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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. Your moral dilemma is understandable, but remember.. You only live once, and while laying on your deathbed, You only regret the things you don't do. So with that being said, morals schmorals. xo
  2. I totally agree with you. It's interesting to see cultural differences in horror films. Oh, Swedes!
  3. Interesting...my mechanical preferences are as much about impracticality as they are aesthetics. I'm not a fan of the giant intake on the front of the Veyron, although if I could get some decals that look like fangs, I might reconsider
  4. This year, I've decided to skip Halloween. Mainly because Halloween happens just about every day for me. The dressing up and going out and being amongst total freaks. I will embark on a very spiritual journey into clarity and purification with a weekend yoga retreat. It will be all in silence with hiking, The Master Cleanse, and a sweat lodge ceremony. And by the end of this, I will be so clean and pure that I just may become invisible. Maybe that will be my costume...invisible and naked. xo
  5. YES!! I am in total agreement with you on this one...The scene where all you see is the shadow and sound of the poor common man getting his face bashed in with the bottle of beer..so twisted. And the one where the servant lady slices the evil General's mouth/cheek...horrific. Guillermo del Toro is such a visionary. I'm currently reading his book he co-wrote with Chuck Hogan, The Strain. It's enthralling and such a vivid story.
  6. How sweet of your pc. It must be the "implied nudity"
  7. Zen, They are all still up! mZ: http://www.fortressnyc.com/Players/Zhao ... voyeur.htm Mistress Jung: http://www.fortressnyc.com/Players/Jung ... hackle.htm Mistress Ree: http://www.fortressnyc.com/Players/Ree/ ... d-Toes.htm and http://www.fortressnyc.com/Players/Ree/ ... ay-Pee.htm Enjoy!
  8. I think thats the point of suspense thrillers though. To feel like the director is pulling your strings. I just think it was done very well in Paranormal Activity. I love looking around the theater and looking at everyone leaning forward or hiding partially behind their hands visibly holding their collective breath. The Others? Really? With Nicole Kidman? With the M. Night Shyamalamadingdong-esque ending and no replay value whatsoever? I almost walked out of it when I saw it in theaters. I guess we have totally different psychological aesthetics. I think that going into Paranormal Activity, I knew just about everything to expect, and that there was a lot of hype surrounding it, like having to request it at your local theater, etc. I admit that the suspense was thrilling for some, but maybe I was just spoiled by expectation.. The Others, to me, is a more romantic if not spooky narrative. Less mundane because of all the dark corners and twisted perspective. I don't really even consider The Others much of a horror tale. It's not the least big horrible One film that did catch me off-guard was the first half of The Descent.
  9. You guys are so sweet for writing such fabulous reviews Thanks! I hope to get into your heads again, soon. xo
  10. Paranormal Activity = Domestic Blair Witch Sorry, I have a hard time suspending my disbelief when I feel like the filmmakers are blatantly pulling my strings. My favorite horror/suspense is still The Others.
  11. Looks like we had a great time! Unfortunately, I can't be held accountable for anything I don't remember, even if there is photographic proof. :shock:
  12. That first picture.. *gasp* I'd never seen a lotus foot, only heard about them. The ancient Chinese tradition of foot-binding was so perverse. It was supposed to show wealth and leisure, women who couldn't walk on their freakishly tiny feet most certainly couldn't be expected to do manual labor work. But look at them! Hideous!!! It's also rumored that the space created in the arch was supposed to be fleshy and tender...you know, like a vagina. Hahahahah.
  13. Call me old fashioned, but if I get to choose a car to get in, it would be to drive the hell out of it. Something sexy, sleek, and super-charged..and completely impractical. Maybe something like this Lamborghini Reventon, Brings new meaning to word auto-erotic!
  14. There are a few events Choi mentioned attending...Hedo and something else. I'm all for it! We can make our own all-girl-porno-and-champagne-fest
  15. Woffy, That was the desired effect. I have a slew of ideas for videos...many of them with a voyeuristic feel. Recently on youtube, I discovered a surprising number of public transportation voyeur videos of anonymous womens' feet and shoes. Would anyone on this forum be into that? M. Ree..your kitty is adorable and so chill. What's his/her name?? xo
  16. I will most definitely be there for the next fun all-girl-porno-and-champagne-fest.
  17. Thank you to all of you! It's honestly such a treat and pleasure to have access to not only the most beautiful/sexy *real* women, but to have the vision to be able to capture you ladies with my camera. Now if only I can get a sweet little remote control for my camera so I can take hot photos of myself.. :geek: xo
  18. Mistress Zhao, Just what are you suggesting here? Ray You'd make a great Mrs. Doubtfire
  19. mZ, I came across something that could help you live the dream of being a vampire. But of course without plastic fangs and makeup. http://www.urban-collector.com/blood-en ... 91652.html Even has the same nutritional makeup as actual blood (protein, electrolytes, iron) but with a fruit punch taste instead of an icky coppery taste. 6 bucks American per pack. Plus it has the same consistency, colour, and looks just like the actual stuff. I wonder if it stains the same way :twisted: -Monokuro Monokuro, While I totally appreciate your research, this would be a sorry substitute for a warm, writing body.
  20. Hi Allsgood, I believe our exact location is only disclosed at the time of a booked session And Mistress Kang would be the one to enlighten you with that information upon that time. Don't you worry, once a session is booked, you'll have a one-way ticket of knowledge to our front door. As for your last question about our special footwear, the assumption about it being a cultural thing is vague..do you mean Asian thing? Or fetish thing? The heels we wear are most definitely very common among folks whose job description involves looking sexy. The shoes I usually wear into a kicking session are thigh-high leather boots with speed laces that hook onto anything they come near, including your skin.. :twisted:
  21. I have to admit that it's mildly thrilling to transform a boy face into a girl face.. and has always been a hobby of mine. I wouldn't call it a fetish, and at this point in my life, I've done it to so many boys/men that it's become almost a job.. :shock: But I do love a good challenge. A burly beard that gets clean shaven off is a good start. Any takers..? Woffy? xo
  22. Hm..where to begin... For one, I've always been very aware of my sexuality. I started masturbating when I was four. I know this is is off topic, but since we're divulging our inner secrets.. So I developed a vampire fetish when I was in middle school. The idea of everlasting life mingled with immortal beauty was enticing, but the act of drawing blood through sharp fangs really did it for me. Not only did I want to grow some sharp fangs and try them out, I wanted my jugular to be punctured by some pale, thin, mysterious vampire creature. I wanted to be inducted into a coven of vampires that lived in a dark, creepy place. I wanted to hunt other humans and hold them in my arms as I pierced their flesh with my fangs..The intimacy of killing someone like that seems like a sadistic romantic fairy tale.. Somewhere between high school and college I developed voyeuristic tendencies. I once convinced a high school boyfriend to do it with me on a church playground. Just like Ahn, the thrill of watching or being watched is immeasurably exciting. I even blush a little when I witness PDA. But I own binoculars and am not afraid to use them...so watch out. xo
  23. Yeehaw! I love riding ponies. Especially furry ones xo
  24. akira, You sure do like to pour your sugary-sweet syrup all over the proverbial waffles, don't you?
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