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Image Comments posted by 华主的小乖乖毛

  1. Like the heritage that remains and shall remain forever unchallenged, wherever her sole touches this earth, there shall be a congregation of the rest of humanity, craving to be in the presence of the supreme.  So very hauntingly beautiful.

  2. I cherish the way your emotional, intellectual and physical beauty and power render any discussions of who the planet belongs to in the near future pointless.  I love the reality that you have put those discussions into a transparent lock-box to place on your windowsill like a bowl of goldfish, and that only a select collective holds the keys.  Ascendancy never, EVER looked this precious, this beautiful.

  3. All under Heaven is as it should be - your rule as handed down by the ancients is all that is constant and permanent.  Forever champion, forever holding this planet in whatever position strikes you at the moment.   This photo should have been the one chosen by David Wingrove for the cover of the first installment of his series -you ARE the keyholder of fates of all.

  4. This is just  so impossibly beautiful. I love it that the world, life and nature bring images like these to shake us to the core and make us confess repeatedly that we never, ever had any control over nature...not once.

  5. Your POV


    You look about 12 feet tall, and your stare is hitting with the force of a major league fast ball.  And those boots.....  I never thought I'd say this about hiking boots, but those boot are causing me all kinds of havoc within my imagination.  Amazing boots.  Seductive boots.

  6. I'll take the chance at having my boldness slapped out of my head along with several teeth like a slap shot and be so bold as to suggest that your element most definitely includes two sculpted size 8's that hold hosiery to their every surface in a way the world hasn't witnessed before.  Your feet SCREAM to be admired.   Now that THAT'S out of the way, Mistress Vivienne Fang, I'm presenting face, closing my eyes, and parroting the following:  "This is my hand, it's for fun, this is my face, ready for her gun."    This is going to hurt a lot, isn't it.

  7. I do believe this removes any remaining doubt about who was chosen to become the peak of human evolution.  And somewhere in the distance, billions of foreigners howled in despair at a moon that was made only for shining upon a  Chinese Cancerian Goddess.  Hey, I don't make this stuff up - Goddess Diana can be googled free of charge.

  8. Did you enjoy visiting your possession, 中华民族西欧自治区(?)  My agitation meter is smoking - I want those people DOWN where they belong, and I wanna see some red and yellow banners and festoons draped over that bridge PRONTO.  To think of the time and energy I invest in these people, and they've got the gall not only to stand erect,  but to turn their backs on you.  GRRRRRRRRRR!!

  9. It's not often when contemporary man feels envious of the lives led by the great masters with the brushes.  This might just be one of those moments.  What an unearthly degree of beauty, making one want, want, want to describe, and leaving one spinning like a hamster, never to coming close.   ARGH!

  10. And with but a glance, the answer was pronounced, and once again he found all had long ago already been decided for him by forces beyond the reaches of his commonness.  What a grand and magnificent world it is, none of which ever belonged to him, always framed between her hands and held just  out of his grasp. 

  11. ?


    Admit it - you are so envious of us getting to be your fans.   I'll admit something, this ceaseless quivering and wonderment is something I'd never trade for anything or with anyone.   And to think - all it takes is a singular photo and a singular pose.  I keep hearing your voice:  "If you build it, they will come."  That army WILL happen.

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