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Everything posted by freakazoid

  1. I'm a bit late in getting around to this, but I wanted to post about the wonderful (well, spectacular!) session I had a few weeks ago with Mistress Ahn. First off, I've been to the Fortress a number of times over the last couple of years. These days, I only get to session now and then, which does tend to make my sessions feel a little more special and intense. I've gone to the Fortress numerous times because I always seem to have a quality experience there, and enjoy the feel/vibe of the place: fairly new and in fantastic shape, clean, fun, and with a comforting feeling of safety (except for being safe from the evil clutches of the Mistress of you choice. ha ha ha!) Those who have been there before will understand when I say that you feel like your session has started from the moment you walk in the door and get settled into one of the rooms, very relaxed but excited. I had communicated with Jessie in regards to Mistress Ahn in a couple of emails. When she asked me what I would like Ahn to wear, I said whatever she wanted, and joked about "even if it's a Furry costume, ha ha." Well, to show there was attention paid to the email, Ahn started to session in a fake fur bikini and wearing a stap-on cat's nose, which we both immediately laughed about (and dispatched with soon enough, it would be a shame for Ahn to cover her lovely face!) Ahn is a strikingly beautiful woman with a great sense of humor, something important to me, as I like to be open/communicative in session, sometimes even laughing if the mood hits me. Ahn may be a younger Mistress, but she sure has natural skills for domination and torture. It's quite obvious she enjoys what she does, you can tell after a while if a Mistress is into a session or not, and Ahn was certainly enthusiastic. I ended up sessioning for an hour and a half (I would recomend at least that amount of time, if not longer, you will be bummed when the session is over, because you had such a fun time and you wish it could go on so much longer.) We engaged in a number of torment/torture and worship scenarios (wow, my nipples afterwards!) Let me tell you, if you want to get your balls electric shocked and see how much you can take from a beautiful Mistress who will laugh and enjoy your torment (and make you want to TAKE IT as much as you can for her), she's perfect. She had me reduced to a primal. animal state at one point, moaning in turned on joy with pain, exclaiming how fucking sexy she was and thanking her for the pleasure/torment she was giving me. Seriously, I just went right into the id, deep loss of controll, it felt wild and it was great! So much laughter and intense growling fun. Again, the play style we went with was cruel but fun. I would imagine she could deliver a more "cruel" session if that is what you want. Ok, you get the point. I had a great time with Mistress Ahn, intense and fun. If you have never been to the Fortress, you owe it to yourself to go and experience it, it's a class act.
  2. No problem "plugging" the Fortress (where many men get plugged, ha ha!) You have such a wonderful house! Glad you like my Freakazoid handle, it sums me up in some ways..
  3. I'm sure most people reading this forum have had delightful moments at the Fortress, but if there is anybody lurking here who has not done so, you HAVE TO visit! I get to session only on rare occasions these days, but last year made it to the Fortress four times (to see Chan, Quan and twice with Vu, the master of body worship), and will return more in 2009 when I can. The Fortress is a cut above most other "houses" I have been to. My preference has been mostly to see independent Mistresses (though I have had some fun at professional dungeons), but the Fortress is quite an exception to other houses. Besides the fact it is clean (!) and feels super safe, I feel like the session begins almost from the outset of entering the establishment, more so than any other dungeon I have visited. You have no doubt you have made the right (sinfully wrong, ha!) decision once you step into the changing room and get ready. I shall return! And if you are reading this and have not ventured into the Fortress, please go and have a wonderful dirty experience!
  4. She is quite special for sure, is she not? I have only had a chance to session with her twice (Vu, if you are reading this, I'm the shaven headed one who laughs a lot with you in session). Still, she has registered a place in my thoughts stronger than many other Mistresses I have seen over the years. She sure can take body worship to a whole other level! I shall see more of her in 2009. Year of the Vu!
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