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Everything posted by akiravn1

  1. Dear MJK, The only thing that I love more than your panties is what's in them, so I ask, pretty please if I can see more pics of you in your HOT panties. I beg of you to continue to feed my constant desires.
  2. Dearest M. Chan, I believe that my attention for detail in regard to this Forum, comes out of my extreme interest in the Fortress and all of its beautiful Players, like yourself. I am really glad that you can itentify with me in some way. Every time I read one of your posts, I marvel at your clever thought process, you have a talent for coming up with extremely interesting topics for discussion as well as some right on point replies. Thank you so much for extending to me your invitation, I only hope that I would be worthy enough to play with you. I would by all means also love to see what you have under your, let's say thong or corset. Best wishes & much love.
  3. My prayers have been answered! YouTubed Kang is definitely a wish come true for me and without question the hottest thing to hit YouTube. I could never see enough video of you. You are so HOT, SEXY & GORGEOUS and all this is brought forth so beautifully on camera. Any time that I see a new picture of you or videos like these, I just want to make you my next meal. Just one glance makes me want you so bad. By the way, I absolutely adore the close ups of your face, like right after you knocked the camera over. Gorgeous face, hot & sexy body and an adventurous mind & spirit. You have got it all and that is exactly how I define perfection.
  4. Dear M. Chan I am so glad that you really DO bite. I love your toy box, I mean drawer. Anyone who's top dresser drawer is equipped the way yours is, has got to know how to have some serious fun. I think to myself, here is a woman who really knows how to play and I would really love to play with you and go through that top dresser drawer one item at a time. I must say, that I absolutely love what you bring to this Forum.
  5. Dear MJK, Thanks for sharing. Your new panties are really sexy, like everything else you wear and to see them on such a HOT gorgeous body looks absolutely delicious. You have really wet my appetite for your amazing Butt & Box. Just simply to know that what I want more than anything, will always be out of my reach, drives me absolutely crazy. Thanks for torturing me like that. I desperately need a taste :!:
  6. Dear MJK, HotASSBoots is the perfect description. The whole entire outfit is HOT as HELL!! What an extremely HotASSBody!! I must also agree with Mistress Vu, a HotASS as well, I can't think of anything that looks more delicious. I definitely need to schedule an appointment on the next Fortress maintenance day.
  7. Dear M. Chan, I absolutely love the picture. THANK YOU for showing off your new vibrating ladybug underwear and your way beyond beautiful body. I really love how honest and open you are about your sex toys, I was just wondering if you had a particular favorite?
  8. Dear MJK, I watched this YouTube video a couple of times, as I was really loving the camel toe. HOT GOLDEN GIRL!!
  9. Welcome back Mistress Quan! You are so beautiful and such an incredible asset to The Fortress. I am extremely happy to know that you have returned, now let's inflict some pain. :twisted:
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINNIE!!! I hope that you have a wonderful birthday. Would I ever love to celebrate with you. Best wishes and much love always.
  11. Dear M. Chan, Thanks so much for the lovely picture. I would absolutely love a taste of your perfectly delicious looking feet. I would not be satisfied until I sucked on every single toe and then got my tongue in between all of your toes.This little piggy wants....
  12. I have always preferred books on the subject over movies myself. Main stream movies that delve deeply into that kind of subject matter do not seem to be very prevalent these days. My favorite story on the topic has to be The Story of O, but I think that Anne Rice did a very credible job with The Sleeping Beauty Novels: The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, Beauty's Punishment and Beauty's Release. I am always hungry for and constantly in search of new material on the subject.
  13. Dear MJK, I was so glad to see that there will be more Fortress videos coming to YouTube soon, especially when I read that you also will be included, now you really have peaked my interest. Also I want to thank you for including the picture of you on the laptop in your post. You really do have the most adorable smile that I have ever seen. I actually could never in a million years, get enough of you. Best wishes! LUV U
  14. Dear M. Chan, Thank you for your input, it was very heady. That was an extremely insightful response, you did help to give me more of an understanding regarding my question. The lack of experience in a sub could make the direction of any particular session a little bit harder to determine. I can see where this might play more into the hands of a certain degree of frustration rather than second thoughts or regret. Plus you being a switch, can see and experience everything from both sides, so I feel you are very qualified to speak for both players. I have actually learned a lot from this Forum.
  15. MJK Thank you so much for letting us see that beautiful picture. You really do look extremely cute and there actually is a certain innocence that comes across in your face. It is good to know though that you were always a lil sick in the head, that fact along with your gorgeous look, makes you just so appealing in every way. I would love to get inside your complicated mind, anyone that thinks the kind of thoughts which you do and looks as absolutely delicious as you do, to me is total perfection.
