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  1. for some clothes make the Domme. for me a true Domme like Yourself can wear anything and still have that effect over me MsKang.
  2. hope this can make its way onto the iPad/iPhone. would this work remotely over the net?
  3. is this project still in the works MsKang?
  4. Yes and in over 20 years She is one of the best i ever had the pleasure of serving ;)

  5. have you sessioned with her?

  6. Thank You Ms Kang for such a wonderful video
  7. very much so MsKang, this thing sounds like it will be amazing MsKang.
  8. this sounds like amazing fun Mskang. will this be retail at some point cause im sure it would make a killing. only negative i see now is i would not get to hear Your voice Ma'am
  9. MsKang could be flat chested and still have the same effect, She might be the first Pro i saw that scared me as i could not tell Her no.
  10. MsKang runs the best place on this planet, if you don't feel relaxed here you will never feel relaxed. jump in brother its nice and warm
  11. a lot more south leathermanNYC should have them.
  12. gaming nerds (like my self) want to know one thing... whats your gamerscore
  13. i bet MsKang could cover 20 boys and girls at a time
  14. I'm more of a MTG player than a D&D. Oh man,that was a REALLY geeky admission, everyone who liked me before just lost their boners lol. I agree about computer games. I'm not really big on PC gaming. But gimme a console and I'm there. Unless its a wii. I dont have one yet and am starting to notice that it finally has games that I REALLY want to play. you play halo huh and the batman game is super good and this is from a frank miller batman fan. mgs4 was really good online as well people did not like it as it was a hard game to learn the guns.
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