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Everything posted by Johnny00000000

  1. Mistress Kang, thanks for reposting Your forum photos (& I think You may have even added a few that were never posted before) - wow, absolutely mesmerizing & I especially love the barefoot pics & Your beautiful hair.
  2. Hey Sod018 - that's funny - very cool story. I love hearing stories about actors & musicians being so dedicated to their craft - like Robert Deniro filming in Italy on weekdays & flying to NYC on weekends to actually become a real NYC taxi driver so that he can master the role - imagine hailing a cab in Manhattan in the 70's & Robert Deniro picks you up? - I can hear the music playing in my head just thinking about it - I used to take taxis all the time in Manhattan in the 70's when I was a kid - I loved those old checkerboard taxis with the stools in the back seat - but whenever I see an old movie from the 70's in NYC, the streets at night look so dark, I don't remember streetlights being so dim at night in Manhattan when I was a kid. Some stories are so crazy, like there's one story where one of the Chess brothers would always deliberately start a really bad argument with Etta James during every recording session so that she would be in a really bad mood & angry when she was singing & the recordings would sound so much better - so whenver you hear an old Etta James song on the radio, she was really angry when she was recording it - interesting stuff. Here's to Ben - we love Ben - Raymond, get him out of the car, Raymond - You stay alive, Baby - do it for Vango - I remember in the movie theatre when Kyle's character gives the detective the bag with the ear in it & the detective says, it's an ear, alright - the whole theatre was laughing so hard. Have a good weekend.
  3. Hey Sod018, How the shit are you? I'm good - I'm real fuckin' good - first time I saw that - I just only saw that part - I was a kid & I was changing the channel, literally changing the channel by hand, I think it was in the late 70's so remotes were just starting to be available - & as I was changing the channel, that part came on & it scared the shit out of me - is it safe? No it's not safe? is it safe? Yes, it's very safe.
  4. And Mistress Jung's haircut in this video is so hot - It goes so perfect with the shape or her beautiful face - And both Mistresses Jung & Choi's outfits & boots were so were mesmerizing - of course, my favorite boots are the clear boots that Mistress Choi wore at the XTC party & I think Mistress Yao wore clear boots in one of Her videos too (I think I would faint if saw a pic of Mistress Zhao in clear boots) - & then I would say after the clear boots, the black boots in this video are my 2nd favorite.
  5. That video really turned me on - both Mistresses Jung & Choi are so beautiful - I was mesmerized - I think I need to start learning to love pain.
  6. I wasn't afraid of the dentist until my grandmother took me to her dentist in Chinatown when I was a kid for a bad tooth & the dentist was a very nice guy but he was very old - like 100 years old & it took him about 3 minutes to put the bib around my neck because his hands were shaking uncontrollably & he didn't believe in using novocaine so he drilled my tooth without novocaine with his uncontrollably shaking hand & then he went to put the filling in my mouth and his hands were shaking so bad, that he dropped the filling on the floor & it was right in front of him on the floor but he couldn't see it so I had to get out of the chair & pick up the filling off the floor & give it to him & he put the filling in my mouth without even cleaning it after it was on the floor & I felt pain so I told him so he pulled the filling out & said I probably have an exposed nerve. Then the horror starts - he picks up one of his sharp tools and sticks it right in the cavity hole of my tooth & I felt an excruciating pain & I screamed so loud & then he puts that tool down & picks up another sharp tool & sticks it in my mouth & I felt the pain again & I screamed & then he put that tool down & picked up another tool & this went on for about 20 minutes with about 14 different tools. It felt like I was in a movie - I think he was enjoying it because he kept smiling as I was screaming in agony without novocaine - & he kept going through his tools looking like, hmm, which one should I try next - this was like the late 70's or early 80's so doctors were able to get away with a lot more back then. Finally, he takes an x-ray & tells me to come back in a few days. I was too scared to go back but my grandmother sent me back & the dentist said he looked at the x-ray & he couldn't find an exposed nerve - so he put the filling in & then he picks up another tool & I said c'mon not again & he sticks it in my mouth & the pain came back & I screamed again - he said it was acidity - I think he just probably messed up when he was drilling because of his shaking hands - I had never had that experience with any other dentist - he had a no tooth pulling policy because he was too old & didn't have the strength to pull teeth - I was a kid back then but now that I look back, he could have just taken that x-ray in the beginning but instead he decided to torture me for 20 minutes. I didn't go to the dentist for like 10 years after that until my girlfriend brought me to her dentist & then after that I have no problem with the dentist.
  7. Sounds incredible - & I love the part about the autograph - what an honor - to have Mistress Zhao autograph a part of your body.
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