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Nancy from now on

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Posts posted by Nancy from now on

  1. Hi Jack, I haven't yet.. but I have found the film and the book to be very different. The film is from the male gaze while the book is written by a feminist writer. In the film, we can't quite identify w/ Amy as much, she's easily dismissed as crazy psycho bitch. In the book, we see her thought process, making her much more relatable. That to me makes ALL the difference.


    thank you for your suggestion, i will check it out when i get a chance


    Which two characters does the lawyer combine?

    I'll ruin it. The lawyer in the movie is black right? White in the book. But his wife is black.


    They axed the female character and ascribed her race and some scenes to the male. I didn't think of it like that until you mentioned the male gaze thing. You're smart.

  2. Love Hotels are a healthy and safe place to express your less common desires and I think the Japanese are so on point with providing a place to do so. When I first discovered them through a photography book that a friend put out, I was amazed!

    Our little three-room "love hotel" comes with a playmate!

    Mistress Zhao, was this book called Pink Box? It has a transparent vinyl cover.

  3. My first experience at a love hotel was like: I was lady ditched and grumpy at my reggae bar in the snow country, drunk with an English guy - saying to him "I'm sleeping with the next woman that comes in here."

    The next woman to come in was about sixty years old (her name was Reko, she was a lush) and she ordered me garlic bread. Perfect move. English friend was like "No." and I was like "'Fraid so."


    The sex toy vending machine was cool. The bed was super novel. You could adjust all the lights a hundred different ways. Best part was this guest book in the room that was full of caricatures of like different somebody's one time sex partners, I.E. ladies with full mustaches, fat guys w/ micro dick. The worst part was when Reko fell in the hot tub, but she bounced back.

    Love hotels get a B+ in my book.

  4. Mistress Fei, have you finished the book yet?

    It's great how faithful the movie is. Fincher really set a good tone. It could've gone the other way.


    Good compromises too. I like how the lawyer in the movie combines two characters from the book.


    If you like the sister in the film, you really should borrow/take an HBOGo login and watch the leftovers. She's great in that. Series is better than the novel.



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