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  1. Often I reminisce about past experiences. It’s a good feeling. I relive the sensations, what She did, what She said, and, sometimes, what *I* said. So that’s where things get dicey and where I need your help. In a good session there is always a tipping point. A discontinuity in time when my mind transitions to a different level (*). Maybe that’s what people call “subspace”, I don’t know. In any case, here is the problem when that happens: Invariably, *every single time*, I find myself repeating the same few words over and over again. It goes like this “I want to please you, I want to please you….”. Sometimes a jolt of inspiration crackles through but, even then, all I can muster is a pathetic “I want to please you…so much”. Not exactly an inspiring variation. The problem is that these are literally the only words I can, and want to utter. The reason is simple. At that point in a session my universe is reduced to this simple all-encompassing objective: to show Her how much pain I can take in order to please Her. Somehow, nothing else matters. I can’t explain it, it just is. So, “what is the problem?”, you say. Well the problem is that once I have emerged from that state and I have rejoined the living. I feel vaguely silly having repeated myself for an extended period like one of these old men who talk to themselves (I am no longer young btw, so that mental picture is not good….). So a bunch of questions. To my fellow subs: Do you have the same problem? Any suggestion on how I can vary my repertoire? To the Ladies: Isn’t that irritating after a while? Should I make an effort to stop it? How? SA (*): This occurred most recently during a sequence of sounds play followed by prolonged TENS torture. These were plays that I had not experienced in a long time and which expert hands applied quite impressively in this recent short session. Thank you Mistress Lovelace.
  2. Hello all, It s been 7 years but I am back to the Fortress. Happy to be back.
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