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Everything posted by Zantafio

  1. Shocking. I will never eat woman meat again.
  2. Here is one I am not proud of: when asked for a buck by a beggar, ask him whether he has change on 100 $. For this I am going to Hell but the air of confusion on their face is priceless. Plus, I hear that Hell might feature dames similar to the fortress'mistresses...
  3. Interesting. I cannot dissociate foot worship from submissiveness, nor did I think it was possible before reading your post. The foot is such a symbol of utter domination, and of the vile condition of the dominated, that I find it the naturally perfect instrument.
  4. The deeds I read about on this forum make me feel as vanilla as a Smurf. I really must return to the fortress and take it up a few notches.
  5. Mistress Rey, You have been firing with all barrels lately. I want the job of the shoe salesman at the Louboutin shop.
  6. Gore is just one way to frighten, and I think it has been relied upon too heavily (e.g. Saw). I find the suggestive ways - the unseen menace with little screen time - more compelling. As for jump scares, they are a tired trope. Most of them would not work without the sudden musical bang, and most are clumsy: because the creature was not in the camera's field of vision 0,5 s ago, we are expected to believe the victim did not see it ? Please, this is no longer 1920... It follows has a way of building fear at the right pace and in plain view; in a way the title applies to the viewer's heart rate. On Rotten tomatoes, the critics liked it much more than the public. It looks like a film failing to find its audience. Anyway, if Mistress Fei compels you to see it, what choice have you ?
  7. Agreed. This is not for horror aficionados. It barely has three seconds of tame gore at the beginning; after that, it is all atmosphere and suspense. It made me feel as when watching Clouzot's Les diaboliques as a child. Good point from LITTOC: it feels like a novella Stephen King could have written. Interesting how we all take something personal out of this film: sexuality, feminity, dealing with death... I doubt Mitchell had any intention to raise such themes, which makes it even more impressive an achievement.
  8. The slow- but always-moving threat was a grand idea. The director said it came form a recurrent childhood nightmare. Adding to this that the curse may return if the person to whom you transmitted it dies, the originality of the concept raised many questions about how to deal with this threat. It is interesting that we only see Jay in the early days of her curse, before she develops a long-term strategy. An instant before the credits rolled I was thinking: "oh no, they are going to end it without any closure". And so on cue they did. At first it was frustrating, but a good decision in retrospect. It allowed the tension to last long after leaving the cinema, not knowing how to kill that thing. I hope they do not shoot a sequel, lose the atmosphere and provide lame answers, in the vein of the retardissimo Force-enabling midi-chlorians in Star Wars episode I (sorry for bringing bad memories). About the "collective haunted intimacy", feminity and sexuality: dunno, but the sex scenes sure were unusually grave and ominous. As for the motivations of the boys to help the hot chick by having sex with her: how much was lust, how much altruism ? I have the feeling that, had she been a mutt, they would have found another solution to her predicament, like placing an ad on match.com ad or building her a bunker.
  9. And she speaks french. So, is this forum finally ready to dump the clumsy, confusing and primitive dialect for the tongue of Molière ? Seriously, this is an embarrassment. You lack even the plural of "you".
  10. M. Oldschool here: never getting weary of Neil Young.
  11. Surely, one of the other 6 answers was "my mother-in-law's cooking".
  12. You have to to listen to a Black Sabbath LP backwards at 45 RPM while standing on your head inside a pentagram, facing east, and licking the woody end of an ice cream bar, in your in-laws'kitchen.
  13. But why equal reproductive success to functionality of a relationship ?
  14. "Better than Chuck Norris" ? The slang for that is Leonard Cohen.
  15. Except for soccer and english as a second language.
  16. In A ciegas, Najwa Nimri plays a terrorist on the lam who is blackmailed by a lecher. He enjoys forcing her to fellate him. One day, she goes down but bites his nuts, grabs his gun and has his maid tie him with plastic wrap. Needless to say I was enjoying this scene at a deep gut level, and felt certain that somehow the entire audience knew about it. This scene taught me much about my attraction for pain and humiliation. Mistress Rey, are you experienced in plastic wrap ?
  17. I have a doctorate in cooking french food for asian women. Once you taste my beef burgundy, you shall want no other slave to pummel.
  18. Intersting topic, but I find the study a bit removed from concrete applications. What about a team where reading minds is unnecessary because all feel safe enough to speak sincerely ? That would seem to me more effective than a group where all have to figure out who is their friend and who their foe.
  19. A risky activity in N.Y.C., where a courteous greeting is "what the fuck you lookin'at ?"
  20. At the fortress, the women's would be upstairs, are women are always on top.
  21. Mistress Fei, if I were to compare you to a building, it would be something more elegant than a cinema. The Eiffel tower comes to mind, slender and feminine, but she has four big feet. Perhaps the Alexandre III bridge, for the slim curves. Anyway, a cinemathèque is something like a library of congress for films. The kind of place where La jetée would almost be considered too commercial. So what I meant was: great list. I just saw Mauvais sang: fantastic use of Bowie's Modern love. Lately I have warched several films whose ending provided a punch which lifted the whole work, but not in the way a final revelation solves a mystery. Caché and Dogtooth are good examples, Holy motors also, but the last scene of Werckmeister harmóniák made, in one quiet, uneventful and silent shot, the whole film soar from "where is this all going, and do I care ?" to "Oooo Lord I thank thee, for this was sublime."
  22. Aw, cruel ! Do you know how many lonely people on Earth would love to call "time alone in bed" a guilty pleasure ? Of course, I am not referring to me - just yesterday I had to kick Salma Hayek out of my bed to make room for Gabrielle Union, as those two ladies do not get along - but to the multitude of singles who long for a soulmate. Mistress Fei, do not flaunt your privilege ! This was a message from this forum's self-appointed moral authority.
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