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Posts posted by Dannyboy

  1. I am positive this can be done. It's easy to get guys into what I call the "pretzel position". What happens after that depends on what you're "aiming" for ;-)


    Dear Mistress Kang:


    I specifically remember that you posted on the old Yahoo group about someone who did this for you in session. You mentioned that he did a number of stretching exercises on the subway before the session.


    He may have looked weird on the subway but any explanation as to why would have been mild by comparison.


    I have been told to "go fuck myself" on many occasions but never to "go suck myself." Oh yes, I have never done either.



  2. Many thanks to you who have responded. My access to the internet is limited and my significant other doesn't let me stray too far.


    I feel honored to have well wishers and friends who have sent emails, texts and have called me while I have been away. There has been no "play" time for me but my mind has worked overtime concocting imaginary sessions and roleplays with some of the beautiful young ladies who have crossed my path in the last few days.


    The only Asian Lady I've seen is at the casino blackjack table. She is not real; just a projection of live dealer. I like the personal touch and interaction of a live dealer so I have not played blackjack at all.


    Played for over 2 hours on house money and quit when I lost it back. Breaking even is almost as good as winning.


    Take care everyone.



  3. Dear Mistress Kang:


    I'm going on vacation for a while.


    My batteries need to be recharged and I have to get away from the daily routine.


    When I return I will try to visit the Fortress and renew the special connection I've had with you and Vu as well as the other lovely Ladies I met in the last 9 months.


    I doubt there are any dungeons where I'm going but I won't be free to explore anyway.


    Please be well.



  4. No we have Fortress specific music, it's an eclectic blend, lot of it retro or Asian. Most of it has kind of a "fun" tone to provide a counterpoint to what's going on in the session. The exact titles I would consider a trade secret - seriously.


    I've got great speakers that I really LOVE, it was a recommendation from a client and they were so good I got them for all the rooms. I'd never go back to a cheap boombox again.




    Dear Mistress Kang:


    One of my missions, especially in 2005 and 2006 was to provide you with music of your favorite artists, plus my own special playlists, and to cherish the music you were kind enough to give to me.


    In my last session at the Fortress I repeatedly "named that tune" naming the artist and the year released. The Mistress was impressed but I had a distinct and unfair advantage having heard the music a number of times in the recent past. Still that has been my forte and sometimes my curse.


    Still remember the New Year's Song by the China Dolls and "She Said" (not the Beatles song) - a hauntingly moving tune.



  5. Hey, everybody, can we play the crying game some night at Fortress? I'm a screamer, but what really breaks me down is crying. And I know no one wants to lose status in the eyes of Mistress Kang, right?




    To some, crying is not a loss of status. It can be a sincere offering to his Mistress and or a well needed cathartic release. Some Mistresses actually appreciate the trust and sharing of deeper emotions.



  6. Decided to cut my hair a bit for the summer.


    Everything becomes an true beauty. It looks like he saw you as Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop




    Congratulations on your summer look I'm sure you will love the freedom of shorter hair.




    The pic you posted didn't come through for some reason but I found it and here it is ;-)


    Also the pic you have in your profile looks way cool - what the heck is it though?! LOL


    Goodbye Norma Jean



  7. Decided to cut my hair a bit for the summer. I went to Vu's hairstylist and salon, he is awesome! He took ALOT of time on my hair, like close to 2 hours (my butt was sore LOL) More pics to come...



    Hi Mistress Kang,


    Two hours??? It takes my guy less than ten minutes and that includes the beard. Can't wait to see your new look.




    When my Irish Lassie get her hair done I could sneak to the Fortress, buy breakfast for all the Ladies, balance the federal budet and get home an hour before she's done.


    She tips more than I pay for my haircut.



  8. Few quick pics I took for you guys the other day ;)

    The third picture, with your mons pubis centered over a leg of the table, appears that you have a penis.

    Uh...no looks like a wheel to me. But interesting bit of personal insight you gave us there... :D


    Dear Mistress Kang:


    If it's a mere coincidence, so be it.


    Remember the old Coca Cola commercial and song, "It's The Real Thing?"





  9. I'm sure most people reading this forum have had delightful moments at the Fortress, but if there is anybody lurking here who has not done so, you HAVE TO visit! I get to session only on rare occasions these days, but last year made it to the Fortress four times (to see Chan, Quan and twice with Vu, the master of body worship), and will return more in 2009 when I can. The Fortress is a cut above most other "houses" I have been to. My preference has been mostly to see independent Mistresses (though I have had some fun at professional dungeons), but the Fortress is quite an exception to other houses. Besides the fact it is clean (!) and feels super safe, I feel like the session begins almost from the outset of entering the establishment, more so than any other dungeon I have visited. You have no doubt you have made the right (sinfully wrong, ha!) decision once you step into the changing room and get ready.


    I shall return! And if you are reading this and have not ventured into the Fortress, please go and have a wonderful dirty experience!


    Using a horse racing analogy, the Fortress is akin to Secretariat winning the Belmont Stakes. You were lucky enough to session with Chan and Quan while I was fortunate to meet them both under other circumstances. Vu is a doll.


    Mistress Kang could move to Kalamazoo and I would follow but she has found her place and her dream in Chinatown.



  10. How can you do that to poor Sally Fields I keep asking myself:-)) Ha! Ha!


    Oh mustanggt, little ms sally fields will NOT be happy you keep calling her that (lol!) She was offended for weeks after your original post...LOL


    Dear Mistress Kang:


    A certain someone else, bearing some facial similarity to the lovely Seung, took offense to that comparison. Looking back, it is so unimportant now.


    I'm happy that you have such lovely Ladies today.



