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  1. Hey SpermW. How ya doing?

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    2. Manpeach


      glad to hear it SW. You were a little quiet on the forum, so with all the drop outs, I was concerned. I'm doing better. I've finished a project that has been killing me since last May. It is 3 months late and 1.5 mill over budget. Now I have to deal with the financial consequences, but that's a different kind of stress. I'm able to get back into the forum and that helps. I wish I could meet M Rey or Katz. I'd love to see MKang again too.

    3. Outcast


      Hi Manpeach, I hope all that financial stuff works itself out. Im glad you are finished the project. I haven't sessioned in while partly due to being busy, partly due to lack of interest these days. All else is good. Hope you get the break you deserve!

    4. Manpeach


      Thanks, I've got something brewing that could change things. A big step for me at this time of my life, but it's an option


      Sorry to hear of your lack of interest in Sessioning hopefully that turns around to

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