't even imagine what that was like.. :(

    Oh Dear Mistress Fei, terrifying? Of course to look into the face of death is terrifying but also soothing and releasing. When death comes it comes as that which completes the circle not to erase an edge. I simply think of the enso, what happens on the other side, I cannot control it, it is.


    Connection to people, whether transient, permanent, lasting in passing, helps me in elongating the size.


    Facing terror is part of facing yourself, on whatever level. Avoiding it is not to live? Love? Be?


    INHO not that I am right or wrong , it is where I am, now... :D

  5. I'm curious to know how often you truly feel connected and present in life.


    Do you have a particular instance that you can remember of a true connection? A click? If so, how did it feel and why did it stick with you?


    Who was it? What effect did it have?


    Do you feel you are able to be present at all times, why or why not?


    What was a time you felt completely connected, present and in flow in the last month?


    Do you come to the Fortress to feel that connection, that vulnerability and flow?


    Always interested in learning more about the human condition and how it relates to BDSM.. Again- feel free to PM me if you have that privilege, if you'd rather speak to me in private. Excited to read and learn more about you.


    x Fei


    what an mind expanding series of questions to sit and ponder and share.

    For me it was learned skill, a need to always be in the present. If not in the present then not in the moment. If not in the moment then not at all.


    In this life there were a few experiences - all near death or experiences of death first hand that fortifide my unrelenting desire to slow time down as much as I could though you never do or can. Time is the most valuable and precious asset you have. It is not the absence of death that creates life since they are in an eternal dance together, but knowing there is a finite end and no surety of tomorrow really being that make NOW matter. 


    And for many the pain of then -yesterday -past, confuses, clouds, obfuscates the Now so the now is not. The eternally tortured soul looking to change what was, so sad.


    I have had reminders,

    Looking in to eyes of my father as he died after many years of separation.

    Driving an SUV off of an embankment of a highway and walking away through the windshield- and no you don't see a tunnel or your life pass before your eyes -imho.

    Finding death at your feet.


    So in this present life, until the next one, it is all about today. Many years of little sleep to use every hour -not to miss something BUT TO DO SOMETHING.


    So when at the FF, it is about that moment and who you get to be with and if you feel that connection.

    The vulnerability, the qualified yes, the fearful no, the embracing of new, the being alive with someone who knows, the opening of a new door can only be done with someone you feel connected to. If not your going to get hurt -and not in a good way.


    Being in that moment, leading to that place, is all part of the now -it's awesome -it doesn't take a wizard to figure that one out, lol

  6. I just watched the trailer again and realize how beautiful it is and well done.

    The emotions being conveyed in quick clips are powerful.


    Think of all the repression and tension in the US that could be relieved?


    Thank goodness for the FF, ; )

  7. Love hotels are very common in Korea. I always enjoy a laugh and the occasional afternoon relaxing in the beloved excesses of life, love hotels are not just a city phenomenon but also enjoyed in the countryside and smaller cities and towns. My Korean guides are always a valuable asset,lol

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