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Posts posted by Hound_Dog

  1. I just don't know where you boys get the idea that I would do *any* harm to *anyone* at all! I am a caring, nurturing, gentle soul who just wants everybody to be happy. Is it my fault that you want to be the fly who gets its wings pulled off, but lands on my plate anyway, knowing the consequences? :evil: :twisted: :evil: :lol:


    Dear MZ,


    I've never implied that you would do real harm to anyone. I just know for a fact that my ego writes checks that my body sometimes is reluctant to cash in.

    • [*:1nnkez8c]I'm sure you wouldn't harm me :o
      [*:1nnkez8c]Would I bet ( sort of ) important ( to me, at least ) body parts on that statement, probably. ;)


    ( Mental note for visiting FortressNYC: make sure Mistress Zhao don't have a plates near by. Make sure that you do not to sit down on any flat and round objects :D )





    Mistress Z is sexy but she scares me somehow.



    I'm not sure this is flattering to my ego at all. Care to explain? :twisted:


    Dear MZ.


    While I don't speak for Mongoose, I would use the same sentence to mean an beautiful woman who could talk me into trying almost anything. And once all appendages are tightly tied and I'm suspended hanging upside down with an rubber hood which is inflated with water breathing thought a tube I start to realise she was being serious.. :o:lol: :oops:


    But I'm sure you wouldn't do that to anyone ;)



  3. Doing spring cleaning I came across my sucky bed I got last year and only used a few times. It was different and fun. If you don't know what I'm talking about - here's an example: [broken Youtube link removed]

    I'm going to set it up and put it in the room, *just* in case someone falls in there by accident right before I zip them up...




    That must have been a good video, and was removed. So my question is do you have a rectangle :lol:



    Or an cube :o


  4. So, as we all know music can play a big part of how sessions feel/work/etc by setting the mood.


    • [*:4h6aj9kx] What music do you like to session to at the moment?
      [*:4h6aj9kx] Do you have any all time favourite?
      [*:4h6aj9kx] What would play when you feel really inspired?
      • [*:4h6aj9kx] ( reads: what should we subs fear to hear start playing )

    [*:4h6aj9kx] Or do you just tune in to a radio station?




  5. Very COOL ;-)


    Thank you! :D Yea, I know it looks like a sound, but hmm it's a little on the big side. ;)


    I was considering this, but it's even harder to see what it is.



    Here is the answer if you can't guess. And it is a very cool range of toys too. ;) Mine that I bought in Amsterdam about 8 years ago have the added feature of both pieces being isolated which means you can use them with e-toys. And no I don't normally point that out to people I play with :twisted: as it's my tender bits that is on the line. I just love cool toys :lol:



  6. Excellent teasers, they are perfect as introductions for each of you lovely ladies.

    My personal favourite though is "Mistress Vu gets ready for a date...", there we see the spontaneity and excitement that is building up to some lucky and possibly at that point in time unaware subject being in for an surprise. :o :shock: :? 8-) :D


    Ms. Vu, I hope you had as much fun with the lucky subject of your excitement as I think you did. :twisted: :oops:


    An good friend of mine, who used to live in Europe, always have great stories to share about an Dominant mutual friend who is young, cute and innocent looking. Exactly which of these traits made her irresistible to guys with submissive fantasies we will never know, I'm sure it's individual combinations for all men. But most of her boyfriends sooner or later asked to be tied up and got to know a totally different ( not so innocent, how did Ms. Vu put it "**use time" ) side of her. :twisted: :lol:


    Back on topic: Ratings have been applied to all videos in the FortressNYC channel.




    The pic you posted didn't come through for some reason but I found it and here it is ;-)


    Also the pic you have in your profile looks way cool - what the heck is it though?! LOL


    Thank you for helping out with the attachment, I think I tried to be to clever for my own good.

    It happens sometime. And yes that was the picture I thought of when I saw your new haircut.


    And you so know what's my avatar is.. it's just had to compress it to get it into the 90x90 box.

    This is how it looked before I preformed some compression play on it. ;-)





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