  16. I loved seeing The Fortress on YouTube and I would really love to see more. Mistress Vu looked extremely sexy and so damn HOT! I could watch her pose all day long. :roll:
  17. Happy Birthday Mistress Kang and many, many more! I hope that you have an extremely wonderful day, in which all of your desires are fulfilled. LUV U
  18. Dear Mistress Kim, I have never loved the thought of being a patient in a doctor's office or hospital, it has always made me more nervous than anything else. But if I knew a beautiful nurse like you was in charge, then I would be lining up to make an appointment as well as an endless amount of follow up visits just to sample your medical expertise and hope to experience your bedside manner. But if an evil smile painted your pretty face when this idea occurred to you, then I probably still should be a bit nervous, but in a different kind of way, it would be more a feeling of eager anticipation for how in depth these medical procedures would need to be and the kind of treatment you might recommend to cure my disobedience. I am definitely in desperate need of a complete physical Nurse Kim, if anyone can cure what ails me, I have no doubt that it is you. Please let me know what you prescribe?
  19. Dear M. Chan, I would be very interested in the responses to this question you pose, especially if there are in depth explanations of personal preference that might deal with physical attributes. If I were to describe a look that I consider to be absolutely perfect in every way, and which I always found to be extremely attractive, it would be Princess Sukma. But in general, I absolutely adore Asian women more than anything in the world and I think because of that feeling, worshiping them comes extremely easy to me. In my opinion each and every Mistress at The Fortress, despite their different looks is very attractive and I would love to earn the extreme pleasure of body worsip with them all. Actually my only physical criteria for a Mistress, is that she be Asian. So where in looking for a girl friend, I might tend to seek out a more petite woman, when it comes to the lovely and really beautiful Mistresses of The Fortress, whether their build is petite or voluptuous, honestly would not matter at all to me, I just continue to beg for the honor and privilege to worship the bodies of beautiful Asian women from head to toe.
  20. To any of the Mistresses at The Fortress, Have you ever been involved in a session that you had second thoughts about doing and in hindsight, for whatever the reason, actually regretted participating in? I was just wondering if this is an extremely rare occurrence.
  21. MJK, Some of the costumes look interesting, but I too would much prefer submission to you and the other beautiful Mistresses of The Fortress. I could not think of another scenario that would have more appeal to me, anything else would just be a substitute for the real thing. LUV U :!: WJL
  22. Mistress Kim, You would be the HOT Asian girlfriend who has decided to leave me and move on to greener pastures. I am the jealous boyfriend who does not want anyone else to be with you, and decides that this can not occur. In a desperate preventive measure, I decide to hold you captive. I strip you naked and tie you up. My decision is to degrade you and in my warped thought process, be finished with you once and for all. I verbally abuse you and pull your hair, telling you that you are a worthless slut and no one else would even look twice at you. I slap your nipples and I make you eat and drink from a dog dish. I piss all over you and I whip your bare flesh with my cock. When I feel that I have gotten full satisfaction out of degrading you and I no longer desire the pathetic person I see before my eyes, I decide that your decision to leave me is now all for the best. I cut the ropes that bind you, spit on you, bite your ass and walk away, never looking back. :evil:
  23. Mistress Kim, I am always excited to see what outfit a Mistress has chosen to wear for any given session, but as the session progresses, I ultimately love to see her nude. I worship the beautiful naked bodies of gorgeous Asian women and I love for them to wave their goodies in my face as a constant reminder of what I want so bad, but will never have or possess. To me this is the perfect mental torture to accompany the physical torture that they will no doubt incur upon my flesh. When this scenario occurs, my satisfaction is without question guaranteed. :mrgreen:
  24. Dear MJK, Have a wonderful trip, hope we get to hear all about your adventures. As always, I anxiously await your return.
  25. Mistress Kim, You really caught my interest with this topic, either that, or I have been watching too many Vampire movies lately as well. Vampires have always fascinated me, from Nosferatu, to Count Dracula, to Hammer Horror films, to Interview With a Vampire and Queen of the Damned as well as Blade. I had always been strangely attracted to the lovely female vampires of the Hammer Horror films. So for the lovely Mistress Kim to be practicing some hard core Vampirism of her very own, then I anxiously offer up my neck to your unholy desires. Already I can picture myself falling victim to the hypnotizing gaze of the enchanting Vampire Kim, as your fangs break skin, followed by blood running down my neck. I am then helpless as you impose your will upon me.
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