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Posts posted by Dannyboy

  1. Revival of a nice topic by Ms. Tran. Posts by Ms. Koi and Rey. I sessioned with all three of them. Manpeach was a regular for years. Had maybe 15 sessions with Koi who helped fill the void created by the departure of Mina Jung back then.


  2. Saturday afternoon me and my young lady were on the corner of 5th Ave and 34th Street when a celebration parade crossed the intersection going south. Everyone was happy. There were also people in wheelchairs, walkers and canes in the parade. We needed to cross to the other side but she was apprehensive. Anyway I implored her to trust me and, lo and behold, like Moses parting the Red Sea a path opened up for us to get to the other side. Between the two of us we were young, old, black-Latina-native American and white. There was a feeling of emancipation all around.


  3. Finally watched "Rififi" from start to finish without interruption. I was very young when I watched it for the first time and was upset by all the violence. It was in French with English sub-titles. It seems that there was a scene of interest to S & M fans. The ex-con comes out of prison and finds that his lady was running around with another thug. He makes her remove  all her clothing and whips her with a belt. Of course she was out of camera range when her panties and bra came off and only the sound effects could be heard. All those years ago it upset me. Now it upset me that the whiipping wasn't visible and not half as many lashes as I would have given her.


  4. Congrats on your great session. I don't consider Ms. Jung to be evil. She is my Angel of Mercy who can be Devilish. I don't know about Ms. Lovelace but perhaps someday I will find out. As I always say, the Fortress is the best place for newbies but you won't know that unless you dare to venture outside of the Fortress. Then you will know for sure. You will always be in good hands at the Fortress though.


  5. On 9/9/2020 at 5:27 AM, The Spermwhale said:

    I was flipping the channels and came on it at the end. There was this dude soloing on a sitar for like 15 minutes. I was hoping to catch Hendrix or The Who .

    That was Ravi Shankar or was it Rabbi Chancre? Hendrix sang "Wild Thing" and set his guitar of fire and smashed it to bits. The Who sang "My Generation."


  6. On 7/31/2020 at 1:06 PM, tw21 said:

    Hi, I'm new here also. Wondering if anyone has tips or thoughts or stories about an introductory session. Thanks!

    I don't know if the Fortress has opened for newbies at this point. If yes, just do it. The Mistresses know exactly how to welcome someone new and I guarantee you'll survive to come back for the next one.


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