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Posts posted by Speechless

  1. "I was mighty blue

    Thought my life was through

    'Til the heavens opened

    And I gazed at you


    Won't you tell me, dear

    Why, when you appear,

    Something happens to me

    And the strangest feeling goes through me?


    You do something to me

    Something that simply mystifies me

    Tell me, why should it be,

    You have the power to hypnotize me?


    Let me live 'neath your spell

    Do do that VuJu that you do so well

    For you do something to me

    That nobody else could do!"


    I think Cole Porter would approve of the updated lyrics.

  2. What Expo?

    Expo 2010 is being hosted in Shanghai this year. It's the biggest and most expensive international fair ever - they've spent more on it than on the 2008 Olympics. Pretty much every country in the world is participating.


    A friend of mine just went. I'm expecting a full report when she gets back, as I'm hoping to get over there this year myself.


    I have fond memories of the 1964-65 World's Fair in New York, which was in Flushing Meadows Park. I was barely old enough to remember it, yet it made a big impression on me. Imagine how the Unisphere looked to a four year old! And the "Space Age" was brand new - this was seven years after Sputnik, and only three years after the first manned spaceflight. We were in a race with the USSR to land on the moon. It seemed like everything at the Fair was about rockets and outer space and Cool Cool Stuff!

  3. Hey Speechless! Did you read Mistress Ree's post about your introduction at the SMack! Party on Saturday? LOL I think I must have heard that story in person at LEAST 3 TIMES!! LOL Anyhow, I sent you some of the photos we took together and am awaiting your response ;-)

    I love the photos, and feel free to use them unedited in the galleries if you want. Thanks!


    And thank you so much for the most enjoyable and memorable Saturday night I've had in quite some time. I wish I could say that more emphatically; perhaps I'll find the words soon.

  4. I had a great time!


    Here's a funny story for ya:

    When i met Speechless i said, "Hi! What's your name?"

    He shook my hand said, "I'm speechless!"

    Flattered, i said, "Oh, thank you!"

    And then he said, "No, i'm Speechless from the Forum, that's my Forum name."




    Moral of the story: you guys should really post some headshots!



    I think the moral of this story may be that I need a new scene name. You were not the only one who was confused when I introduced myself!


    And I had a great time too, Mistress Ree. I'll be writing more about it soon.

  5. This Sunday is the SMACK party and we'll all be in attendance. Why don't you come meet our feet?

    I think you mean Saturday (tonight), although it will certainly continue into the wee hours of Sunday morning. I was at the last Halloween party and didn't leave until 5 am or so, and things were still going full blast.


    As it happens, I am in town and the prospect of meeting you and the other lovely ladies of the Fortress - feet and all - is enticing. What time do you all expect to be there?



  6. My Korean boss actually taught me that word, about twenty-five years ago, after watching me date all of the eligible women in our company one after another. "You like butterfly, flit from one flower to next!"


    I don't think he'd ever been to Thailand... but who knows?


    Am I a bad guy? Well, I'm a guy. We all butterfly, or want to. Often the women who complain most about it are active butterflies themselves.


    Anyway, I'm glad I made you laugh.

  7. Also, I would like to point out that our days get longer by 17 microseconds each year due to tidal drag, which dwarfs the effects of quakes and other tectonic disturbances.


    Which is great news for me, if I'm still around in 400 million years or so, since my own circadian clock insists that a day should be 26 hours long and is quite cranky every morning when confronted with the fact that this is not so.

  8. About 6 inches. She has a few different sorts. Uses them for pressure points. Not a huge demand so she does not get them out often, as I said most guys prefer to just be cooperative.

    Understandable. One can do a lot with 6 inches, if applied properly.

  9. I've noticed that while the Fortress ladies have graced us with their images here in the forum, most of their admirers have not yet seen fit to show their faces.


    So, I've updated my avatar so you can all see what I look like. C'mon guys, gonna follow my lead? I hope at least some of you will, or I'm gonna have egg on my face.

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