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Everything posted by AromaLover21

  1. Had another great idea! Since I'll be turning 27, why not have the three of you dish out punishments in increments of 9. Each punishment given across the 3 of you will add up to 27 each time ?.
  2. Reminds me of a game I played with a former partner while bowling. For every strike, I gave 10 spanks and for each pin left standing the punishment was multiplied by 3. I'd love switch roles and receive this time around.
  3. I find myself visiting this photo everytime I log onto the forum. Demands my attention, like a follower being visited by a goddess. Thoughts of worshipping your soles and cheeks flood my mind.
  4. These days can't pass fast enough ?. What do you think? Should I have the three of you read over the roleplays and choose what you like? I kind of want that surprise, won't know which one to expect until I'm there!
  5. Yeah Cory & Markiplier played some good horror! Anytime, always down to recommend some channels.
  6. It's going to be amazing ?. I'm currently conflicted on if I want to change the rp I wrote for another. Kind of want to give the three of you both scenes and let the decision be yours. Have it be a surprise when I get there ???.
  7. It was rough for me at first as well but you get into the groove after awhile. Love horror games, there's a channel on YT. Plays nothing but horror games. Give it a watch sometime! As for Lets Plays, I don't mind the commentary as long as they aren't talking every single moment lol.
  8. ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️ This perv right here ?.
  9. This is absolutely dope. I can certainly see this becoming a ritual between the two of you. Offering yourself and allowing her creativity to fly free. Love it. Seeing her canvas paintings gave me the thought of asking her to write something on me as an idea for a tattoo. Seeing your post has confirmed my thought.
  10. In slightly over 2 weeks time I'll have my first triple session with @Mistress Diana Gong @Mistress Juno Sato & @Mistress Angel Feng. A belated birthday session as my bday is the 8th. I can't even begin to express my excitement and the anticipation of returning to the fortress after some away. The pressure I'll feel kneeling before the 3 of them. I look forward to what you ladies will have in store for me and savor every moment. Especially given the scene I wrote ?. This prisoner needs some punishment ?.
  11. Yeah I did notice the change, my brother even drifted away. Last we spoke I believe he was playing Burning Crusade classic to get back into the swing of it. I'll get back into it soon enough as well. I certainly do miss the dungeons.
  12. That just gave me an idea ?. Write my age on me by dripping hot wax?!
  13. I'll always accept some help with specs! Right? The mods have kept the community alive and running. Love Tank run!
  14. I played WoW as well. My older brother got me into it back in '07, started with Burning Crusade. Always thought Illidan was so epic "YOU ARE NOT PREPARED". I drifted away from that and started playing Neverwinter some years back. I've heavily considered getting back into WoW. Goat Simulator is fun! I've played it a few times! I like to get into character when I play DRG. Speak in the accent and all ?. "Rock & Stone, to the bone!". I'm a fan of Let's Plays too. Something a bit cathartic about watching game play. Unless they're horrendous @ the game. Then I cringe ?.
  15. I'm delighted that you love it. I'm sure I'm in for quite a ride. See how many times you can make me tap ?.
  16. I'm excitedly counting down the days ⏳ until I'm kneeling before the two of you. Looking forward to this Birthday Blowout ??. Hoping you two enjoy the scene this perverted mind conjured up.
  17. Doubles are amazing. Ive only had two doubles so far but I'll be adding onto that in a few weeks time ?. Meeting you and Mistress Gong soon ?.
  18. Deep Rock is a sci-fi 4 player coop shooter. You play as 1 of four dwarf classes going on deep planetary mining missions fighting hostile aliens & fauna in the process. It's a pretty cool game, especially with friends.
  19. I don't game as much as I used to but I certainly still find time to do so! Grew up on the SNES and pretty much most consoles since then! Currently I'm in between Marvel's Avengers, Deep Rock Galactic, Final Fantasy VII Remake (beaten it several times, replaying for the love of it), Fall Guys, Stray, and one of my most cherished series Kingdom Hearts (Have beaten every game on critical mode). Every now & then I'll find myself playing Smash Bros with friends as well. Looking to build myself a new PC so I can get back on steam and run L4D again.
  20. This put a much needed smile on my face ?. It'll be more than just a thought soon enough. Your personal fart sniffer will meet you soon ?.
  21. I've posted This some time ago. Hoping you enjoy it because I'd love to make this a fantasy a reality with you ?. I can only imagine the holds you'd put me in.
  22. Oh I plan to ?. The fortress will be seeing much of me.
  23. This is amazing! So much energy at the fortress right now. I'd love to make your acquaintance, and hopefully as my name suggest get familiar with your aroma ????.
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