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Status Updates posted by EdgarAH

  1. Thanks for stopping in yesterday mZ! I really appreciate it, and your ideas and efforts! Only one bad fortune egg, and it wasn't so bad ;). Much love to you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      You have definitely provided some of the most memorable images during session :D xo

    3. EdgarAH


      Usually at your creation =D. xo back

    4. ticklebrat
  2. Hey TW! It's true. Email the Boss and she'll fill you in on PMing.

  3. That signature line was from Pretty in Pink, right Phred? I used to have a big crush on Molly Ringwald.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EdgarAH


      Me too! I guess we grew up in the same era, Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club, Fast Times, etc.!

    3. Phred


      Used to have a huge crush on Ally Sheedy!

    4. EdgarAH


      Oh hell yeah! Here's another one..Phoebe Cates!

  4. Hey mZ! Just a quick pop-in hello!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EdgarAH


      Hey! Well, normal world has its mundane side for sure. I belong far from normal world, but we gotta do what we gotta do most, and I mean most, of the time. Can't wait to see you in the not too distant future.

    3. EdgarAH


      By the way, I know you'll like this. I did my 'hands clasped, index fingers point' under the table at a meeting today and came out pretty much unscathed!! :D, thanks, hope it always works.

    4. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Ah! The ninja hand trick! So glad it worked for you! xo

  5. This time you made me laugh - "Mole removal"? lol

  6. Hey Msitress Jung! "Put a chain around my neck and lead me anywhere" has been playing inside my head for about 3 days now, thanks! :D

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Hehehe, still such a great image, you as our bear! :) What an appropriate song. See you soon!

  7. I think I saw that item you were talking about (power sled?) on ESPN the other day. They were pushing it in some strongest man contest. That thing was piled high with plates and looked like it was killer. I think I'd have assuredly busted a nut.

    1. Phred


      Yeah, that's it! It's been kicking my ass. Haven't added any weights to it yet, but soon. Makes me want to vomit when I use it, but I guess that goes with the territory. Next step is tire flipping!

  8. haha, check out what I PM'd you Mistress Chen. =D

  9. ha, us in a Fortress Yoga class! I think that'd be really fun, although the one thing I'd be thinking about the whole time and trying not to do is breaking wind =P

  10. :) Hey! I did yoga that day too mJung! No happy baby though. I think the teacher likes to see me struggle. And except for the teacher, I never get to see pretty ladies like you in our class, darnit.
  11. Yes! we got next ;-)

  12. Happy New Year mRee!!

  13. Happy and healthy mChoi. I hope you're doing great and hope to see you again real soon.

  14. Hope you have a happy & healthy Mistress Jung!

  15. Happy New Year Mistress Tran!

  16. Happy New Year mZ!! I wish you much happiness wherever it takes you. XOXO, yours truly...

  17. OK, next time will do, I promise :)

  18. Merry Christmas to my mZ xoxo

  19. Hey, I hope mZ and I didn't shock you in the hallway too much this time Mistress Chen. You had such a disturbed look on your face, hahaha. She likes dressing me up into whatever. :)

  20. Oh yeah, full moon tonight (!?)

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