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Posts posted by akiravn1

  1. I've always been a fan of Lolita wear. Nothing says humiliation like getting your butt kicked by a mistress in all pink and frills. :D


    Good point Mistress...anything that increases the degree of humiliation proves to be extremely beneficial.

  2. oh right, how could I forget the painful and heavy decorations? Good idea to place them "down there." God forbid we hang any on the top and they fall..


    Yes, we could not have that happening Mistress, as I hope to be around for the entire holiday season and not thrown curbside before I even start to wilt. Happy Holidays Mistress!

  3. I thought that was just a representation of what your head would look like when we were through with you. :rolleyes:


    I am sure You thought right Mistress. After all the tree has no say in how or in what manner it is decorated. I am there for Your amusement, only to be thrown curbside once You grow tired of me. Happy Holidays Mistress!

  4. I volunteer we hang some very heavy. very painful ornaments.... how do I say this... down there? :)

    Of course, we can place a little star at the top, for traditional decorative purposes.


    I would imagine that the most heavy and painful ornaments would be hung down there, which would keep my arousal in check once the stockings were being stuffed. Also thanks for keeping a sliver of tradition by including a little star on top.

  5. One of my favorite parts of domming is the ability to dress up in different looks and costumes.

    In my every day life, I like to wear lots of skirts and hosiery, but dressing up in uniform is one of my favorite things to do.

    Some of my favorite uniform looks are Japanese schoolgirl, Thai University girl, nurse, flight attendant, etc. (pictures generously attached)

    Do you have any favorites?


    Nice picture attachments...I have always been a fan of the Japanese schoolgirl uniforms.

  6. Check out our newest gallery albume in it's entirety. Experience the images from our "Fortress Feast" of 2012. Our party of nine dined at Turtulia's. Tapas de mucho delicioso! Which is your favorite pic? Here's mine!:



    (Counter Clockwise: Kang, Jung, Zhao, Choi, Haru, Tran, Sunya, Koi, Ree.


    This one is a very close runner up. I like to call it "The dish ran away with the spoon" LOL:




    Mistress Kang,


    Thanks for sharing the Fortress Feast of 2012 photos, really loved them all. Looks like You all had a lot of fun. My favorite is the one of You all standing together, although mZ is not present in that particular picture. I never realized what a beautiful smile Mistress Koi has, I was fixated.

  7. Thank you for the sweet birthday wishes akiravan, Stinger, bisa, and Bradley!!!

    I have actually made it tradition to celebrate my birthday for the entire month of December, so that there's no so much pressure to make one particular day super special. And as Mistress Kang noted, every day is a surprise!


    What a wonderful tradition...You are much deserving of an entire months worth of celebrating!

  8. I am with you on that Mistress Haru. I'd like to add that I really appreciate those that can play as a submissive in some cases as well. It really helps in understanding those carnal desires if you've been there yourself. As humans we have the ability to trade places with our human counterparts and feel what they feel to better understand them, where as no other animal has the mental/emotional capacity to do so. I like to think every "lion" should try being an "antelope" at least once in their lives. ^_^


    As I enjoy being in the role of Lion from time to time, which I believe does help me better understand. Ultimately it is the thrill of the chase, being the antelope pursued by the Lion that I seem to enjoy falling victim to, especially if for a single moment I believed that I had the element of surprise on my side or the strangely misguided upper hand. Just wonderful to actually find out how mistaken I was and knowing that I just might be eaten alive.

  9. I truly admire our mistresses abilities to empathize while also leaving an open but fun environment for self-reflection and exploration.


    The earlier incidents in our life are complex and have a significant impact on our lives and it's great to see that all of you are comfortable with us.


    Mistress Haru,


    I always feel extremely comfortable opening up to a Mistress, as She would see me in ways I would not dare show to others. The embarrassment I would feel in front of others seeing me in certain precarious positions is not present when with a Mistress, that changes to a feeling of release. I love feeling vulnerable to a Mistress, knowing that she is in complete control of my entire body, to do with it as She pleases. I also like the thought of revealing things to Her which would give Her more of an understanding of how to control and manipulate me psychologically as well as physically. Every advantage She has to put me at a disadvantage is enjoyed all the more.

  10. Hehe it would be great to have someone accompany Holiday shopping. I need to take a good rest once in a while and take off my heels in between stores... a nice foot rub now and then wouldn't hurt. :)


    Naturally that would be an important part of the shopping experience.

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