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Status Replies posted by Howard

  1. Just noticed your Tran(quil) state of mind. very clever

  2. Phred - I ordered a Master Series Hells Bridge Stainless Steel Ball Stretcher from Amazon.com - Impulse control again. The shopping cart was calling me, I just had to press ORDER. Mistress Tran may have a new toy for her pleasure. Just Saying - Session Beware

  3. Phred - I ordered a Master Series Hells Bridge Stainless Steel Ball Stretcher from Amazon.com - Impulse control again. The shopping cart was calling me, I just had to press ORDER. Mistress Tran may have a new toy for her pleasure. Just Saying - Session Beware

    1. Howard


      You should schedule a session with Mistress Tran ASAP. She does not have this device yet, so you could play without the fear of her springing this on you. In two weeks, that will probably NOT be the case.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. How goes the Fortressopoly game?

  5. Phred - I ordered a Master Series Hells Bridge Stainless Steel Ball Stretcher from Amazon.com - Impulse control again. The shopping cart was calling me, I just had to press ORDER. Mistress Tran may have a new toy for her pleasure. Just Saying - Session Beware

  6. Hi my fuzzy little manpeach! The peach melba jam is sublime! I've already consumed half the jar!! Thank you :)

  7. You have been showing impulse control Howard. I was wondering when you'd post on your mega mil thread. but I see you've been buried in the tax code

  8. Phred - I ordered a Master Series Hells Bridge Stainless Steel Ball Stretcher from Amazon.com - Impulse control again. The shopping cart was calling me, I just had to press ORDER. Mistress Tran may have a new toy for her pleasure. Just Saying - Session Beware

  9. Phred - I ordered a Master Series Hells Bridge Stainless Steel Ball Stretcher from Amazon.com - Impulse control again. The shopping cart was calling me, I just had to press ORDER. Mistress Tran may have a new toy for her pleasure. Just Saying - Session Beware

    1. Howard


      It is funny, in the last session Mistress Tran asked me if I was frightened of her. Not being a fool, of course I said yes which is true. I also said, I trusted her completely so let the session begin. I am very sure she will never harm me, hurt me on the other hand is a certainty.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. Phred - I ordered a Master Series Hells Bridge Stainless Steel Ball Stretcher from Amazon.com - Impulse control again. The shopping cart was calling me, I just had to press ORDER. Mistress Tran may have a new toy for her pleasure. Just Saying - Session Beware

    1. Howard


      That is why I say, Session Beware. She will have you trussed up on the cushion and will then slyly pull it out and say "Phred guess what I have?" Will dangle it in front of your eyes, and the rest is they say is history.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. Enjoy Your Session with Mistress Zhao. One Hour with Mistress Tran and Three Hours with Mistress Zhao - Definitely an Extended Session.

    1. Howard


      Well those are the best kind of sessions. You barely notice the time flying by. Unfortunate they have to end and the reality of the real world intrudes.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Phred, Mistress Tran in my session used the technique you posted about 4-6 minute songs. Continuous canning and dressage once the song started to its completion. Thought I was going to die each time. Songs never seemed to end.

    1. Howard


      Belize is a wonder. Great oceanfront, reasonably priced homes, virtually ZERO taxes. Hard combination to beat.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Phred, Mistress Tran in my session used the technique you posted about 4-6 minute songs. Continuous canning and dressage once the song started to its completion. Thought I was going to die each time. Songs never seemed to end.

    1. Howard


      I think that is Mistress Tran and Kang have that gift. It was killing me when it was happening, but I can not wait until the next session to do it again. Go Figure.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Phred, Mistress Tran in my session used the technique you posted about 4-6 minute songs. Continuous canning and dressage once the song started to its completion. Thought I was going to die each time. Songs never seemed to end.

    1. Howard


      The session I just had today. Session Review to follow shortly.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Enjoy Your Session with Mistress Zhao. One Hour with Mistress Tran and Three Hours with Mistress Zhao - Definitely an Extended Session.

    1. Howard


      Excellant. The Tran/Zhao duo on Thursday and the finale with Mistress Kang on Saturday. Much to mentally prepare for as these sessions approach. As a minor suggestion, think multi-colored paper binder clips.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. I hope you are plotting for Thursday Mistress Tran

  17. You changed your picture, is this a quarterly event. I thought the other one was more outgoing.

  18. Hi Mistress Tran, I was in Staples today and thought of you as i passed through the Paper Fasteners aisle. I didn't dare stop and look

  19. Hey Wofyperson, I was at a conference meeting that I serve as the Chairman. We had a quest and I introduced myself as the "Chairman" another member (female), standing next to us chimed in and corrected me to say, "Chairperson". I couldn't help but think of you. LOL

    1. Howard


      Well Manpeach, I suspect when we were kids all of the doctors and lawyers were MALE. A travesty long since corrected.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. Hey Wofyperson, I was at a conference meeting that I serve as the Chairman. We had a quest and I introduced myself as the "Chairman" another member (female), standing next to us chimed in and corrected me to say, "Chairperson". I couldn't help but think of you. LOL

    1. Howard


      The correct phrase to be completely neutral - four footed living thing.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  21. Hi Manpeach, I like the new colorized version of the new Kangian Peach! I hope you had Mistress Kang's permission! = )

  22. Hey DogZ Why so sad? on your new Icon

    1. Howard


      Tail wagging is good, but you probably need a belly rub from a mistress at the FF.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  23. Hey Howard. I like the new icon. look like a stock tracker or my EKG either way it's seems as of lately it's going in the wrong direction.

    1. Howard


      But I really value your opinion Manpeach, highly.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  24. Hey Howard. I like the new icon. look like a stock tracker or my EKG either way it's seems as of lately it's going in the wrong direction.

    1. Howard


      Well I have people tell me I am a certified genius or just certifiable. Given where I am on my journey in life, who cares.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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