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Everything posted by harrypotter

  1. harrypotter

    Kang and Rey

    The Adventures of Kang and Rey would make a dynamite movie, show, novel, blog, podcast, puppet show, ...
  2. What a lucky mint on your pillow!
  3. When I was around 10 a friend had an uncle staying at his house and he kept a stash of porn mags under a couch. I kept "accidentally" dropping a wiffle ball under it so I could retrieve it and sneak peeks at the cover of one which was a girl in the shower. I can still see it!
  4. Have I been sleeping for 8 months? It is Christmas already?
  5. Caramba! Mistress Rey looks regal! Bean because she makes things sprout?
  6. I just hope they let you bring your electrode thru customs. It would make Minnie Mouse blush but I bet she'd secretly love watching.
  7. I was in a Disney themed Love Hotel room in Japan. Mickey Mouse witnessed my debauchery and he never looked happier
  8. Hair as a garrote?? I'll never feel safe at Supercuts again. Though depending on the stylist that might be a sweet way to go. Barber chair in the steel room?
  9. i've never wanted corn bread more before...or to look up at the chef on top
  10. I did a one hour session my first time and now wish it had been at least 2!
  11. It was constructive criticism! Uh oh. Let me guess...you're gonna break out the electric powered permanent marker? Your drawing will be even shakier with all that jolting. I just want your artistic ability to blossom and reach it's full potential, like your bottom has. You're welcome!
  12. As someone who has never read or seen a Harry Pott....I mean as a fellow avid fan of Harry Potter I figured you would appreciate it. Next time I'll cast a magic spell, (i'm assuming Harry does that), to enhance your drawing skills which clearly need work. Your knot tying skills however need no help, you deserve a girl scout merit badge for life for those. As for me I'll work on my magic wand to see if it can create some ice cream. (does harry even have a wand in those books?... not that kind of wand, the classic kind...hmm maybe I'll have to read them after all.) In any case Dungeons and Dragons sounds fun! Have a great weekend!
  13. I don't know why I wasted so much time at wizard school when there was so much more fun to be had at the Fortress. After perusing the site for some time I finally paid a visit on Monday Sept 9th and was not disappointed. The Fortress itself is foreboding yet cozy, and everything was handled with a nice mix of professionalism and mystery. The atmosphere is just right and I was enjoying myself before Mistress Koi even showed up. When she did of course things got even better. She is quite striking in person and alternates between exceptionally sweet and downright mean depending on her whim. I had a great introduction to her world in a cozy little room. She played some music, rolled some dice, and even broke out a little box full of toys at one point. Thanks to her and all involved in creating and maintaining such an interesting place. It was a fantastic experience I look forward to repeating.
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