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Posts posted by akiravn1

  1. Being the Holidays, I want to decorate my home with Kinky ornaments. Maybe some on the Christmas tree...or something on the front door. Anyone have any ideas?

    I found this Cute Bondage Bunny Ornament! It is made by a Japanese designer who has a particular fetish in tying up innocent things.

    What do you guys think? Has anything found anything else that s pretty kinky?


    The Bondage Bunny Ornament is a nice start to kick off Your Kinky Holidays and quite an interesting idea, I would love to go holiday shopping with You. I would also love a New Years party themed in that manner. Mistress Sunya, would You really consider decorating Your front door with something of this nature? :D

  2. Brings new meaning to 'watersports' ;)

    But what's a wet session without a little fear and torture...waterboarding for one!


    Showering with the Mistresses and also getting pissed on in the shower, does heighten my excitement for watersports, but knowing that all good things must come to an abrupt end in the form of painful consequences and never knowing when, creates a kind of excitement in knowing serious pain will be inflicted for each dream realized.

  3. Setting out a place setting for me.

    Laying you down on the medical table, fully immobilized and strapped, possibly even blindfolded depending on how easily you faint at the sight of your own blood.

    The rest you'll have to find out for yourself.


    Like having a vivid nightmare, one fear followed by the next all being orchestrated by a mysterious Mistress. Never knowing what lies ahead. Only to wake and find yourself in an extension of that very same nightmare, as if there is no escape, yet being strangely drawn in with the discovery that mZ is the mastermind Dream Weaver. Introducing one to their fears and then showing them far worse fears that until now have been hidden in the deep dark recesses of ones own mind for reasons of keeping ones sanity. I will probably end up needing a straight jacket...but I am sure that can be arranged.

  4. Whenever my mother was mad or even slightly disappointed, she would whip out her cat o nine tails. No, not a belt. You heard me right, cat o nine tails.

    I guess you can say I got some bdsm experience early on in life.


    Although it would be fun using such a cruel whip on your ass, I think its a lot of pleasurable for me to use my hand. You can already feel the sting..


    Always LOVE to feel the pleasurable sting of flesh on flesh.

  5. Speaking of sticks and school supplies, I've always found that Asians could be quite creative when it came to finding ways to incorporate them in corporate punishment. I remember back when I had briefly attended grade school in Thailand, our teacher decided to punish these two boys for constantly disrupting the class. She had them stand on their chairs, side by side, and gave them both 30 lashes...right in the middle of the class room! It was quite the show and probably one of my favorite moments from childhood... :)


    Already I could picture You volunteering to do the honors.

  6. it wasn't until about a year ago that I realized I have been a submissive all my life.

    I have found myself very unfulfilled, depressed and lacking. I began soul searching and came to the realization that I don't like being in the number 1 control spot. I looked back and saw that as a child I was always looking to please my mother and father. I did everything they asked, always seeking approval. I'm not saying I didn't get approval, my parents were very supportive. It's just I enjoyed being good. My friends were always the ones who took control of the activities and I went along with whatever came on the table. This went on through HS and after that, I found that my friends had moved on to college or whatever. Oh yeah I forgot to mention in HS, I was molested by the minister of our church and my mother had an affair with my best friend's father and they were going to get married but he had second thoughts and went back to his wife. i've always thought that played a role in any disfunction I may have developed, but not as much as you might think. Anyway, after living on my own for a couple years I decided to go to college and, having a couple years maturity on the other students, I started taking on leadership roles. I had success with this and continued taking on more responsibility and leadership.

    I have a successful career, but directing and being responsible for so many has worn me out. I realized I would rather just be number two and have someone else take the lead. I've discovered that my cooperative nature was a way for me to give up some control. I would love to return to a secondary role, but, I am too far down the road to surrender and give up this vanilla life. In the meantime the Fortress has provided me with some relief.




    Thanks for opening up in the manner in which you did and telling your story. So much a what you detailed about your dislike of the number one control spot, I can honestly identify with. Through school and while working, for some reason people saw that kind of potential in me and continually tried to create those kinds of situations for me to thrive in and I have to tell you, even though I did not fail, I never once felt comfortable. In fact, I always had a preference for being a behind the scenes kind of person. I was always perfectly fine with someone else taking charge, but never minded them asking my advice, so it doesn't surprise me at all that I would much rather submit.



    Seriously. W.T.F?!?!?!?!?!!!


    STFU you're all idiots. This is definitely one of those times I wished I could reach into my screen and out yours so I could land a good HARD whaapp! LOL


    I actually like the sound of that...I wish You could do that as well.

  8. I am pretty much a fan of Autumn. I feel like with more layers or clothes, it leaves more to the imagination. When the weather gets colder, I get excited because I can wear heels boots with my skirts. I have yet to find a higher pair of boots which will cover more of my legs.

    I always have fantasy where I am walking around all day, shopping, running errands, and I take a break on a park bench and I have someone who helps me take of my boots and massage my legs and feet. I guess this means I have a fetish for public displays of dominance? Or some kind of exhibitionism?


    Mistress Sunya,


    Nice fantasy...I believe that I share some kind of exhibitionism with you.

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