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Everything posted by EdgarAH

  1. Hey Mistress Ree! I miss your silly presence around these parts.

  2. Oh my goodness!!! and how could anyone ever say no to that?
  3. Hey! Happy Birthday Mistress Choi! Wherever you may be.
  4. Anything for you MJK, but with all of the sweating I do, I think It'd be sheer misery
  5. Absolutely! In the words of Nike - Just Do It. You'll have so much fun.
  6. Can I try? Mistress Jung you must be an incredible sight to walk past in the city with a sun dress on. Plenty of guys walking into things with their heads turned.
  7. Damn! I'd have certainly loved to be a fly on the wall that day. My imagination just got stirred...
  8. That scene is the one and only reason I'd watch that movie again, thanks. She was sooo sexy.
  9. Hey Mistress Jung! Going away this week, and then when I get back I really look forward to our (your) day!

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Enjoy your trip! See you when you get back :-)

  10. Thanks for stopping in yesterday mZ! I really appreciate it, and your ideas and efforts! Only one bad fortune egg, and it wasn't so bad ;). Much love to you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      You have definitely provided some of the most memorable images during session :D xo

    3. EdgarAH


      Usually at your creation =D. xo back

    4. ticklebrat
  11. Hey TW! It's true. Email the Boss and she'll fill you in on PMing.

  12. I think no matter which combination of the fine Fortress ladies you choose, you will not go wrong. So far every single Mistress I've met has been beautiful, sweet, so sexy, and a lot of fun to be around.
  13. That signature line was from Pretty in Pink, right Phred? I used to have a big crush on Molly Ringwald.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EdgarAH


      Me too! I guess we grew up in the same era, Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club, Fast Times, etc.!

    3. Phred


      Used to have a huge crush on Ally Sheedy!

    4. EdgarAH


      Oh hell yeah! Here's another one..Phoebe Cates!

  14. Hey mZ! Just a quick pop-in hello!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EdgarAH


      Hey! Well, normal world has its mundane side for sure. I belong far from normal world, but we gotta do what we gotta do most, and I mean most, of the time. Can't wait to see you in the not too distant future.

    3. EdgarAH


      By the way, I know you'll like this. I did my 'hands clasped, index fingers point' under the table at a meeting today and came out pretty much unscathed!! :D, thanks, hope it always works.

    4. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Ah! The ninja hand trick! So glad it worked for you! xo

  15. Hey mZ! That was me on your Mistress Kang started "gobstopper" thread - "Mistress Tran - legs, eyes, and lips (and that stare!) Mistress Kang - her wide eyed smile (it is so contagious) Mistress Jung - her eyes and legs (her whole tight body) Mistress Ree - her pretty face and legs Mistress Choi - her eyes and lips (meltworthy) Mistress Vu - anything where her cute little body is moving around quickly (remember that video where Jessy was following her around prior to a date?) Mistress Chen - eyes and lips (notice a trend here?) Mistress Zhao - eyes, lips, (and I know this is strange, but vascularity) and slow, confident, methodical movements Mistress Lin - her eyes and lips Mistress Ko - her face (wow!) Mistress Xing (is she still there?) - her very cute face and tight little body"
  16. She stopped in during a session a few months ago. What a cutie! If "sweet and innocent" were ever a cover, it's right here. All of the ladies appear that way, including the Boss, but they are all quite capable. The "sweet and innocent" thing is what gets you reeled in, then it's too late!
  17. "big fucking cotton boner"???!!!! hahahaha, thanks
  18. This time you made me laugh - "Mole removal"? lol

  19. I always loved that video, and even after viewing it (around 100 times) I still waited with much anticipation at the next open door passing.
  20. On this subject, there are a whole bunch of Mistress Kang photos missing. Please bring them back MJK.
  21. Hey Msitress Jung! "Put a chain around my neck and lead me anywhere" has been playing inside my head for about 3 days now, thanks! :D

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Hehehe, still such a great image, you as our bear! :) What an appropriate song. See you soon!

  22. It's so hard to choose, but I like the simple, candid, street photos the most, especially the mZ one and all of your collage photos MJK. That's what drew me in in the first place.
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