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Posts posted by otaku

  1. 18 minutes ago, Mistress Kang said:

    Really living up to "slutty little girl" LOL 

    All dicks are not created equally haha What was the mantra that kept you going??

    Hey a dick is a dick, gotta do with what little I'm given

    The way she kept calling me a good boy and carassing my hair was really sweet. The other guy was pretty reluctant on some simple things. She had this cool accent too

  2. 55 minutes ago, Mistress Kang said:

    What do you mean "and now"?? Have you done it?! 

    PS Would you happen to know who's a slutty little girl?

    Well kinda, I went to a Forced Bi workshop caressed balls, gave blowjobs and handjobs to 3 different guys for an hour or so. Interesting, but probably not attracted to guys unless they're androgynous or feminine enough.

    I'm a slutty little girl......I'm a slutty little girl.......I'm a slutty little girl!

  3. 4 hours ago, Mistress Zora Jin said:

    What negative emotions do you experience after? I want to know more because you take pain so well.

    Depends on how painful it is. Normal stuff usually fear. Medium stuff insecurities and fear. Really painful things dread, irritability and sadness. 

    Like Jayman, I think attitude matters, except I find the exact opposite of what he described to be far more appealing

  4. I think a lot of it originated from being raised by females. So it's kinda natural to want to obey. Also my mum would always say "It would've been better if you were born female", because she REALLY wanted a daughter and my personality/demeanor was effeminate. That implanted a desire to actually become one. I would try on any female clothing I found, nail polish, maxi pads, etc. Neither parent supervised me since one was busy with his affair and the other was deported. So I also watched a ton of gender-bender anime and sex reassignment surgery videos. Then puberty hit so now it's sorta just a personality and fetish thing.

    Rape fetish probably awakened from a hentai called "Bible Black" there's a lot of BDSM undertones and rape scenes. This female also grew a dick and raped other females. I wanted to be the rapee so badly. It kinda mixed with everything else

  5. That's unfortunate to hear about Mistress Riva.

    Cooking isn't really my forte so I'm really really happy the cake tasted fine! (Only a few poor genoise cakes were sacrificed) I'm pretty sure my "exquisite" handwriting was just as impressive. ?

    I saw the concept of lights in a box when I was browsing for materials on Taobao and thought it would be cool if I could make it triggered by opening the lid. I'm glad it worked

    By the way what type of long hair were you talking about? 

  6. 54 minutes ago, theDumbMule said:

    You can stop helping Mistress Kang at any time now!  With your help my situation has gone from precarious to completely hopeless. 

    Don't worry, I'm secretly on your side. Don't you want to see her smile while she feeds you nice tasty warm soup? (We will forever remember your sacrifice, oh brave one)

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