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Posts posted by Jeriko13

  1.  Favorite topic- I love films!


    I tend to love films with some strong social commentary and controversial viewpoint on a topic. It could be any topic- as long as it's culturally relevant and progressive.


      For example I really loved some films with French actress Catherine Deneuve in the 60s. She starred in this CHILLING psychological film by Roman Polanski himself, called Repulsion, where an extremely paranoid woman is repulsed by men and sex but secretly entertains fantasies of being raped while she is left alone in her apartment.


    She also played in another 60's movie Belle du Jour, where she plays a Parisian housewife who daydreams of all kinds of wild sexual trysts, and becomes a day time prostitute where she could explore her sexuality while her husband was away at work. I love a cinematic work that explores the complexity of people's needs and desires, especially a woman's sexual desires, as imagine in the 60s, this wasn't even something possible to discuss openly! Or that women were even seen as having sexual agency. 




    First, welcome to the Fortress Mistress Rey. 


    Second, interesting take on the movie Repulsion. Its definitely a movie I enjoyed since watching it in college for a media studies class on paranoia. The class developed a great deal of fondness for Chuck Pahluniak, David Cronenberg's horror, and Alfred Hitchcock in particular. In any case, Repulsion's central theme of paranoia and her resulting delusions onset by sexual assault struck me more as trauma rather than sexual fantasy. 


    I have yet to break it in, but WILL BE VERY SOON ;-)  Did I mention it's EIGHT-FEET-LONG?  Do you know how long that is?  It's like 3 feet longer than a 5 foot whip.  2 feet longer than a 6 foot whip.  You know my 4 foot singletail whip?  This one is FOUR FEET LONGER.  And PINK ;-)


    Ha, well, I think I'll try and avoid that 4 foot longer than your four foot long whip, but I am looking to see what else is in inside that joybox of joy sometime next week.

  3. The girl in the beginning of the Big Butts video that says "OMG Becky"- doesn't she look like the chubby girl in Silence of the Lambs?

    It puts the lotion in the basket.  I like this remix.  You get a little bit of everything, hence re-MIX!



    Well, now I'm going have dreams (nightmares?) of Wild Bill dancing to I like Big Butts.

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