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Posts posted by theDumbMule

  1. 23 hours ago, Mistress Kang said:

    I have no doubt Mistress Jin will correct you accordingly. For your next session, I'd like to suggest to Mistress Jin to place a quarter in a sock for each transgression and beat you with it at the one hour mark.

    Your full of great session ideas.  I’m thinking for my next session of just asking you what kind of session I should have.

  2. Interesting way of putting it franknot.  I am a bit simpler (dumber??) minded.  I find that the domme will tell me what she is to me (mistress or goddess) and as long as I stay within those guidelines I keep in less trouble (somehow I am never out of trouble).  I also find it’s best when the domme explains what I am to her (Dommes, insert favorite name here).  Once all of that is established we can together deal with my shortcomings (although there really is nothing short to see here) the best way she sees fit.

  3. 53 minutes ago, Mistress Mina Jung said:

    martillo - how fun it was to play again! And you’re right, it was just like picking up where we left off as if no time had passed ? excited to get you back I to shape little by little or a lot by a lot ??? 

    that was my first time playing with Mistress Von Dietz and I can’t wait to do it again ? I always enjoy double domme sessions and her and I definitely play well together ???

    It’s good to hear MVD plays well with others.  I wasn’t sure if she could.  When I try to play nice she only tortures me ?.

  4. 2 hours ago, Big Trouble Baby said:

    Mistress Kang:

    Remembering my first session with You when You required me to state my accurate weight. I said I was 204 that morning, but I probably was a little lower as it was a very hot day and I assumed I lost some water. I said 202 and when the scale read 204 (I still think that scale was a little off), You dragged me back to the Steel Room and gave me 204 cracks with the paddle.  Fond (and painful) memories.


    That definitely sounds like a Mistress Kang session.


    I think I’m going to avoid any resolutions this year.  I have not had good success with them. I’m probably better off not giving any mistress anything to use against me in session.

  5. In the new facility I have played in the Pink and Steel rooms.  In the old facility I played in the Pink and Tatami rooms.  I have never picked the room as I have left it to the mistress to decide my fate based on the session.  Until recently I can’t say I had a favorite as again it came down to the mistresses and the activities in the session.


    But after recent consulting with franknot, I have concluded Kitty’s crate to be my favorite spot as I can hide there from all harm,

  6. 4 hours ago, Mistress Megan Ang said:

    I think my origin began in 5th grade when I would verbally humiliate boys in the middle of class & it made me feel really good. And moving on to middle school is when I would wrestle and shove boys in bushes for fun. In high school I accidentally gave my male cousin a bloody nose from rough housing & I enjoyed the sight of his blood a little too much ?

    Now I’m scared of you.

  7. 6 hours ago, switchbloke said:


    In visiting NYC soon and would like to have a session at the Fortress. I'm really drawn to how the women who work there seem to get on, there doesn't seem to be competition. 

    As my name implies, I'm a switch but I'm only interested in bottoming at the Fortress (it's fairly easy to find submissives to play with). Part of this is for the experience - I'm really sadistic with my play partners - and I think I should try being on the receiving end of this to become a better top. I'm actually ok with not enjoying the experience, as long as I learn from it.

    Is there freedom to scream at the Fortress?  And are the players there happy to push past my potential pleading?

    From personal experience the answer is yes to both questions.  The mistresses can be quite ruthless if you ask for it.  If they get tired of screaming they just gag you.  They are accommodating to session requests.

  8. 1 hour ago, Mistress Zora Jin said:

    Lol I absolutely love bb but some have told me that they did not like it after experiencing it hahaha


    Phew!!  I was worried that you didn’t like it.  I thought I might have to go to MVD for all my bb needs, and I am a very needy person.

  9. 5 hours ago, JustAGuy said:

    Can't read this thread closely because I recently started reading the books and other than some unavoidable spoilers I actually don't know much of what will happen!

    So far (partway through the second book, so season 2 I guess) I like Arya, but she doesn't have much competition yet.

    I'm nothing like Daenerys but as a subbie I like that she made her husband fall for her essentially by forcing him to try sex with her on top.

    The problem with the books is they aren't all out yet.  Who knows when they will finally be completed?

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