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Everything posted by Speechless

  1. Inflated assets do not have universal appeal. Some men prefer a more understated portfolio. I for one fervently hope that the ladies of the Fortress - and womankind in general - do not succumb to the "bigger is better" trap. Jessy: intelligence is the most attractive asset of all, so please be assured that I will always find you mesmerizing.
  2. 新年快樂 Mistress Zhao! Rather than venturing into Chinatown, I spent the weekend visiting my friend's family in Brooklyn and being treated to a series of delicious home-cooked Cantonese meals. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday. Mistress Ree, perhaps every day cannot be Valentine's Day but no day would be complete without a touch of romance. That's what makes life worth living, don't you think? I hope all of the lovely Fortress mistresses had a delectable New Year, and a rose-strewn Valentine's Day too! Speechless
  3. There was a football game today? (Tongue in cheek. I know it's that time of year but I only really notice if someone invites me to a Superbowl party. I'm a heretic, surely.)
  4. You work in a dungeon, and you expect this to be difficult? Hmph. All my illusions shattered.
  5. While browsing a nutrition forum this afternoon, I came across a link to this wonderful comic illustrating the artist's experience with the Master Cleanse. Mss Zhao and Jung - how accurately did she portray it?
  6. Longhall, thanks for that link. Sakagura is one of my favorite NYC Japanese restaurants, but I haven't visited for eight months or so and I don't recall that they had the high-tech toilets on my last visit. A good excuse for another trip!
  7. I normally try to stay out of topics like this. There's little upside and much potential downside. But, I have to confess that I've shown photos of mZ to friends in an effort to edumicate them as to what perfect tits look like.
  8. Well, I do enjoy having my hide tanned by a beautiful mistress...
  9. So, um... who are you planning to taxiderm?
  10. Hello Jessy, I was able to view Mistress Tan's pages with all of the following browser/OS combinations: Firefox on Mac OS X 10.4.11 Safari 4.0.4 on on Mac OS X 10.4.11 Firefox 3.0.3 on Mac OS X 10.5.8 Safari 4.0.4 on on Mac OS X 10.5.8 Firefox on Windows 2000 SP4 IE 6.0.2800.1106 on Windows 2000 SP4 (*) Firefox on Windows XP SP3 (under Parallels 3.0 on Mac OS X 10.4.11) IE 8.0.6001.18702 on Windows XP SP3 (under Parallels 3.0 on Mac OS X 10.4.11) I did notice that if one tries to click on a thumbnail before a page is fully loaded, the full-size image will be displayed by itself rather than as a centered overlay. This was true for all of the above combinations and for all the players, not just Mistress Tan. Once, while playing with this, I was able to get a page load error by clicking on [something] before a page was fully loaded. It only happened once, with the combination marked (*) above, and since I couldn't reproduce it I can't offer any insight as to the cause. Hope this helps. Speechless
  11. Wow. All at once?? :shock:
  12. Mistress Jung, Breaking it up a bit this year. Christmas in Hong Kong, after a week in Tokyo. Missing the get-together with the family, but enjoying the change of pace. The special traditions my family has mostly revolve around Thanksgiving, aka Gobble-Day. You've been gobbling, haven't you?
  13. I'm in Tokyo right now, but for just one more day. Probably too little time to go looking for it. I'll take requests for my next trip, though.
  14. You wear a tie while fucking? I'm going to feel underdressed my next time. And to think there are actually ties made for that specific purpose. I don't think I've ever seen those at Macys.
  15. Is anyone else donning costumes to march in the Village Halloween Parade? I've done it several times; I've always wanted to get a group together and choose a common theme, although it's a bit late to do that this year. Is anyone going to the TES party at Paddles, Friday night? And will there actually be a Fortress excursion to SMack on Saturday night? I would love to have the opportunity to meet some of you lovely ladies prior to my first visit to your establishment. (Which is going to be in November, I hereby publically vow!) Last year I brought a vanilla friend to Paddles after the parade, and introduced her to the joys of our kinky world. It was quite an eye-opener for her. I'm hoping to persuade a few more vanilla friends to join me this weekend; it's sort of a public service mission for me.
  16. If this is going to turn into a "television personalities who would make great mistresses" thread, I nominate "W" from Alton Brown's Good Eats show. (Played by Vickie Eng, who in real life is actually Alton's chiropractor.)
  17. Mistress Ahn, I hesitate to ask this as it is sort of a personal question, but: why do you have "Kevin" tattooed on your chest? (I guess I just outted myself as a computer geek.)
  18. Dear Mistress Zhao, My first post on the Fortress, after lurking here for months! You are so deliciously feminine that a well-tailored man's suit would be a perfect contrast. You could even accessorize with a pretty sissy. Or for a completely different look, a cheongsam. This would be my personal fave. For some outdoor shots, the Sakura Matsuri is coming up in a few weeks (http://www.bbg.org/exp/cherries/sakura.html). That would be a great setting for either a cosplay outfit or traditional kimono, and it's a fun weekend no matter what you wear.
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