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Anyone have any helpful remedies for insomnia?

Asking for a friend. lol ?

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Mistress Von Dietz

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I'm pretty sure it has been scientifically proven that the highest quality, most immediate, sleep comes after crying or orgasming.

I wouldn't dare presume to give you, oh...i mean your friend,  advice on how to achieve either state of being though. 

Have they tried a good foot rub by any chance? ?

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8 hours ago, SoIntoYou said:

I'm pretty sure it has been scientifically proven that the highest quality, most immediate, sleep comes after crying or orgasming.

I wouldn't dare presume to give you, oh...i mean your friend,  advice on how to achieve either state of being though. 

Have they tried a good foot rub by any chance? ?

My Dear lovely Ms Von Dietz,

More than one Lady has told me the 

- "  Cathartic " effect after administering a good beating -  has REALLY helped !


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Exercise of course ... administer a good sound whipping and pegging program to a willing subject for about 40  minutes before bedtime.

(I'll gladly make myself available if need be).


If that's inconvenient .. 5 mg of Melatonin  and reading 2 or 3 chapters in dim lighting works for me.


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15 minutes ago, franknot said:

Exercise of course ... administer a good sound whipping and pegging program to a willing subject for about 40  minutes before bedtime.

(I'll gladly make myself available if need be).


If that's inconvenient .. 5 mg of Melatonin  and reading 2 or 3 chapters in dim lighting works for me.


You took it so literal! But definitely sound advice.

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3 hours ago, Mistress Kang said:

You took it so literal! But definitely sound advice.

Ms Kang.. thought i had it covered both ways since i never know what orbit you young guys are actually traveling in from moment to moment...

Hey.. i didn't even know wtf bubble tea was... (still don't).

Only thing for sure is i'm a huge fan of MVD's photos... always stunning... always seems to be saying something to me.

7 hours ago, Adam-Dunn said:

My Dear lovely Ms Von Dietz,

More than one Lady has told me the 

- "  Cathartic " effect after administering a good beating -  has REALLY helped !


Adam..  hope you don't think i plagiarized your comments.. honestly didn't see them when i posted... guess we're just on the same thought frequency.

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On 12/1/2018 at 9:25 PM, franknot said:

Ms Kang.. thought i had it covered both ways since i never know what orbit you young guys are actually traveling in from moment to moment...

Hey.. i didn't even know wtf bubble tea was... (still don't).

Only thing for sure is i'm a huge fan of MVD's photos... always stunning... always seems to be saying something to me.

Adam..  hope you don't think i plagiarized your comments.. honestly didn't see them when i posted... guess we're just on the same thought frequency.

I don't think it can be considered plagiarism when every sub here is thinking the same thing.  When it gets to looking at photos of MVD, we all probably have the same "thought frequency".

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On 12/1/2018 at 9:25 PM, franknot said:

Ms Kang.. thought i had it covered both ways since i never know what orbit you young guys are actually traveling in from moment to moment...

Hey.. i didn't even know wtf bubble tea was... (still don't).

Only thing for sure is i'm a huge fan of MVD's photos... always stunning... always seems to be saying something to me.

Adam..  hope you don't think i plagiarized your comments.. honestly didn't see them when i posted... guess we're just on the same thought frequency.


No problem - Any of us guys here would wanna get a good beating from MVD-!    


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18 hours ago, theDumbMule said:

I don't think it can be considered plagiarism when every sub here is thinking the same thing.  When it gets to looking at photos of MVD, we all probably have the same "thought frequency".

Hey DM .. yeah all that is true, but what you don't seem to understand is that when i say "her photos speak to me"... she's actually only speaking to ME... all you other guys are eavesdropping.


1 hour ago, Adam-Dunn said:


No problem - Any of us guys here would wanna get a good beating from MVD-!    



agreed.  (but please note the above).

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Please look up "anulom vilom" on Google and you'll come across a very effective breathing technique which makes everyone drowsy.  It is also know as "alternate nostril breathing".  If you find anything in Hindi and you need translation for it, please just ask.

I recommend doing it for 10-15 minutes before bed.  It is okay to take breaks to rest your arm if you have to.  Although it is a bit boring while you are doing it, the effects you'll feel after doing are wonderful.  You'll feel better.  You'll feel sleepy.

Please make sure you do this 1 hour after a light meal or 2 hours after a heavy meal.  Right before bedtime is ideal for sleep problems.  This breathing technique is very good but will not work if you have sinus problems/stuffy nose (obviously).

I also recommend listening to soothing, instrumental music.  Try not to use to stare at any screen (such as computer, phone, tablet, TV, etc.) for at least 30 minutes prior to bedtime.  The screen EMF can over-stimulate the nerves.  If the music is on a device, please just listen without too much eye interaction with the screen.

And please keep me posted about how you feel?  Thanks.  :)  

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