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Okay now I get it...


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So now I know what I was missing. The whole experience in visiting the fortress is rather surreal and left me in quite a daze. Walking past the birdcage had me wondering "Where the hell am I??" I had no idea what to expect next but once Mistress Rey entered and began guiding me on a dreamlike adventure I felt quite at home. She began peeling away my barriers and taking over my mind with her dark forces. She handed the controls gently back to me at the end of the session which allowed for a smooth as possible landing.

MIstress Rey - Thanks for the movie recommendation, I will definitely watch soon. 

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Hi Polyethelyne,


Typical of all new clients at the incomparable FETISH FORTRESS you echo the endless praises of this BDSM establishment of no equal in its superior interaction and professionalism in dealing with its ever growing list of ardent admirers including myself who after ELEVEN OUTSTANDING SESSIONS in the last eleven months is overwhelmingly impressed by this supreme facility of fetish fulfillment run by the most BEAUTIFUL BOSS I ever had the extreme privilege to submit to...the ultra EXOTIC ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS...MISTRESS JESSY  KANG...my perennial birthday bashing GODDESS...that BEAUTIFUL FACE...that AWESOME BODY...my AWESOME INFATUATION...Lonewolf 

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So now I know what I was missing. The whole experience in visiting the fortress is rather surreal and left me in quite a daze. Walking past the birdcage had me wondering "Where the hell am I??" I had no idea what to expect next but once Mistress Rey entered and began guiding me on a dreamlike adventure I felt quite at home. She began peeling away my barriers and taking over my mind with her dark forces. She handed the controls gently back to me at the end of the session which allowed for a smooth as possible landing.

MIstress Rey - Thanks for the movie recommendation, I will definitely watch soon. 


 Are you sure I have really given the controls back to you? 


 I am looking forward to your reactions to the film.... here or better yet, in person.

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First time excitement/anticipation/apprehension seems to always have something to do with that intimidating little bird cage! Sounds like you were engulfed by Mistress Rey's dark forces, even now she still has you guessing whether you're in control or not ;)


 Haha, that bird cage is like that plot device in an Hitchcock film of whats to come!

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The birdcage is like some voodoo mojo shit...trapping you...messing with your mind.....you have to send money to me and Say twenty times "OOOOAHHH BAIYUUU SIAM" while standing in your underwear on one leg on 47 st and 8th ave at 3:03 am on Nee Years Day....then.the spell will be lifted........that's what the gypsy told me anyway...........either that or get broke so you can't afford to come by anymore..

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