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Mistress Ahn

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Status Updates posted by Mistress Ahn

  1. For now it seems so. But you never know. I may make a guest appearance if the moods strikes me. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. subDC1


      Miss you Mistress Ahn! I still haven't been able to find a better mistress than you! You are simply awesome and perfect! Hope you are well! Greetings from Dubai!

    3. shrimper


      Hey Mistress Ahn,

      I hope things are going well for you. I will NEVER forget you.

    4. tommygermany


      Dear Ms. Ahn, what do you say...is there any chance the mood would strike you around this year's Halloween? I'd love to see you again...you, ms. choi and ms. vu would be an amazing combination :)


  2. tommy! I look forward to it!

  3. Tommy! I'm so sorry, that sucks! Know that I still accept and care about you!

    Shrimper, ha! I remember that! Good times.

  4. oh my, I havent checked my page in a while.

    Tommy, I'm glad you went on a date! It's good to get out and make connections with people!

    sub DC... I miss you! lol

  5. doesn't bluff.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Danny


      Mistress Ahn, I'm logging in for the first time. Thought I'd say hello to you. I'm living in South Korea right now. Were you born here or in the U.S. danny


      P.S. looking forward to being a more active participant in this forum in anticipation of when I'll be able to visit NYC and The Fortress.

    3. Big Trouble Baby
    4. akiravn1


      Should we play poker some time?

  6. js43... I <3 the poem but am left hanging by the post script! I want to know what it said!

    Subdc, I miss you too! You need to vacation to NY so we can session again... or perhaps I should make a guest appearance in your town, at least it's warm there. lol

  7. I just wanted to thank you personally for the amazing stationary!

    It was possibly the most creative and flattering gift I've received to date. I can't believe you sent it all the way from Germany!

    I LOVE it.

    Thank you so so so so much again.

    I wish there was an appreciation button! lol

  8. HAHAHA, all your base always belong to Ahn.

  9. omg.... strawberry mochi?!?!

    Mochi is to Ahn as chocolate is to all other women.

  10. Also, pertaining to the CFNM thing, I do like it, but what girl wouldn't it's hilariously good fun.

  11. Like I say it really depends on the situation.

    In some aspects it can add to the level of control and/or make pain more of an option.

    However I feel that TD should never be an entire session because then crosses a line from bdsm to stripping. TD can be a subtle help but not if it's for the wrong reasons. Does that make more sense? I LOVE bondage, it's hard for me to go a sess...

  12. Tommy:

    I really enjoyed our session too. I tried but alas we didnt have enough time. I'm glad you finally got the chance to see me after so much trying lol!

    I like the dress, but not as much as I liked you ^_^

    Just e-mail Jessy and she'll unlock the devotee board for you.

  13. js4343 my favorite activities vary depending on the sub. Although there are certain activities I do enjoy more than others. I do session with first timers. T&D isn't my cup of tea, unless it is in strict BDSM context. It just feels unnatural and ruins the whole control dynamic if I'm not into it in the given situation. Nevertheless sometimes it works in my favor and aids the session...

  14. just bring them with you.

  15. Woffy: HA! I cant help that your booty's so spankable.

    js4343: Hi! lol

    dafish: I'm super excited and yes, I want ALL of your triggers... Even if you dont tell me all of them, I'm sure I can wrangle them out of you. hehehe.

  16. I'm hoping you enjoyed our session together. Even if it was a little awkward in the end. lol

    I really enjoyed it... maybe more than you! ^_^

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