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About Manpeach

  • Birthday April 9

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    The steamy mist
  • Interests
    Giving up control to my mistress. To be told what to do, how to act, what to feel and what to think. To step away from my persona, responsibilities and belong to another. To flush power and energy from my being and offering it to my mistress. And, in the end, hoping the sacrifice of my dignity is of use to my mistress.

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  1. Hey Peach Person, where do you do yoga? I take classes at Yogaworks and Ishta.

    1. Manpeach


      Hey Wofyperson, I go to a studio called "Exhale". It's right across the street from Phred's Drug, if you remember the photo I posted a while ago.


      It has really done a lot to tie things together for me and clear my mind. RecentIy, found myself slipping into one of my mood swings, but was able to pull myself out before it took hold.


      How are you doing?

    2. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Been in a funk for a few weeks. Also one of my cats disappeared and I had to put my dog to sleep. I think someone took the cat as theirs as she was always following people. I miss my furry friends. Who are your yoga teachers? Maybe I know them.

    3. Manpeach


      I know that funk. Especially tough when you lose your pets. I had to put my cat down about a year ago. Brought me to tears. I have been taking 5- HTP. MZHAO suggested it and I think it really helps me manage my mood.


      I live in New England, so I doubt you'd know them. they are great. So easy to follow.

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