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Mistress Fei

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Everything posted by Mistress Fei

  1. I'm going to watch it again and pay particular attention to the soundtrack. Someone said today that it is a reverse Psycho which was VERY interesting to me.
  2. love how the short review turned into a long one. Thank you for sharing all your positive words- very happy to know this a good experience on all levels. I was raised in the states so my English is more fluent than my native tongue. That being said, I do also speak Mandarin and French. Isn't the forum a great resource? I knew you would like it
  3. good to see you muffin69! i had a lot of fun w/ you if you have the time, please share more details- we had a very unique session and i think it would help a lot of forum members if you elucidated x mFei
  4. interesting!!! yes the lawyer is tyler perry which adds another layer of complexity since he is tyler perry.. and in the film he very much directs ben affleck as to how to "act" thank you for the compliment, that's very kind. i can't take full credit for the feminist/misogynist differences i noted re book/movie since a lot of the reviews delve into this difference too. reading some of them have informed my own ideas of the adaptation, although a lot of it is clear from even reading a few chapters of the book after seeing the movie. amy is more likable immediately. i felt more empathy for her. i felt nothing but disdain for her in the film.
  5. that moment sounds terrifying- mind sharing more about what happened in that instance? i can't even imagine what that was like..
  6. very fascinating, thank you for taking the time to share mZhao. i was never able to fully put my finger on it before, but now i know why it is your presence always seemed special and different to me. it is your mindfulness and openness and your full commitment to any and all tasks at hand. you're not a frenetic person who lives in the past and the future as most everyone is- you are here in the now and at peace. i think your forgiving and candid nature, even reflected in this reply (i'm pointing specifically to where you address that sometimes the synergy doesn't happen and that it's okay) also heighten that mindfulness and add a double layer of awareness and compassion. it's very admirable and i strive to add mindfulness to my daily life as well
  7. interesting answers James! I agree that there are varying levels of connectedness and understand your nuance. it's hard to feel anything other than present/connected when mKoi is around, isn't it?? and yes i also am very connected and in tune when i'm daydreaming, or even just walking through the city with head phones on. sometimes if i don't get my fill of both of those activities, i tend to burn out faster. i suppose it's like meditation for me, and sounds like it may function that way for you as well. i'm really looking forward to meeting you too
  8. i hope you are able to find that special someone too. you beyond deserve it- such a kind and lovable person you are
  9. I think what you're describing is the human condition- there was a moment in my life when i felt like a fraud and was told by someone much wiser that MOST people, if not all people, have moments where they think that as well. we are all here for you on your journey to sort these complex issues out, i'm sure you know that
  10. so glad you had an enjoyable first experience. isn't mKoi the greatest??
  11. your post makes me curious as to how the talented mKoi terrorized you! please fill us in on the details!
  12. Hi Jack, I haven't yet.. but I have found the film and the book to be very different. The film is from the male gaze while the book is written by a feminist writer. In the film, we can't quite identify w/ Amy as much, she's easily dismissed as crazy psycho bitch. In the book, we see her thought process, making her much more relatable. That to me makes ALL the difference. thank you for your suggestion, i will check it out when i get a chance Which two characters does the lawyer combine?
  13. Interesting.. Very plato's cave.. & truman show
  14. I think you are describing flow state, a state we all strive to be in Does your car have many many air bags? x MFei
  15. FINALLY THERE'S A HOT ASIAN SUPERHERO http://audreymagazine.com/marvels-newest-superhero-is-an-asian-american-woman/
  16. But why B! You have such peachy, fuzzy, soft skin!
  17. Exactly. Well put- I feel the same re: limited attention span and "zoning out" to deal with mundanity. Full time work tended to do that to me, and that's when I realized I couldn't wouldn't allow myself to glaze over my life like that even if it's mostly expected from society. We need novel experiences to trigger higher thinking- to stimulate us. Discomfort is a strengthener. I wonder what all of those people, tasks, and nature mean for you- I'm sure somewhere there's a connection that would explain why they're able to reach you like nothing else.
  18. I'm so glad that you like my questions! I will continue to ask I'm a daydreamer too. Did you know daydreamers tend to be better at complex problem solving? I suppose being aware is a side effect of the fight or flight response- we need to be clear in the moment to make a fast decision for our own preservation. However, it's also very telling that a lot of your awareness happened in times of actual trauma. Those moments awaken us to our fragility I understand your fears and I'm sure most people can relate as well. I think those fears will always exist, but we can slowly move towards obliterating them step by step. Especially here at the dungeon we can help you get rid of your fear of pain
  19. Fred, what was it about that one ex girlfriend that made you feel so connected and free? Can you describe it? I too know what you mean- I spent so much of my life living in the pain of the past and the anxieties of the future. I was depressed for many years so I understand. I'm honored that you see our meeting as potent and meaningful. The way I affected you is how I hope all of my encounters can go. I consciously work at feeling more connected and present myself so that I can bring that out in others, or have them feel the reassurance of my own full attention. I believe it's the key to living a more fulfilled life and sadly, not very many people know how to do it in our over saturated milieu. Now that it's been some time, can you tell me what has changed? Have you seen this change implemented daily in your actions or thoughts, how? Take care Fred-
  20. why didn't you give them to me!!!
  21. i think it's great! i always love incorporating new toys into the session, and it's even better if it's a personal toy so i can learn more about your likes/dislikes.
  22. this is sooo my kind of movie. i can't find where this is currently playing in NYC- seems to have screened in a few festivals in the summer. If you know, MTran, let's go!
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