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Role Play Fantasies


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Dearest M. Chan,

Your well thought out role play preparation, from putting a lot of time into making your wardrobe perfect for a scene, making every little detail count and staying within the story, is precisely why I feel such a need to interact with you, as I feel all of these components are essential to the fantasy. Being into the whole rope thing as you are, begs me to ask, how many times have you been on the receiving end of such play? Also is it conceivable for me to schedule a session with two Fortress Players, where both you and I are the subs to a dominant Mistress Ahn. For instance, you are living in a convent, with your ambition focused on becoming a nun, lol but after a while certain urges begin to get the better of you and you sneak a man (AkiraVN1) into the convent. Caught in a passionate embrace by the meanest Sister Superior this side of Hell (Mistress Ahn), we are taken to the basement of the convent, bound together by rope, close enough to feel each other breathe, close enough to feel each others heart beat. Then we are severely chastised and tortured in a myriad of different ways for our indiscretions of disobedience. Being extremely close to you and in peril together has a certain appeal to me, while at the same time, the focal point of that peril being Mistress Ahn would all culminate in quite a fantasy for me. :D

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