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Status Updates posted by Phred

  1. Hey Edgar! Hope your session with Mistress Tran went well! I just came off the worst 10 months of my life - celebrating with a session with MZ next week.

    1. EdgarAH


      It did! She's a master (mistress?) at the sensual session. She is a supreme sexual being and a very nice person too. Kind of like mZ, but they're both quite different personalitywise. Anyway, I really hope your troubles are far behind you and in the distance Phred.

    2. Phred


      Glad it did! I love Mistress Tran's posts - she is always so hard-core and puts us subs back in our proper place! Can't wait to session with her!

  2. I saw this article and found it very interesting, so I thought I would share it with you. I'm finding Frida Kahlo very intriguing, she's a really interesting study in pain - thanks for suggesting her to me. Here's the article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/47144859#.T5cr1dW8GSo

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Art is truly a wonderful thing. It's so deep that you can easily explore the subconsciousness through it. Glad you've looked into Frida's pain. She was a remarkable woman and artist.

    2. Phred


      You are an excellent teacher, Mistress Zhao. I am really looking forward to learning so much more from you.

  3. Hey TW! I hope last Saturday evening was really memorable! I'm so envious!

    1. TrackWarrior


      Phred, I was used and abused for the better part of 10 hours by countless Dommes. I haven't a clue where we went because i was wearing a blinded leather mask for a good portion of the evening and morning. It is 6 days later and I am still very black and blue and sore as hell. Mistress sent me a few pics that i do not have the balls to share here and i have been walking around with a hard on that will not go away. I never laughed so hard and was so frightened at the same time in my life. W...

    2. Phred


      That really sounds like a lot of fun and very intense. More power to you! It looks like the last bit of you message got cut off. Planning another session with MZ beginning of May, can't wait!

    3. Phred


      I'm starting to think we need to provide the Mistresses with some dressage wear - I don't ever remember seeing anything like it on the site. How HOT would MZ be in britches, boots, shirt, helmet carrying a riding crop?!?!? Lots of room there for scenario play :) ! Even better- a photo shoot on a horse! YEOW!

  4. YAY!! DT coming back to New York in July!

  5. Thanks for the training advice! Will definitely work some of that stuff in.

  6. Hello Mistress Jung! If I remember correctly, you once posted that you liked Radiohead. I heard this the other day, I thought you might find it... amusing :D. Here we go:

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      LOL, Cheese is quite an appropriate name for him. I prefer the real thing! But yes, I do love Radiohead :)

    2. Phred


      Wondering if that Cheese would go well with your Champagne ;) !

    3. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      My champagne pairs well with everything ;) And if for some reason it doesn't, I just force it down!

  7. Earl Scruggs and Jim Marshall passing away? It must be the apocalypse...

  8. Edgar, I think something's wrong. I sent the Boss an email, I sent booking an email and I just sent another one to book a session and have heard nothing. I know they're all busy, but is it possible I've been BANNED? Kinda freaking me out.

    1. EdgarAH


      Oh, I highly doubt that. Especially since the Boss put you through the wood chipper :D. I've had it happen before, where it's taken a day or two for a reply. If time's getting close, try calling them. You have the number, right?

    2. Phred


      You're right - called and spoke to the Boss today, worked everything out. Was able to book another session at the beginning of May. YAY!

  9. I am suspicious that you deliberately cast a spell on me in our last session - I can't seem to think straight anymore! All I see is you in RED! I find it uncalled for that you would use your spells and magical powers on an unsuspecting sub ;) !

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      You find it uncalled for? I find it aptly necessary!


      It's only as real as you think it is ;D

    2. Phred


      I can assure you, Mistress Zhao, that your magic is VERY real to me. I can only wonder what spells and powers you will use on me in our next session :) .

  10. Hello Mistress Zhao! Did you see they remade "Total Recall"? With Colin Farrell? Oh boy.... Miss you much!

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Hm..could be a fun date night flick ;)

    2. Phred
  11. So sad - Earl Scruggs passed away yesterday.

  12. As per Edgar, "Operation Avatar" 4/1 :) .

  13. How are you Mistress Zhao? I saw this the other day and wanted to share it with you. It's two guitarists doing flamenco covers of heavy metal songs - I really love it! Here's "Wasted Years" by Maiden, hope you enjoy (they also cover Ozzy):

  14. Any new recruits for "Operation Avatar"?

    1. EdgarAH


      No, I'm glad you mentioned it. I've been so busy I almost forgot about that!

    2. Phred


      OK, keep me posted if anything changes...

    3. EdgarAH
  15. Hey TW! Just got a house generator installed a few weeks ago. Even though it's 60 degrees and sunny today, the damn power's out again. Generator kicked on, loving life right now. The next time any natural disasters strike the NYC area, party's at my house!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phred


      I live about 1 1/2 hours north of NYC below Albany in a small town. Used to live in NYC for many years, but moved out because of work several years ago.

