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Posts posted by lashee

  1. Mistresses Vu, Choi and Ahn:


    i love all Your different reactions to horror! Mistress Vu, You're funny. That Blah! comment. And we all know the Mistress Choi type: no problem dishing it out, but try getting Her to a horror movie. Mistress, i would love to feel Your heartbeat through the heel of Your boot.


    i saw Paranormal. It even made it out here to San Francisco! i liked it a lot. i don't think Horror has to be scary, at least not jumpy-scary. Look at "Let the Right One In." It's about being an outsider, being seduced and falling in love, even if it is with EVIL! i loved it, but how scary was it? It certainly had mood.


    i think of all our sessions as Horror. Look how different they are, the different moods and paces, the building of tension, the quick violent terror, as well as the laid-back style of knowing exactly what is coming but who has the power to stop it? Do you want to jump OUT of your skin or be trapped INSIDE it?


    Thank You, Mistresses of Fortress, for bringing us into Horror!

  2. Yes, Akiravn1. (I pronounce your name Akee-raven-one, instead of A-caravan-one.) I cry all through Dead Ringers, one of my favorites. I'm an emotional freak when it comes to horror. And Jeremy Irons is so awesome in that. Basically I just call everything horror. It's easier that way. Like to see you have Audition on your list.

  3. Well, i guess i have to be a toad this year, to my 2 1/2 year old's witch. But you all seem so light-hearted about the affair. Isn't it time to get serious? i had my serious outfit all planned out before i realized i couldn't be in NYC. Would One of You please do this outfit for me and have it filmed? i think maybe MIss Seung could pull it off if she painted on really thick lips and took Bill Clinton with her to SMack! Laura Ling never received her caning (that i have heard of) for traipsing across the border. i think it is time for the reckoning. We all have thought about it. We know she deserves it. She isn't just a humanitarian but a great sex object that we all lust to be. Thank You for resolving this case, if possible.

  4. karensue, Mistress Kang will help you.


    Noah, that was fantastic, so honest. Sometimes i sit in this cell and think what if we didn't have each other. What if Our Doctors didn't present us with such therapeutic questions? It's why were here, right? i don't remember if we were captured or came willingly. Time has stood still. But i feel i am making some progress, though it's hard to follow the charts of the Doctors when They wear those shiny rubber tubes around Their necks. When i feel misguided the Head Doctor will direct me toward a different therapy. Then back to my cell for more writing and group interaction through these little machines we have. It's all so thought out. It makes you think that perhaps we were coded at birth. i love my Doctor. She is cool and distant and warm and fuzzy. She is my Mate. i am tired now. See your handwriting later.

  5. Speaking of Mistress Vu, it was One of my most unusual sessions ever. i had brought in my usual assortment of whips. She looked at them and said, "I'm not really into whips." Well, chalk one up to honesty, but I'm like... "Uh..." We regrouped and came up with "Nipples Light." She tied me facing Her and tortured my nipples for an hour. i was like Jane Fonda in the organ scene in Barbarella, swooning with each crescendo! Who Else besides Mistress Vu would give such agony to a masochist?

  6. All i can say is, wow wow wow & wow. And then of course i had to look at all the videos again. Congratulations to Everybody on how Each of Your Personalities (and other things) shines through the videos. Love that strap on the shackle that Mistress Jung handles so deftly. And that subway scene! No words, just the raw power of trickle, and then giggles. You All are too much!! Thank You You You You.

  7. Well, Mistress Choi, can i love from the shape of a twisted pretzel?


    i know You will help me with this.


    Love is a mongoose mirror offered up to unusual Beauty.

    Love is acknowledgment of graceful mental Superiority.

    Love is not using One's name in pun.

    Love is being guided by Superior Force.

    Love is being swept away by Logic.

    Love is how You surprise me.

    Love is recognition.

    Love is effort.

    Love is not show.

    Love is never attained.

    Love is quiet release of pain.

  8. What a gaggle of Delights! Maybe it's a good thing we weren't on the floor underneath You All. Mistress Seung looks like She's getting down. These are great pix, and i really enjoy looking at the juxtapositions of Dommes (or something like that). Thank You.

  9. Mistress Ahn, have you seen "Suicide Club"? It's Japanese, 2002. It's my fave on my top 25 horror list. The societal nightmare and glibness of high school students is subtle and mesmerizing. The theme sets up a physical reaction in your body.


    My second fave is "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (US, 1950's). Black and white, sunny and bright optimism of the 1950's. Then one frightening idea gets developed and won't let loose. As a 10 year-old I saw every horror movie that came along, but this shook me up. Once again, it's the subtlety. Subtlety gets under my skin more than blood.


