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Image Comments posted by kevybaby

  1. ?


    LOVE your hair, shirt, and tattoo but ALSO your jean shorts and your stockings I mean so sexy. This is fashion on a high level, as I'm sure you know. The background is something out of a Mistress Von Dietz candid because its a place that I wouldn't think could possibly exist except for the fact that there's a picture of it here. Incrediblé. 

  2. Lol you're all wearing the Batsu! thing on a different part of your body - Mistress Fang is wearing it like an 80s workout person, Mistress Von Dietz is wearing it like a choker, Mistress Zito is wearing it like the queen of England, Mistress Rey is wearing it like a powerlifting strap thing, and Mistress Jin is wearing it like she's about to have blood drawn. Great!

  3. Glasses? Check. Eyebrows? Check. Shirt? Check. Eyes? Check. Hair? Check. Neck? Check. Nose? Check. Lips? Check. Skin? Check. Cheeks? Check. Forehead? Check. Buttons on shirt? Check. Sexy? Check. Cute af? Check! 

  4. Holy shit you're so good at fashion... I like your hair (especially how it's blue), your shirt (it's light blue nature complements the nature of your darker blue hair, and also the shirt has a face on it - this proves to me that you know about fashion because), and your tattoo (which is sexy af, and also good fashion). I also like how seductively you eat ice cream; that might actually be my favorite part (and isn't attitude really the biggest element of fashion?).

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