    3. Phred


      Thought more about the whole "dinner with the Mistresses" thing. While I would love for it to happen, and will likely be the first in line if invited, I can't imagine MJK would allow it - only for the simple reason that any time that the Mistresses are away from the Fortress would be considered lost revenue. Not to be a downer, but I can't see any way around it, unless the dinner for us would be considered a session (which I'm fine with). No such thing as a free lunch, s...

    4. TrackWarrior


      I would do that in a heart beat. It could even be a late night dinner.

  16. HA! I think Mistress Tran picked up your "Captioned Pics" mantle! Did you see her "butthead" post in the Guest Forum? Way too cool.

  17. Woffy! Thanks for the grip exercises! They are starting to toughen up my hands and make a difference. Groovy!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      ...for high reps (15-20). Then turn the plate side to face back and do the same. Then try wrist rotations. Same grips but rotate the weight right and then left. Turn the plate to face back and do the same. GROOVY??? Are we back in the 60s? Hey! I can dig it.

    3. Phred


      Sorry you haven't been feeling well. It sucks that first week or two back in the gym. Thanks for the hand exercises, will try these out. Definitely been using "groovy" a lot lately. Have also been thinking of trying to bring back "gnarly" :) ...

    4. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Gnarly? Must have missed that one.

  18. I ran across this Lita Ford song tonight (I'm always cruising for something I haven't heard before), thought I would share it with you. I don't think it's her best work, but it definitely feels like she belongs at the FF :) . Miss you much, Mistress Zhao! http://soundcloud.com/litaford/scream-4-me

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Wow, I had no idea she was still putting out music. This has a Lords of Acid vibe to it. Thanks for sharing, my little powerbottom!

    2. Phred


      Thanks for reminding me of Lords of Acid! Even though I'm a metalhead, I still really like that whole industrial sound (NIN, MM, etc...). Did I ever tell you that I caught one of the drumsticks from NIN's show at the Academy in NYC on their "Pretty Hate Machine" tour? It still sits in a place of honor on my desk :) . Can't wait to see you again!

    3. ticklebrat


      Wow... FLASHBACK... Mistress Zhao when i was playing 'I sit on acid' as a club DJ, I doubt You were even BORN ;) Have to admit, the early '90s industrial era was GREAT dungeon music.. i fondly remember the hot GOTH girls and fetish people - although they were mostly fashion tourists. Having them ask me to play Sisters of Mercy WEEK AFTER WEEK.. not such a fond memory ;)

  19. Hey Edgar! Was just going through Van Halen's album "1984" and was going to drop Mistress Zhao a brief note that the song "Drop Dead Legs" made me think of her, then I heard them sing the lyric "giant butt"... Dammit - clearly not a wise idea...

    1. EdgarAH


      ha, no, not at all :D. I doubt she'd be offended, but would make you pay just for the hell of it ;). I'm going to be off for a few days, see you soon Phred!

  20. Hello Mistress Vu! A new KING has been crowned! I thought you might be interested: http://www.federalnewsradio.com/?nid=615&sid=2749540

  21. Got the new Van Halen album - AWESOME! Can't wait to see them!

    1. akiravn1




      I had been a huge Van Halen fan. Just wasn't sure if I would feel the same after all this time and have been hesitant to buy the new album.

    2. Phred


      Akiravn1 - See what you think on YouTube, there should be a few tracks there. I would definitely get it, though - it's very old school and sounds great! Reminds me of them before '1984' and Van Hagar.

  22. How are you, Mistress Zhao? I think I will have to bring this to our next session: http://www.antimonkeybutt.com/ :)

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      LOL this will be good for your shower after being babooned :D

  23. DUDE! My wife's been riding dressage for the past year or two, and we just got the Dover Saddlery catalog in the mail. Have you SEEN this thing? Pages and pages of hot women in t-shirts, breeches or jodpurs, tall leather boots and whips! Can't freakin' believe it :)

    1. TrackWarrior


      Phred, is that the only catalogue you've seen?? i think we get 10 different catalogues. And yes I know exactly what you are talking about. LOL

    2. Phred


      We usually go to the local tack shop for stuff, but I guess I need to start ordering more by mail :) . BTW, my wife just leased a horse from Long Island - he came up last weekend.

    3. TrackWarrior


      Hey Phred, Good luck with the horse. Look around the gack store and feed store for catalogues. I'll send you some names this weekend....Giddyup!

  24. I believe I passed you in the elevator at the Fortress last night. I sincerely apologize for not saying hello - I was too stunned to see you that I couldn't get any words out! So, for now, HELLO!

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      LOL, yes that was me. Remembering that look on your face...the word flabbergasted comes to mind :-)

    2. Phred
  25. YIKES! We have a Mistress Tran look-alike in the gym! The resemblance is close enough that I almost freaked out when I saw her and ran for the hills! Scared the bejesus out of me!

    1. EdgarAH


      Really? I never get to see girls anything like that in the gym I go to (darnit!) Mistress Tran is really a nice person though. I met her in a session last spring and she's very good and a good person to turn yourself over to.

    2. Phred


      I am trying to work up the nerve to session with her - I'm thinking maybe in the summer. I've grown at lot at the FF, and now I think it's time to face some of my fears...

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