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Everything posted by whiplash

  1. Mistress, I like Your hair. Your outfit brings back recent memories of the last time I saw You! I can't wait until I see You again. whip
  2. Mistress Kang, I love it although it really is a tease. It just gives us a glimpse of the vitality, wit and beauty of the lovely and energetic Mistress Ahn. For those of us who have met her we already know how special she is but the video just barely touches on her uniqueness as a Domme and person. whip
  3. whiplash


    I suspect the answer is no because these beautiful ladies watch what they eat and count calories. whip
  4. Hungry?!?! Ms Choi, I'm just guessing but I think he means hungry for you! Otherwise I don't where his mind is going. whip
  5. Mistress Zhao, It is definitely an effective teaser. Having met and sessioned with Mistress Seung recently the video brought back to fun memories. whip
  6. Oh my Mistress Kang!! I'm drooling. Thank You very much for those pics of Your lovely breasts! whip
  7. I liked it. Of course I always enjoying watching Ms Seung. I thought it was too short and there could have been a little more action, but it gets an A in my grade book. whip
  8. magdriver, I've heard people say that they are depressed or feel like they've crashed after a session. I've never experienced it and I've had hundreds of sessions. Almost always I feel elated for a long time after a session. It is more than a session high, rather I believe that I feel fulfilled because I'm able to express something that is a part of me. Unfortunately, I've never been involved in a lifestyle relationship and sessions and relationships with professional Dominas fill that void for me. So personally I would never feel depressed just because my session ended. But I can understand how someone could experience depression after a session if their session was a temporary high or simply a means of coping with a long term depression. Otherwise I don't see depression as a necessary by product of sessioning. whip
  9. pauljay, Wow! I really enjoyed reading that. You wet my appetite for my upcoming session. I hope I have as much fun as you did. I'm excited even writing these words! There is something exciting about switching and I'm about to discover a little more about it. whip
  10. Mistress Kang, Those photos illustrate that there is more to masculinity and feminity than genitals. Sexuality is a varied and fluid concept and tightly constructed definitions can't fully explain it. whip
  11. Spockme, Ah you got me excited just reading your review. It brings back memories of some sessions I had with Mistress Kang. I look forward to your description of the session on the other forum. whip
  12. Welcome Mistress Xing, I'm sure you will be a wonderful addition to the Fortress. Our paths may cross as I am interested in switching these days. In any event I hope your fortress experience is a joyous and fruitful one. whip
  13. Mistress Kang, I love that pic. It definitely brings to mind all kinds of cute phrases and is a lovely and quirky picture. It brings a clarity to the phrase "busting a nut". I bet he is one happy peanut! whip
  14. You get stuffed pigs! whip
  15. I'm glad You got the chance to get away. You look so beautiful. It is nice to get away. I can't wait to see You once again. whip
  16. Mistress Ahn, You could start with google. Also, if you are on fetlife you could join an English or London fetish group and inquire. Also you might try the Domina Guide at maxfisch. It's an excellent resource. whip
  17. dv, I had the pleasure, more like agony and ecstasy, of submitting to Mistress Kang recently. She left Her mark on my flesh and my soul and the memory of our play will be burned into my brain for a long time. I hhope you enjoy your future visit to the fortress. whip
  18. Jessy, That's cute. And You look really cool in your pvc coat but hopefully the time for coats will soon be over for awhile. whip
  19. Floyd, I'm a nail fetishist and a I enjoy the teasing and the sensation of fingertips and nails so I can attest that Mistress Kang is a maestro. I suspect that She is quite adept at tickling. I would also recommend Mistress Ahn because she has a similar prowess and also Mistress Seung because I believe she understands the mechanics, dynamics, the sensations and the psychology of tickling from all perspetives since she switches and enjoys tickling and being tickled. whip
  20. coil, I was to commend on your fine work. I have seen the table a few times in person and it looks enticing and engenders different cbt fantasies. So far I have not have hte pleasure of using it or should I say being used while having my private parts encased in it. I'm looking forward to that moment. whip PS. I did enjoy the acrylic (plastic) toilet box. I had a quite a soaking while my head was tightly inside it.
  21. Mistress Kang, Of course I love it but I love all of Your pics. I like the more serious side of You and those pics bring it out. I especially love the pics with the jacket as You gradually reveal what's underneath. It's a visual form of commanding tease and denial and just another fascinating expressing of You who are. They are beautiful just like You. whip
  22. Obviously it is too late for advice but I hope you had a great time. Please let us know how it went, but I'd bet you had a wonderful time. I'm looking forward to my next adventure with Ms Seung. whip
  23. woffy, Those were delightful and fun pics. It's rare, if at all, that we get to see all of the Dommes at the Fortress together. And what made it even more special was the festive mood and the obviously good cheer and fun the Mistresses were having. I'd like to see more, but of course I'm greedy. whip
  24. Mistress Kang, Truly, I love all of the pics. You are stunning, beautiful, sexy and sublime. I really liked the lingerie pics because they feature Your incredibly body and sexual allure. But I also love the pvc pics. They highlight Your curves and send both a sexual and dominant message that I love. These are an amazing set of pics. Kudos to Mistress Zhao for taking them and of course to You becasue Your pics make love to the camera and are so fascinating and pleasing to the eye. whip
  25. lashee, Mistress Kang, Thanks for sharing your thoguhts and words about your submission to Mistress Ahn. I too have had the pleasure of her domination and it was quite special. She reminds me of Mistress Kang in the her enthusiatic embrace of torture in the spirt of fun and in such a natural way. While neither is a stickler for protocol I clearly know who is in charge and that I've had a memorable ride and my body can recall with pain and excitement what they have just done to me. You captured those moments wonderfully. whip
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