    #3? You guessed it: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Texas, 1970's). This movie is not bloody and is in a different league from any of the remakes (5!) that followed. It is pure psychotic comedy on a very high level. Please watch this movie, the first one.


    And of course, we won't mention #4 on my list, Audition (Japan, 2000), where the last 15 minutes caused a massive U.S. walkout. I don't blame them. I'm into pain, and I almost couldn't believe what I was watching. Anyway, She is the horror Domme of all time. Subtlety? Your call.


    And yes, Mistress Ahn, "Drag me to Hell" was beautifully done, hilarious and sexy. Her attitude was wrapped in some timeless sexual aura. I loved her. I wanted her, even to hell.

  10. Loved Repulsion, Mongoose. Thanks for reminding me. I want to netflix it again. It's been way too long. I think at least Mistress Ahn would love it. It is the mental, creepy horror that I love, horror that takes me down, with no happy endings. I don't want to beat horror. I want it to beat me. Catherine DeNeuve is out of sight in this sick movie.

  11. Dear Mistress Choi,


    You told me not to withhold. This was sitting in my Draft folder.


    Thank You for the numbers 50 and 100. It helped to the extent that i realize the following:

    1. i am sorry for keeping You overtime, much to my horror when i realized it.

    2. i am sorry for being such a thoughtless greedy pig. It is not the way to learn or love.

    3. i am sorry that i could not help but edit this post (a tiny bit) after all this time.

    4. Even as i'm sorry can i be blamed for envisioning You, Your work, Your scent, the feel of Your nails against my left buttock, Your analytic view of the result?


    If it would please You, Mistress Choi, will You please teach me how to apologize?


    -Your pupil

  12. Here's an attempt to answer Mistress Kang's question.


    Mistress Ree is fun-loving, free-spirited, geeky, open-minded. She enjoys looking at the soul of Her submissive with some questions, some intuition, then some invention. She doesn't want to be bored in a session, but She wants to figure things out. Devices and unusual tortures would be Her milieu. But She would be just as willing a participant in a Mascot fantasy for Her submissive's favorite baseball team. Just watch out where the bats fly! you will enjoy being a water boy to the Mascot.


    Mistress Jung is more conventional, quieter, perhaps with a more disciplined upbringing. She would study something deeply before attempting to flay the hide off some innocent bystander. If the face and demeanor are any indication, and they aren't always, She has something going on that's different from the side She displays to the world. If my lowly intuition is correct, i think She has no use for me, other than to pleasure Herself. Mind you, that's the bottom line though, not always present in Her behavior. She will possibly, without understanding it, give Her submissive a horror ride, unleash some desire deep inside Herself and come out on the other side, with Her sub intact. In my clairvoyant mind i see Mistress Jung using a belt creatively, fondly, looking at the leather curiously.

  13. It's a strange world, the scene outside a dungeon. At Fortress, i don't have to worry about the Who and Why. Fortress makes me feel powerful and contained when walking away after a very intense hour, spent, loved, giddy.


    Dannyboy, if you ever see a bald-headed man in rubber waders, please come up and say hello. Well, at least announce yourself to Whomever has me on Her leash. Protocol first, freedom second, desire always.

  14. Yes, Dannyboy, i was at Mistress Yin and Richard's wedding Thursday night. She and Richard are both friends of mine. Were you there? i wish i had known. i would love to meet clients of The Fortress. Some of you i feel like i know. Maybe at some point, Mistress Kang could throw a get-together. i love the Forum and the articulation of the participants.


    At the wedding i was the one in rubber waders who was constantly on the floor underneath Mistress Phoenix (Black Dominatrix, blue sequined dress). Maybe you and i said hello to each other.


    i befriended Mistress Yin because of Her thing for the bullwhip. I attended some of Her Bondage Soirees, thrown by a client of Hers, always in a hotel room. Like you say, Dannyboy, She is a Queen-Domme of intelligence, desire, kindness and beauty.


    Also, i remember the Nurse Noelle incident at SMack! Everyone was terrified, drunk and running around. But somebody--it might have been Mistress Yin--saved her life by applying a tourniquet.

  15. Yes, dannyboy, I'm glad you mentioned this.


    i experienced crying this weekend at a party where a long-time friend pierced me through the nipples. i had never done needles, and i am a nipple-wimp. But She asked if i would do it, and i "gave" myself to Her. Though the pain was not of long duration, tears came into my eyes and down my cheeks. It was just trust and surrender, and a marking of our long relationship.

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