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Mistress Zhao

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Status Updates posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. I will lay my healing hands on you. And stick my healing fingers in you, too ;) YAY to your recovery and I'm looking forward to seeing you!

  2. If you were my full-time manservant, you would be to busy to even think about holding on to anything. Especially your dignity :)

  3. You seem to have learned your less on humility. Now what about letting things go?

  4. thanks for the Hurricane Zhao poem, baby kangaroo ;)

  5. We had some laughs and it was an overall good time!

  6. Mistress Ree is a great choice for you! She is quite a pusher but you'd never know that she was even challenging you because of her witty banter and cheerful attitude :D

  7. Looking forward to breaking you into a new curriculum.

  8. Back to school with you on the 31st!

  9. I am always down for some discipline.

  10. hi baby kangaroo,

    thanks for the lovely little rhyme. hope you've had a wonderful summer!

  11. I haven't laughed that hard in while either! You were such a good baby, makes me think you've done this baby thing before, long, long, ago ;)

  12. Indeed I am! Finally going to the beach today! How about yours?

  13. why must you be such a silly, sulky schoolboy?

  14. And what happens if you don't get an answer?

  15. seems like you were very captivated by the sensory delights of baby-dom ;) ok! thanks for the answers!

  16. does someone need attention?

  17. Dearest Phred,

    Be prepared to play air guitar for me so I can measure that tingling sensation in your testicles.

  18. both! favorite items as a baby and when you had a baby in the house :)

  19. Think back to when you were overrun with baby items in your house..what were some of your favorite things?

  20. But if it gets any worse, or you start hallucinating, seeing me holding that electro box when you know I'm not there with you, perhaps you should come in for a follow-up. I wouldn't want you to hallucinate yourself into a tizzy.

  21. Dearest Phred,

    That tingling sensation is quite normal. It's merely the Pavlovian response to music that I've trained your testicles to feel. Just breathe and enjoy it :)

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