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Big Trouble Baby

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Everything posted by Big Trouble Baby

  1. Great pictures from your holiday dinner. Looks like you all had a terrific time. Wish I could have been "waiter for a day" so I could have served you. Ray
  2. All of your pictures are fabulous. Ms Zhao is a true artist. My favorites are lingerie 006 and 001. While all the photos reflect your obvious attributes, these two beautifully emphasize your piercing eyes. I can't look at them for too long because I fear you're looking deep into my soul. Ray
  3. Thank You Ms Zhao for your kind response. I just saw it myself last night for the first time and really enjoyed it. I didn't realize it was an adaptation of Pygmalion. Ever see the 1938 version with Leslie Howard? With love Raymond
  4. I've been trying to post a review of Mistress Zhao since Friday. It was fairly long (and positive). Each time I pressed submit I was returned to the login page. I tried on both Forums. I posted a reply this morning to another topic and got denied once and succeeded on the second. Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions? Ray
  5. Ms Ahn looks like a commando ready to parachute behind enemy lines. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES. Ray
  6. Ms Seung looks so delicate and so sweet I can hardly believe she could hit anybody. Ray
  7. shermie, I think you're right. I scheduled with her in the afternoon, when it's safe(I think). Ray
  8. Dearest Ms Zhao. As I mentally prepare for our second session next week, I'm wondering if I'll need to be brave also? With love Raymond Of course you do, Woffy. Be brave, be very, very brave xo mZ Yes Ma'am
  9. Dearest Ms Zhao. As I mentally prepare for our second session next week, I'm wondering if I'll need to be brave also? With love Raymond
  10. By the way Ms Zhao, the picture of you holding the microphone?...were you singing to or scolding the audience? Raymond
  11. Century old body?...virgin blood?...I feel like a little boy watching a vampire movie on Chiller Theater. But what a beautiful vampire. Raymond
  12. My dear Mistress Zhao Your new photos are phenomenal. I can hardly wait to be in your presence again. With love Raymond
  13. Please indulge me this story of my first journey to the Fortress. I was introduced to the Fortress website by my best friend Jim who had Mistress experience before. This was in August. After several weeks of viewing the photos and reading the posts on the Forum I informed Jim that I was thinking of scheduling a session. Jim smiled and said "really" with a look that may have said "yeah right". I was not really sure that I would actually do it. This is where the "blues" comes in. I have a history of depression and the holidays can hit especially hard. In mid October my Shih Tzu named China, my little pal of 17 years died. I was devastated . Jim and his wife were especially helpful in consoling me. Two days later Jim suddenly and very unexpectedly died. I spent the next few weeks going through my classes and other responsibilities on auto pilot, can't remember much about them. Right before Thanksgiving I started to anticipate major depression and knew I needed a distraction. I went on the computer looking for something, anything to keep me busy. Then I remembered the Fortress. What the heck...I'll do it. I scheduled a session with Ms Chan for mid December. For the next two weeks I engaged in mental gymnastics thinking about Ms Chan and my session. Then on the 11th(my birthday) I was informed Ms Chan was on sabbatical and would not be available. I was crushed. I felt like a teenage boy ready for his first date with a dream girl and she changed her mind at the last minute(curses). With Christmas two weeks away and New Years thee I couldn't let this disappointment sink me. I rescheduled with Mistress Zhao and eight days later I became a Fortress veteran(alright..alright...I'm still a rookie). Except for a little melancholy on Christmas eve the holidays went very well, much better than I could have hoped for. Thank you Ms Kang for having the fortress. I loved the Steel room. Entering this room where Ms Chan posed in and in front of reminded me of being a little boy entering Yankee Stadium for the first time. Thank you Ms Chan. Although we didn't session(maybe someday you'll grace me and allow me into your presence) the anticipation of a session with you kept me totally distracted and on the edge. Thank you Ms Zhao for a wonderful session. The memory lifted me through the holidays. I hope to see you soon. Sorry for the length of this but I had to tell somebody, and with Jim gone...well... you know. Ray
  14. Hi Ms Kang. I did Bikram regularly for 3 months several years back. While i thought the balancing asana was great, I thought the rest of the class was boring. Have you tried Anusara? Very strong on alignment , which I love and always emphasize in class. Ray
  15. Christmas gatherings bring out reflections of the year gone by. Someone inevitably will tell of their experiences during the year. Some good,some bad, some happy, some sad. The first participant reminisced about his youth. How much different the toys were then compared to now. He also talked about his "firsts". His first bike, school, girlfriend, car, etc. When my turn came I paused for several seconds then said "My most memorable experience of the year was my session with Mistress Zhao last week". WHAT??? ...WHO??? ...WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? When I explained who Ms Zhao was and that I had a session of discipline and punishment with Her the entire room howled with laughter. "There he goes again"..."You had me fooled for a second"..."You have one warped sense of humor"(yes I do). Well... I tried... can't help it if they wont believe me. chuckle chuckle As I reminisce about my own life, I also recall my "firsts". My first crush(I was 4...didn't work out). My first teenage crush, my first girlfriend, and many other people and places, some vivid, some faded. Mistress Zhao now joins my lists of "firsts", and like the others She'll always have a special place in my heart. Ray
  16. Ms Zhao, I understand your passion for discipline and punishment because I'm badly in need of both. I fully expect to be shown the error of my ways and dealt with according to my merits when next we meet. I strongly suspect your ruler and I shall have much to discuss. Until that time Ms Zhao...until that time. With love, Raymond.
  17. I had my first Fortress experience yesterday(first Mistress experience ever). To say Ms Zhao is more beautiful in person is an understatement. She also looks younger(I thought she was a teenage assistant coming in to give me instructions). She disarmed me with her personality and charm. I trusted her completely. My session was fantastic. Every direction she took me worked beautifully. I actually forgot I was supposed to be disobedient and I wanted to obey and please her(I was punished anyway). I highly recommend Ms Zhao to anyone. Especially to bench warmers(me...until yesterday). Thank You Mistress Zhao. Until that time we meet again...soon...and I promise to be disobedient. Ray
  18. Thanks for the info whiplash. I'll let you know how it goes. Ray
  19. Hi wormwood, slaphappypuppy, and bacchusNYC. Thanks for responding and for your advice. You're right about everything you guys said. I found myself thinking far too much about the whole thing. I was constantly reading Ms Chan's interactions on the Forum, trying to figure her out so i would be better prepared. It was as if i was preparing for a competition. Then Ms Kang informed me that Ms Chan was on a sabbatical and didn't know when she would be back. PULVERIZED!!! Should i wait? No... if i wait i,ll probably chicken out. Ms Kang gave me some suggestions and i rescheduled with Mistress Zhao, coming up very soon. There's very little on the Forum with Ms Zhao so i,m going in blind so to speak. Maybe it's better that way. I'll get back to you after my session, after the holidays. By the way bacchusNYC what is a "munch"? Ray
  20. Greetings and sun salutations all... After years of being a casual observer i'm finally taking the plunge. I'm counting down the days to my first session (with Mistress Chan). Does anybody care to relate their experience leading up to the first time? Anticipation? .. Apprehension?... Euphoria?...Fear?...All of the above? . Thanks much. Raymond (woffyboy)
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