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Insomnia Strikes again! ?

Thanks guys for commenting previously re: My Insomnia. The Melatonin stopped working. lol

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Mistress Von Dietz

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You can't take melatonin every night, its supposed to be used to reset your sleep schedule from time to time. Otherwise you'll get used to it (your brain naturally produces a small amount of melatonin naturally). Have you tried exercising only during the day (not right before bed), stretching or meditating before bed, or making sure all light sources are off in your room before bed (including using a bluelight filter on your phone/laptop/whatever for at least a few hours before sleeping - its this spectrum of light that is responsible for keeping you awake)? 

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11 hours ago, kevybaby said:

You can't take melatonin every night, its supposed to be used to reset your sleep schedule from time to time. Otherwise you'll get used to it (your brain naturally produces a small amount of melatonin naturally). Have you tried exercising only during the day (not right before bed), stretching or meditating before bed, or making sure all light sources are off in your room before bed (including using a bluelight filter on your phone/laptop/whatever for at least a few hours before sleeping - its this spectrum of light that is responsible for keeping you awake)? 

Hi Kevybaby,

I exercise now only in the mornings, & recently learned about the lights being an issue.  

I have always had nightlights or a string of fairy lights hanging around, as well as the television on as I tried desperately to sleep. ?

Currently, my room is as dark & quiet as I can get it to be, & I usually can only stay asleep for 2-3 hours, when It does happen for me! 

I would actually be into a sleep study at this point. lol 

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16 hours ago, Mistress Von Dietz said:

Hi Kevybaby,

I exercise now only in the mornings, & recently learned about the lights being an issue.  

I have always had nightlights or a string of fairy lights hanging around, as well as the television on as I tried desperately to sleep. ?

Currently, my room is as dark & quiet as I can get it to be, & I usually can only stay asleep for 2-3 hours, when It does happen for me! 

I would actually be into a sleep study at this point. lol 

Idk if noise wakes you up but if it does you could also try a white noise machine or even just a loud fan (that's what I use every night because I'm a light sleeper and the slightest noise will wake me up). And yeah if the lights are all off that's good but also do try installing blue light filters on any phones/laptops/etc. and turn those filters on at least a few hours before you sleep because even staring at blue light like an hour before I try to sleep will make it harder to fall asleep. And regular sleep schedules are also ideal if possible, or at least waking up around the same time every day. If you go to sleep usually around the same time every night that's also ideal obviously but more important is actually to wake up around the same time every day. There's soft wake alarms also for that to be less jolting. And at least in my experience, this helps me reliably fall asleep at the same time every night (along with the loud fan). Temperature in the room is comfortable? Idk what else it could be. Something might be stressing your mind maybe? I used to have the worst fucking insomnia every single night so I feel for you. All the stuff I mentioned helped me in conjunction with eachother and I know its a lot but the point is to take your sleep very fucking seriously because its so unbelievably important. I'd say (in my experience) the most important things for health are sleep, then healthy food, then exercise - in that order. So get your sleep down to a fucking science. I feel for you, lmk if any of that stuff I mentioned helps please

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I used to have nightmares every single night without fail that Cruella DeVille from 101 Dalmations would kidnap me and they were so unbelievably terrifying that I never wanted to fall asleep at nights because I knew that 100% that if I fell asleep Cruella DeVille would kidnap me in a dream and it would feel real and be fucking horrifying. I mean every single night for about 3 or 4 years and I'm being very serious. Every night. 

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You're doing all the right things, but one or two therapy sessions might be what's needed.. sounds like it could be caused by some subconsious

Also, you could try CBD oil therapy .. it has helped  me with my mood and sleep issues. 

kevybaby won't agree cos it didn't work for him. But it doesn't affect everyone in the same way, and you should use a reputable local retailer who will supply transparent testing results, so you can be confident that you're getting a pure hemp oil with the right potentancy.

Also you need to give your system time to absorb and acclimate the CBD.

If you'd like to give it a try i've been using CBD from hemp grown and processed on a local organic farm in Kentucky.... Laura's Mercantile.


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When I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, I find that a bowl of cereal takes care of it (like a baby). I have to lie on my left side to aid digestion.

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Just now, electrofan said:

When I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, I find that a bowl of cereal takes care of it (like a baby). I have to lie on my left side to aid digestion.

That's cereal with milk.

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Every now and then, for no apparent reason this pops into my head .. and i wonder if you're still troubled by this.

Hope you're managing it better.

Stay well in all things..

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