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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. black, This is an interesting query, the borders of mental space defined by clothing or environment. I think that the ritual of a Mistress shedding her street clothes and donning a leather outfit and thigh high boots is necessary in transitioning into the head space of being the dominant sexual predator. Without that ritual, perhaps the transition is less defined. As with subs, the ritual of entering "the cage" upon arrival at the Fortress, being guided down our dark, mysterious hallways, and ordered to remove all your clothing also aids in the transition of daily life to meat puppet. But when all those rituals are forgone, is the mental space as clearly defined? I have to say that for some of us, ie. Mistress Tran, being dominant is constant and immutable. She can dominate her way into an impenetrable ostrich egg. And then for some others, like myself, who switch more often, the borders are subject to morph into interesting, less restricted areas.
  2. Hi woffy! Just sending you a friendly little tap. On your butt.

    1. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Thank You, Mistress Zhao. Having my butt turned red by your beautiful hand makes me quiver. With your permission, I'd like to celebrate my (our) birthday under your supervision again.

    2. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      I can't think of a better way to spend our birthday!

    3. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      Looking forward to it.

  3. Yup. I'd love to hold a contest for the biggest slut!
  4. Given that both of us have an undeniable sweet side, sometimes people try to take advantage of our kindness. So we've both developed a rather sizable mean streak, which includes being strict, demanding, unyielding and unforgiving Why don't you see both of us at the same time and be your own judge?
  5. I think I identify with you, Mistress Sunya. In my youth I've always been the bossypants when it comes to boys, and it was never really in my interest to dominate girls. But being a petite girl, I honed my skills to a finer, more subtle form of beguiling manipulation, where I didn't have to do much "bossing". Eventually, every boy that I liked, and even some that I didn't, had at some point worn mascara and lip gloss. As for fetishes go, I'm not really sure where the point of origin my hand fetish developed. Perhaps it was something that was always within me, but I had to grow into its recognition and acceptance. But it's a rather fussy fetish at times, and when guys offer to send me pics of their hands, I usually decline. Disembodied hands just don't do it for me, they have to belong to someone I find somewhat attractive.
  6. All three of you are on all fours, tongues hanging, tails wagging. And I am walking around to each one of you and petting your on your head. Good boy.
  7. I think we should take turns handling it. The more it's exercised, the tougher it will get!
  8. A gentle heart! How sweet!! In the case of the gentle-hearted, you'll need a Mistress that can toughen you up a bit Do you have any specific interests?
  9. About time! Although I'm not a huge fan of the term "chicks" in reference to females. The signs almost seem like a juvenile douchebag inside joke
  10. Hahahaha I DEFINITELY remember that moment of sisterly bonding. I believe it really did bring us closer. It's not every day that your boss shaves your cooch! One of my favorite sensations is when one of us spots a long strand of raven hair sandwiched between another's cheeks, and slowly pulls it out. It's literally like having your butt flossed, and such a strange but pleasing sensation!
  11. Usually everybody is barefoot, even whoever is manning the phones. It doesn't make sense to wear shoes when we can be more comfortable airing out our tender feet that walk the city all day long. Just yesterday, Mistress Choi and I had a session where I got to examine her adorable little toes closely, accusing her of only having one knuckle on the tiniest of her toes (all but the big toe). They are also very flexible and so cute when they curl up as you try to tickle them. As I type this post, I am sitting at my desk, and you guessed it, barefoot I think most of us prefer to be barefoot, or even unfettered by clothing in general.
  12. LOL! I like to refer to Peaches for all variations of nicknames [media=] [/media]
  13. That makes me very happy to hear! Learning is what keeps us young
  14. There should definitely be a "dental" option on that wheel!
  15. I certainly hope so! We've only been acquainted on the forum for a few years! Luckily, my mother has given up on seeing me wedded to some doctor or lawyer, maybe because she doesn't really know what my truest desires are and wouldn't want to force hers onto me. She's pretty great like that The first name that popped into my head was Freya, Goddess of love, sexuality, fertility and battle. She must be the 'fair' in the saying "All's fair in love and war"
  16. Shave all your body hair and clean out your orifices. You can be a nice blank slate for us to make our marks upon. And store our toys in.
  17. Your posting made a complete ouroboros. I don't even need to say anything.
  18. Just for shits and giggles, I asked my mother, "How would you feel if I moved to Amsterdam and became a prostitute?" She said, "I'd feel pity and sadness for your soul" so I decided not to tell her about my actual occupation. The idea of "50 Shades" would never enter her mind, let alone her stratosphere. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
  19. Next time, and there will be a next time, I will go sans mother. I expect an old style viking ship with European slaves manning the oars, wearing only the tiniest sliver of loincloth.
  20. Brutus! How fun for you! I have no suggestions, but enjoy the fresh air and pure food. I do enjoy Europe so much, hopefully you will too Nope, only facist ones. You're right, I just didn't want to get into it with my mother there and all.. I haven't seen Hit & Run, but putting it on my "to see" list now
  21. Hi all youSchweinehund! I have returned from my no-so leisurely holiday in Europe, cruising the Danube, Mainz, and Rhein rivers. We started off in Vienna, Austria, moving through lovely quiet provincial towns in Germany, eventually floating to more urban areas including Heidelberg, Cologne, and finally ending in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The company of the ship was very interesting. I was with my mother and about 100 other retired Americans. Gaping generation gap aside, I also had to maintain a constant vanilla facade 24/7 for about 15 days. That was about as draining as trying to keep a water balloon from bursting while still filling it! With oatmeal!! It was already apparent that I was the youngest person on the ship, but also (most definitely secretly) the most perverted. And venturing through parts of Germany, my imagination ran wild with all the sadistic facist torture methods I could've implemented on my lovely subs, but no one to share these ideas with!! FOLTER!!! Well, needless to say, I am VERY glad to back in my own universe of perversity and sadism. xx
  22. Ooo I hope it involves throwing knives to select the unfortunate method of torture!
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