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Posts posted by otaku

  1. 44 minutes ago, Mistress Kang said:

    HOLY SHIT THAT LOOKS FUCKING DELICIOUS!!!!!!! 10 points right there. Eat it so your gut will be more whippable LOL Then make a second one, that should come out better. OMG I need to eat this.

    NOPE! I'm feeding it to other people, they can deal with the weight gain. WHY DO YOU STILL WANT TO WHIP MY GUT, it hurts SO SO much. Like a mad minute condensed into a single strike?

  2. 8 minutes ago, Mistress Kang said:

    Beef pho??? How would you slice the beef? OMG I'm getting excited thinking about this. Tell me please. I've never tasted or even heard of a Japanese strawberry shortcake so if your tasted delicious that would be my baseline LOL I would love you so hard LOL

    You can usually freeze it for 2 hours so it's firm enough to slice into thin pieces, but not completely frozen. The bones, tendons, ball thingies, etc I just buy from an Asian grocery store.

    Japanese strawberry shortcake is just a spongecake layered with some fresh whipped cream and strawberries. It's definitely more of an Asian cake where it's not overly sweet, but more of a synergy between the ingredients.

    I'll definitely have access to an oven in a few months (not next month unfortunately), but I still owe you a Japanese Cheesecake too lol

  3. 21 hours ago, Mistress Alexia Zito said:

    I guessed white chocolate chips! The cookies were so yummy 



    16 hours ago, Mistress Kang said:

    I just noticed that you said "the oven burnt them". That's so Chinesey of you to say the oven did it and not you LOL

    But it's the oven's fault for following the temperature and time I set! Ok, MAYBE I burnt them.?

    I grew up adopting a lot from Chinese dramas and gender-bender anime so some aspects of me are really eastern

    I'll bring a Japanese cheesecake in the winter, spoilage is a huge issue with the distance (dry ice is a pain on airlines)


  4. 51 minutes ago, Mistress Kang said:

    So you KNOW that I want to (murder you)!!! LOL

    Is it too late to change my answer? I pinky promise, with a cherry on top and a side of milk tea that I'll put it on the correct way from now on. Under?

  5. Mine was a bunch of shock sites. I was 13 and had just moved to China, my new classmates were constantly trying to elicit a reaction from me because they found it entertaining....:mellow2: At first I thought they were perverts, but it wasn't long before I was corrupted and joined the ranks

  6. Technically I went to a kink place in Japan and Thailand first, but they weren't really Mistresses so Mistresses Kang & Rey


    I served Mistresses Rey & Kang last


    21yrs old




    The reason I chose The Fortress was completely unrelated to BDSM. Rather, when researching various Mistresses I found an interview that showed how ethical and logical Mistress Kang operated her business. Then I saw her posts on a Bitcoin forum back when everyone thought it was a fad. These two combined easily sealed the deal for my first session.


    I escalated from a 1 (some fetish & no pain at the kink places) to a 10 oh so fast after two sessions at The Fortress........

  7. For me, the pleasure of taking punishment comes from being able to trust my vulnerable true self to a Mistress whom after whacking away any psychological barriers I may have, extracts the purest forms of emotions to dissect and imprint her will upon


    That and the fact that they seem to have fun swinging various instruments of pai… I mean pleasure as we cry in bliss

  8. Yes, Dannyboy I feel as if I've been reborn into this special world to be dyed with the colors of the mistresses


    Mistress Kang, they looked rather normal after a day, but the lingering sensations caused me to purposely put my messenger bag strap across them so it would brush them when walking, which made me feel like a dirty pervert


    Apparantly not, Mistress Zito! I understood the concept of a hug, but my feeble attempt at one was pathetic


    Thank you for your warm welcomes Mistress Li & Shankar!


    I'll do my best to earn one next time Mistress Rey, so I can show the results of my training!

  9. Being young and socially awkward, the FF seemed like a godsend to indulge in fetishes for this closet pervert. As I booked my session, I asked to be "ravaged and used as the mistresses please", I thought to myself what could be the worst that could happen? They all look so kind! Mistress Emma Ree was incredibly helpful and recommended Mistress Kang and Mistress Bean for a double domme session to which I complied.

    As my appointment came up, I felt butterflies in my stomach as this was my first time with professional dommes. However I was relieved when they walked in, they weren't very intimidating but rather stunning and beautiful, or so I thought. Although I will leave specific session details out. (That's for you to experience) Throughout the session they were very playful and exhilarating. I felt like a canvas being skillfully painted by artists with whips and various other devices. Unfortunately I did break down twice during the session, but they were very quick to respond and alleviate me when I used my safeword.

    To be honest, I was unsure to what extent my body was ravaged since I was too focused on the pleasure/burning sensations? Only until I got home and looked in the mirror did I realize that I could no longer qualify as a bride, but remain forever a slut to the FF.

    tl;dr: Asked to be ravaged, was ravaged and more.

    P.S. My sincere apologies Mistress Kang and Mistress Bean for my weirdness/awkwardness and little or lack thereof vocal feedback during the session

    Also, thank you for the hug lessons

    I most definitely did not purposely leave out Rey from Mistress Bean's name.

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