  11. Every time I look at my wife...HA! HA!




    I'm going out on a limb here. I would gamble that your wife is not a member of this forum.




    If she was that would be the end of my allowance, no more fortress for the stanger, no more expensive toys and I'd have to find a job eeewwww!...the thought. :o




    I seem to recall having that conversation with Her Royal Vuness. I am very happy at home though.



  12. their menstruation fetish? I've met a few guys that enjoy it but would like to hear more about it. I don' think they were able to articulate well enough. I've read about it online, but I'd like to hear from you guys ;-)


    I know for some men this is gross. Deal with it.


    Dear Mistress Kang:


    Hell's Angels earn "redwings" by performing orally on a menstruating lady. Why the ritual and why the fetish? Je ne sais pas.



  13. During my long, and sometimes arduous, history with Mistresses there have been a number of reunions with Mistresses who have fallen out of my life for various reasons.


    Sometimes there have been gaps of 1 - 3 years or more between sessions. This group includes Mistresses of such stature as Vu, Senju, Jade Vixen, Kyoko, Thora Nang and others. In 2007, as fate would have it, I had a reunion with a Mistress Yuri. I was her first client in 1997. In 2008 she fell off the face of the Earth after Hidden Chamber was shut down by the repressive forces that always seek to judge but not to be judged.


    This past Tuesday I had a reunion with someone of great beauty, intelligence, loyalty and imagination. I cannot mention her name. Mistress Kang knows of whom I speak. I consider her as dear a friend to me as I am to her. That she took time to see me before embarking on another trip is a tribute to our friendship and 10 year connection.


    I could say without a doubt that the most valuable experiences (positive and negative) of my life in the scene have taken place outside the dungeons. In 2008 two of my dearest Mistresses left my world. Tuesday's reunion helped balance those losses.


    I am always grateful for Mistresses Kang and Vu plus the newer connections I have made through the Fortress. I am exceptionally grateful that of my longer term connections some still remain.



  14. my experience is actuall a single one, and yes i cried.


    i went to that asian Lady and had to do some household chores for her, naked. then minutes before her girlfriends arrived, i had to get dressed like a girl. then serve them tea and do the dishes, then do a strip-tease for them. so far so good, even if i know that i am a very bad dancer and they all had their fun, then they made a kind of card-game and i only later understood that they were playing "who is making him cry ..... i had to be kneeling naked in front of the winner and look into her eyes, she then kicked my balls, i had to kiss her foot, say "thank You" and look back into her eyes, waiting for the next kick. that until i cried.


    what i still not understand is: did i cry out of pain or was it the cumulated humiliation ?




    Fascinating scenario. The only part that I couldn't deal with is being kicked in the balls. I doubt that I would be able to take a second kick after receiving the first one. As to crying, I don't know that I would even be conscious.


    Some Mistresses I know love ballbusting but are disappointed because so few can tolerate the pain.



  15. Dear Mistress Kang,


    what do You estimate is the %age of men crying like little girls in Your sessions ?




    Reflecting a bit more on your question, I wonder if you would like to share your own experiences in the scene. Have you ever cried in session? What do you think of those who cry in session?



  16. I'm just curious if anybody experiences a depression that hits a day or two after a BDSM session. I have heard that after the "high" of a session wears off that there is an almost equal depression that follows... I've heard about this and can understand why it would happen, but since I've never had a BDSM session, I don't have any first-hand information about this.


    If you feel a depression, do you think this is something that can be avoided or is it just a natural side effect of the high created from being in the presence of such intoxicating women as the women from the Fortress and then not being in their presence?




    First of all I would advise anyone with depression to seek medical advice to make sure there is no underlying physical cause and to get to the emotional basis of the depression. The Mistresses of the Fortress are not a substitute for and do not practice medicine without a license.


    Perhaps you should try a session and draw the answers from your own experiences.


    Some of us have experienced depressions in our own lives, independent from bdsm, and may have sessions during the course of the depression.


    It is my opinion that the phenomemon to which you allude relates to a depressed person who has a session and is temporarily elevated from the depression only to return to the original state a day or two later.



  17. Dear Mistress Kang,


    what do You estimate is the %age of men crying like little girls in Your sessions ?





    A good deal of gender behavior is conditioned by society. There is no biological assignment of crying to little girls and not to big girls or adult women. By the same token, nature did not make it more difficult for men to cry and in some societies crying by a man is considered a sign of strength.


    I wonder why you didn't say "crying like little boys?"


    If men could cry more often, the life span of men would be increased vis a vis women. It's not physically heathly to repress emotions.


    Please don't take this as a personal criticism. You just touched upon a point that prompts this response.



  18. No word from Gary yet LOL But then again, I should probably just check their site like a good consumer would... But I've been too occupied sporting my new vintage (haha oxy-moron) sunglasses!


    Aren't they K-OO-L?! Turquoise...metal...and super cool arms!!!


    Dear Mistress Kang:


    I wouldn't think these photos are about the glasses. Upon first glance I could picture Grace Kelly as a movie star and then I could picture Grace Kelly transform to Princess Grace upon marrying Prince Ranier.


    These are photos of royalty and the photogenic beauty of Mistress Kang. The only thing out of place is the yellow cab.



  19. Dear Mistress Kang:


    They say boys will be boys and girls will be girls. But what's going on here? Bass ackwards!!! LOL


    I envision this very hot and sexy clip performed to background music from the Shirelles circa 1961. "Mama Said."


    Imagine the tomboy singing


    "Mama said there'd be days like this

    there'd be days like this

    there'd be days like this

    my mama said.


    mama said, mama said....


    Her mother must have been very enlightened.



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