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First BDSM experience coming up at the Fortress:-)


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After several months browsing the web for information about the BDSM lifestyle, I finally decided to do something about it. I'm a total newbie, but totally curious about this lifestyle. Several posts on here suggested 1 hour wasn't enough time to enjoy the experience completely, so after some thinking I booked a 3 hour session with M. Chen. For the last 2 hours it will be a double domme session with M. Tran as well... So now I have 2 weeks until my session. And I have to admit, I'm frightened but at the same time thrilled and dying of curiousity.. Who knows what will happen?


What thoughts did you have before entering the Fortress? Was it fear? Excitement? Let me know...

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I wouldn't want to give anything away, but that first experience is incredible. I was excited coming in, but there's always that unknown factor. Do yourself a favor and let your head play tricks on you and keep an open mind. MTran and MChen are super sexy and I'm sure will give you a memorable ride. Best wishes!

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After several months browsing the web for information about the BDSM lifestyle, I finally decided to do something about it. I'm a total newbie, but totally curious about this lifestyle. Several posts on here suggested 1 hour wasn't enough time to enjoy the experience completely, so after some thinking I booked a 3 hour session with M. Chen. For the last 2 hours it will be a double domme session with M. Tran as well... So now I have 2 weeks until my session. And I have to admit, I'm frightened but at the same time thrilled and dying of curiousity.. Who knows what will happen?


What thoughts did you have before entering the Fortress? Was it fear? Excitement? Let me know...



Congratulations on taking the plunge. I frequently think of my first Fortress session and the days leading up to it. Mine was a week before Christmas and I had wished Christmas would go away so I could concentrate on my new endeavor. Fear and excitement describe it perfectly. I envy you as you go through this initial phase.

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