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Everything posted by Jayman

  1. Thats too funny, Manpeach! I wanna be big. Just once goddamnit! Jessy Kang towers over me! I suppose it does look funny though. M Tran thought it was quite amusing when we played.
  2. I wrote about this on another thread in the devotee forum. My first porn experience was reading The Black Kiss comic. Spacificly issue 4 which I had picked up out of curiosity in a small comic shop. As soon as I opened it I saw the hero of the story having a threesome with a hot vampire/sucubes and her trannie, look alike, sex slave. Who is also photographing the manaja twa. I got caught by the clerk who took it away from me so I went back and stole all 12 issues. I was 8 years oldI still have them. This is the cover of issue 8. This comic had it all: Filthy language, Priests banging blind prostitutes, gang rape on a transvestite, a satanic orgy during the screening of a porn film, the dismemberment and eating of male genitalia during sexual intercourse and of course a strong BDSM theme. At that age I had no idea what I was reading but I was fascinated by it. No wonder I'm such a freak now! The first real porn was a Penthouse my cousin showed me when I was 9. That was Awesome! Thats how I learned to search the dumpsters behind our local Krausers the beginning of every month. Thats when they would tear the covers off of and through out all the porn mags from the previous month.
  3. I would not fair well on that subway. Seriously, I almost have panic attacks on the NYC subway (The 6 train is a bitch of ride). Very interesting video though, Boss Kang. Thanks for posting.
  4. Dude, That car is awesome! That would fit me perfectly.
  5. Just stumbled upon this thread, Size is something that fascinates me. Being a person that is short, vertically challenged, fit and blessed with the gift of being well endowed, I find myself gravitating towards things that are either very large or extremely small. I often think that if there was some god putting me together they had a sense of humor, saying to themselves "I'll make him really small but make him rally big down there". I often keep with things that accommodate my size. I have a small apartment. My car is small though I'm thinking of trading it in for an SUV. My drum kit was custom made to fit my stature and when I was in the Army I had to have all my equipment fabricated to fit my size. (The normal ruck sack is a bitch to force march with if you a smaller person.) There is a conflict in me as I often have to "fight" to get the attention of females. Every relationship I've had I've had to work very hard and be persistent to gain the affection of the opposite sex. And it's kind of funny because one of my best friends is much taller than I, very handsome, and has to fight off the advancements of some attractive women (Last week we were at the gym and a very nice looking woman left him a note on his front windshield, letting him know she was interested, giving him her number and email address) but he usually isn't interested. It acutely happens to him a lot. But he has the Irish mans curse. He is very poorly endowed, he's my friend and I feel bad for him sometimes, but I do get jealous. Its no problem for him to meet women but once they see what there getting it doesn't work out. So should I be happy with what I have? I think I am but it is a lot of work,
  6. Jayman

    That makes me step back a bit! Very beautiful, M Rey! You have a very unique look :-)
  7. OH, MAN!!! These are so great! All three ladies look incredible! M Lu, you are soooo sexy and cute!! Jesus Christ. I wanna be that chair! Roller Dom is the bomb!!! M Koi, you look fantastic. I just want you to choke me with out while wearing that outfit! M Fei, you are stunning! Very, very beautiful. And those legs!!! Thanks for posting these Boss Kang! ;-)
  8. I hope this finds everyone well ; ) I've been getting back into Big Black Delta lately. Huggin & Kissen is great and X22 gets my body and mind moving (I imagine one of our fine Mistresses administering an intense ass kicking during that number.). Also, in that vein, I do like the newest DFA 1979 album, The Physical World, though its not as good as You're a woman, I'm a machine. Trainwreck 1979 is catchy as hell. But with the weather getting nicer and gearing up for summer I play Got No Money by FIDLAR at least once while i'm out driving or skating. It has an up beat yet chilled out vibe to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg8-AbXqv4M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqBc5fPclZM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrZxt476ef4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK2Z0wPxCVQ
  9. Like the mankini. When I read the headline I was actually thinking of the mankini Sean Connery wore in Zardoz. I would wear the C- String while playing with one of the Mistresses. It's definitely a banana hammock.
  10. Has anyone seen Blue Ruin? It's on Netflix now. It's becoming one of my favorite movies from last year (Saw it at a Fest). Its the type of movie best viewed when you have no Idea what its about going into it. And you have no idea how its going to turn out while watching it. It's kinda scary and sad when you see it. Another reason I think its a great flick is because it was made for around 35K! The Writer/Director raised the money online. It's not a long flick so check it out if you haven't seen it.
  11. This kills me. I used to love, LOVE, movies! Until I started working on them. There is something to be said, when you see someone you grew up admiring on screen, run out of his trailer screaming, on set, and throwing his lunch at his assistant (who was crying already from his verbal badgering) hitting her point blank in the face because it was a Chicken salad and not a Caesar chicken salad. It put's things into perspective. It's all make believe.......... I read a lot more now. But I still cant burry all my love of the motion picture: Casablanca - The movie that taught me about movies: Ingrid Bergman is almost always on the right side of the screen. Do you know why? It's simple. Yojimbo/Seven Samurai - Kurosawa (A genius) and I have a male crush on Toshiro Mifune. Sward of Doom - Another samurai flick with Mifune (Dark). Jaws - Scared the S&*^t out of me as a kid. Breaking the Waves - Lars Von Trier North By North West/Notorious - Hitchcock & Grant. Plus the title scene of NBNW is great with the music and the patio scene in Notorious should be studied by future filmmakers. The Good The Bad and The Ugly - Sergio Leone - all time favorite. As for the kid in me, my mom was a hippie and loved Rock and Roll so my sister and I would watch Rock movies growing up (Sid and Nancy, Saturday night Fever, La Bamba, Rock and Roll High School.) But the one movie that is burned into my mind is.... Wild in The Streets - Directed by Barry Shear and staring Christopher Jones (He Stopped acting a long time ago.) Shelly Winters plays the mom and she's tripping on LSD the entire second half of the film. Its so crazy. It should be played at the beginning of a Triple feature followed by A Clockwork Orange and then Battle Royale. All three films are Youth focused in a way. It's an odd one but it's great campy fun. Especially some of the songs.
  12. OMG. The Black Card! That's so funny. Forgot about that.
  13. Wow I was too mesmerized to notice if I was drooling. That was a LOT of Ass, wow.
  14. Jessy, I love your retort! Like a tap to the balls. Ouch!
  15. Hello, Wow! Now this is something that sends me into overdrive! I like the occasional slap, kick, Punch, strike. But I love the the idea of a woman overpowering through strength and struggle! Leg scissors, choke holds, pins, and other forms of man handling.
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