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Reflections...and Mistress Zhao...my first.

Big Trouble Baby

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Christmas gatherings bring out reflections of the year gone by. Someone inevitably will tell of their experiences during the year. Some good,some bad, some happy, some sad. The first participant reminisced about his youth. How much different the toys were then compared to now. He also talked about his "firsts". His first bike, school, girlfriend, car, etc. When my turn came I paused for several seconds then said "My most memorable experience of the year was my session with Mistress Zhao last week". WHAT??? ...WHO??? ...WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???

When I explained who Ms Zhao was and that I had a session of discipline and punishment with Her the entire room howled with laughter. "There he goes again"..."You had me fooled for a second"..."You have one warped sense of humor"(yes I do). Well... I tried... can't help it if they wont believe me. chuckle chuckle


As I reminisce about my own life, I also recall my "firsts". My first crush(I was 4...didn't work out). My first teenage crush, my first girlfriend, and many other people and places, some vivid, some faded.


Mistress Zhao now joins my lists of "firsts", and like the others She'll always have a special place in my heart.



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