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Posts posted by semaphore66

  1. Mistress Ahn,


    I'm a gamer ..... and I've actually had that incorporated into a session before! This girl in Montreal challenged me to various Wii games. I'm a PC gamer mostly...not too experienced with the Wii .... so she pwnnned me every time. Getting pwnned resulted in increasingly nasty punishments. :twisted: I'm not sure what would have happened if I actually won against her .... I'm sure it wouldn't have been any less tormenting tho!


    I'm sure any sub would love to be pwnned by you! I'd love to go against you some day .... although I would be fearful of what might ensue if I actually happened to beat you! :o

  2. Switch Choi,


    I am most certainly trying to suck up to your dork liking side .... is it working? :D


    I've searched long and hard for your "theme" music.... anything that sounds similar. This is as close as I've come: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HWp2Yd_nLE



    You're too kind, Longhall. Still replaying parts? And, I'm curious - what else made your top 10 list?


    Semaphore, are you trying to suck up to my dork-liking side?




    I am so with you... The airblade is the coolest. Ms Choi is intoxicating, amazing, wonderful and did a great session with me. I had a fabulous time and still replay parts of the session in my mind days later. Being a bit of a connoisseur of Studios around the world I can say the Fortress is very nice, a little small, but hey it's NY. The airblade is definitely in my top 10 things I liked about the fortress, and that's pretty damn good for a hand dryer.

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