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Everything posted by MrX

  1. To the extent we haven't beaten this topic to death, if I were you I'd jam the doctrine of copyright fair use, and nominative trademark fair use, right up her ass.
  2. You know, it is true that you are what you eat.

  3. Of course I like boots, legs and you. That's why I come to see you, silly! :-)

  4. (1 of 2) Well that was hot. Pink Room is where I spill my secret secrets, I guess. It's ok when you shoot me down. I just get up again. Not that I'm indestructible, far from it. I just can't be destroyed, that's all. That door I told you about? One day I walk through it; just takes preparation.

    1. MrX


      (2 of 2) Looking for some good news from you. In this context, that would consist of hearing that you're not going to be on vacation during the first 10 days of July. I'll have some time and availability to come in to see you again then. Thanks again for tonight.

    2. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Happy Monday to you. You get good news ;) So I'll be seeing you soon. Looking forward to destroying you...

    3. MrX


      Greetings from a (surprisingly not that bad) hotel in Goobervillle. Well, that is very good news. Yes, you will see me soon. You know I'm all talk and completely full of shit and so of course, you shall destroy me and I shall thank you for it.

  5. Ouch. Just oucn. You ruthless lemon squeezer, you. That being said, it was great to see you again. Thanks for leaving them attached and where they were.

  6. Didn't have much alone time to shop in Montreal, and none of the things I did get time to see really said "buy me for Jung." Think I'll keep it straight down the fairway and bring you some cupcakes instead, time permitting.

  7. Kind of apprehensive about our next meeting. My sales numbers have been way down lately. It takes brass balls to sell real estate, you know.

  8. "It's very kissable," I ventured, somewhat hesitantly. "Then it should be covered with kisses," she snapped. "Very well, then," I thought, as I started in.

  9. On the subject of turning the tables, I've not had the good fortune of having a sexual partner who was secure enough in herself to let me be very sexually dominant toward her. Thus, this side of me has remained latent and dormant. II know myself and what lurks in my heart and mind, however. I have fantasized about dominating women quite often and given my exploration of my submissive side, II believe that I'd know just how to fry a submissive woman's brain, if one ever let me get my hands on her. The big picture would most likely be that with such a woman, I'd like to trade off. It's all hypothetical and just talk, however, until I find a partner comfortable with herself enough to truly experiment. My tendency, for good and for bad and sometimes to a fault, is to focus on giving her what she wants. So, if she wants to be taken and she she wants me to do her, I'll give it to her until it's coming jout of her ears. :-0
  10. When I play at the fortress, I am almost entirely submissive. In real life relationships, it has been my fate to not only be the dominant partner (in non-sexual dimensions) but to be the source of mental, emotional and financial support to such an extent that it threatened(ens) to suck the life out of me. I long for a real life relationship where I am allowed to be vulnerable and taken in some dimensions and aspects while also being allowed to take the lead where I have the comparative advantage (to put it in economics terms). Haven't gotten there yet, but I reckon I have at least a few grains of sand in the hourglass left to get this shit right. One of these days. . . . .
  11. Hey, [ ], feels good to know you're not only wanted, but in fact passionately lusted after, now doesn't it.

  12. Let's all keep it together and avoid panic. I think it's very important to remember that in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse, one need not outrun the fastest zombie. Rather, one need only outrun the slowest person nearby. Please be guided accordingly. :-)
  13. You know, just because I say crazy things doesn't mean I don't mean them when I say them, or make the things I say any less true.

  14. Sister Mary, I must confess, I was trolling Bourbon St. seeking spiritual fulfillment but was assaulted by devil water and scantily clad, loose women. I resisted by praying the rosary and thinking pure thoughts. I experienced tingly sensations in bad places; please forgive me.

  15. Hush, she said, as she firmly pressed my mouth shut. Yes ma'am, I thought, as I became very quiet and still.

  16. Greetings from Canal and Iberville Streets in NOLA! Took care of business and will later go out looking for some good trouble. Thinking of you; I'd like to think you think of me every once in a while when you look at that shrunken head on a string. Poor guy. Gotta figure out how to get in to see you soon.

  17. vulnerability, I've found, is a high risk, high reward thing

  18. a couple more credits of mine that can never see the light of day . . .

  19. Thanks so much, Sister Mary Discipline, for the . . . discipline, which was sometimes soft, sometimes hard, but always right on point. Tonight I was too timid; next time I want to do those things it's going to take to get the A plus rather than the D minus.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrX


      Good, glad I can still maybe keep my GPA intact. Also, am I a bad guy for expressing that the way you laid your hands on me felt so good it was insane? Sure hope not. I need to grab my ecstasy when I can these days and you took me there. Finally, your refusal to wait to see what I brought from NOLA until after the session was very endearing. You would NOT be denied and that was great. :-)

    3. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      No I will not be denied, and my demands change from day to day. We'll have to see where the arrow lands the next time I see you. Will the demands be naughty or nice? ;-)

    4. MrX


      You know, I had no idea how demanding it would be going to work for you; I'm exhausted. It's particularly difficult keeping up the pace with my face pinned to the ground . . . [subtle prelude/foreshadowing, dramatic music] . . . . I'll be in touch soon. :-)

  20. Eskimo kisses are like rocks of crack.

  21. You know, one could buy a lot of Fodor's books and travel guides, and watch a lot of the Travel Channel, and still not get this kind of insight on the PRC. The barber pole thing is corroborative of what a friend of mine who grew up in Guangzhou and now lives in Beijing had to say about life in the Pearl River Delta. Clearly, involvement with the fortress, besides being an outlet for one's kinks, is also culturally enriching and broadening. :-)
  22. Used to represent someone in the adult content industry; as I recall from him, kink.com shoots most or all of their footage there at that complex. That pretty much makes the Armory the Mecca of all we hold dear. ;-)
  23. Been a while since I've seen that movie. Sounds right and I'll defer to your recall of it. As I understand it, the quote is originally attributed to Confucius, and I seen it prove out over and over in a lot of different contexts.
  24. My visa got hung up in red tape at the embassy. Seeking diplomatic level intervention.
  25. He/she who sets out to do revenge should dig two graves.
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