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Mistress Zhao

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Everything posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. Like a hole in the head!! I prefer burly intellectuals with gentlemanly traits...geeks are too easy <wink, wink>
  2. Brings new meaning to 'watersports' But what's a wet session without a little fear and torture...waterboarding for one!
  3. Using nouns as verbs scores big in my book. I'd be thrilled to Dexter you, or even Manson you! Please share JJ. I have yet to peg you, Bradley. But oh, what a joy it will be to hear your falsetto
  4. Showering is so much more fun with a partner!
  5. Bradley, I think these limericks lose their lyrical quality in writing. It would be so much more entertaining if you'd perform them for me. In full limerick regalia (a hat with a giant feather). Wouldn't you agree?
  6. I've been collecting household cleaning implements. And school supplies, and random sticks off the street...
  7. LOL!! "Wow, it really sucks!" .. and the outtakes How bored must you be to make this video? Edgar, I save the yellows to make special con'cock'tions
  8. There have been a few lucky subs who have indeed seen the beguiling Mistress Koi. If you can solicit a few words from them, you'll at least have a tiny mental peek into what you're missing!
  9. Setting out a place setting for me. Laying you down on the medical table, fully immobilized and strapped, possibly even blindfolded depending on how easily you faint at the sight of your own blood. The rest you'll have to find out for yourself.
  10. Dangerous territory, mesukran! But it's way more fun on this side of the fence! Since we have *unlimited* potential with you, I'd like to ask you a very personal question.. What's your worst fear?
  11. Hi Phred! Just saw your "about me" blurb...good job. You get a gold star (carved into your bum) :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phred


      I have learned and experienced so much from you, and I am deeply in your debt. I can't wait for our next session, I'll be sending an email to booking soon. I miss you!

    3. Phred


      Just like I said at our last session - I can't believe the level of play I'm at now, and I can't even fathom where I will likely wind up 1 year from now.

    4. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Like you said, it IS the end. And what an end you'll have! ;)

  12. What an excellent idea Johnny!!! But I'd still put you in a dress. Perhaps even a wedding dress. And the tarantula would wear a bow tie and top hat
  13. The more I think about Bond, the more I understand your relation to him. He seems to be in control all the time, but there are moments in his films where he clearly is not. And although he's caught in a seeming death trap between some gorgeous woman's clutches, he's also scheming as he feigns (or experiences actual) enjoyment. What fun power play!
  14. You're going to let us hook electrodes/electricity to all your limbs and make you dance and everlasting jig for us?
  15. Thanks for the sweet review, Dutchie. I do hope to get to play with you again soon! Did you have a favorite part of our session?
  16. Are you going to tell us what that surprise is now? Or do we have to wait until you come back?! Anus sounds so..ew. How about derriere, or even bum?
  17. It's true. We're ladies. And we are polite. But I don't think we're too polite. I have to say that perhaps the backlash you're hoping for is more like the proverbial "ignore" button. And what's annoying isn't that you're too sympathetic, it's everything else
  18. Hey Bradley, Thanks for being so candid and open with your story. I find that a lot of people have such events of dysfunction and woe in their past, and so having shame about it is a waste of energy. It's great that you've embraced your own duality (leader/follower) and you make it work for you. It's super important for that kind of balance to be a part of life. xx
  19. The storm unintentionally provided a mini vacation. I stayed in, watched movies, made soup, pet my kitty.... My area of Brooklyn was completely unscathed. I think some trash blew down the street but there was no flooding or power outage. But now, my spanking hand has a mad itch. I mean a MAD ITCH.
  20. Johnny, I quite enjoy your posts that have to do with paranormal events in your life, and seeing as how you seem to attract the, you could really even start a blog of your own about it! I would be your #1 reader Being a major fan of the everything you mentioned, I've been told that some of my posts scare people away. I guess I take it to the extreme sometimes, for the sake of my own amusement. But reigning my own darkness in is like only looking into half a mirror. As grim as your belief concerning God from the Bible is, I have to disagree with most of it. But ultimately, your belief is your reality, so mote it be. I'm proudly pagan, and as much as I believe in a universal force, I do not believe it is malevolent or tricky. and Spankbri, for once, your sympathetic view is refreshing. We are all indeed oddballs in this world. With the wonderful internet, now we can share all of our oddball details and not feel so alone. I count that as one of the biggest blessings of modern technology, the removal of totally isolating viewpoints.
  21. I love the Femdomopoly! Ooo wouldn't it be fun if it was also made into a Twister board, that way we can contort the sub into all sorts of impossibly pretzely shapes as he marks his own ill-fate with his own hands and feet!
  22. Devil music is the only music for me [media=] [/media]
  23. Two words: BARBIE CLOTHES And if I could get you to shrink down to finger size..well...I'll just let you use your imagination with that one
  24. Robbie!! I haven't heard from you in a long time, but apparently you're still active on the forum. How are you?

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