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Everything posted by loserboyb

  1. Yesterday afternoon, around 2:15pm, I believe I had the unbelievable fortune to see Mistress Zhao in the subway station as she headed to her train and I scurried off to be a graduate student. I admit, I was somewhat bold as I looked at her, not wanting to avert my eyes. I imagined that if she were to notice me in that moment, as I recognized her, that she might make a few assumptions about the stranger who looked like he surely knows her face. That I must have seen her on fortressnyc.com, that I might be a submissive, a switch, but at the very least a fan of kink, that recognizing her actually revealed intimate details about myself. I could be wrong, it could've been someone else; Mistress Zhao and I have never met. But I've always had the fantasy of seeing a Dominatrix on the street, recognizing her, maybe have her recognize me, and know me for a pervert (said with the affection one gives a dog who has done something both utterly bad and utterly cute). If it was you, thank you Mistress Zhao, for fulfilling a boy's fantasy just by walking past him.
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